All Chapters of Married To My Billionaire Secret Admirer : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
21 Chapters
Family Trouble
After the outburst from Kingston's grandmother, everyone suddenly seemed to start walking on eggshells. That just proved how powerful she was as the elder of the house. While I am standing outside looking at the sky, Prince walks over to me knowing that was the only time he was going to get “I am so sorry for what happened. I didn't know that my wife and King was going to take it the wrong way." Prince said making me shake my head. “ There is no need for you to apologize. In fact I should be thanking you. You're the only one that remembered that I am allergic to shrimp. But you heard your grandmother. You and Kingston should respect yourselves." I said folding my arm. " I don't mind getting along with Kingston. But I am afraid that he might be too possessive. Does he hurt you at all?” Prince asked making me stunned. “ Hurt me? Of course not. He is the father of my child. We are in love, why should he hurt me?” I asked glaring at Prince. It was obvious what he wanted. He wanted to
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Family Trouble (2)
“No." I said adamantly as I dragged my Aunt's hand trying to get her out of the gate. “ I'm very grateful for everything you have done for me but you cannot stay with me. I won't allow it. If you need some money, I can send you some later." I said pushing out of the gate despite her resistance. Once she's out of the house, I head back to sleep thinking that she would be gone by the time I woke up. To my surprise, I walk down the stairs the next day to see her sitting down in the living room with Kingston's grandmother. Gasping in shock as I walked down, I moved closer to see if I was really sleeping or not. “ Alexa, is it true that you left your Aunt outside all night? What were you thinking?" Kingston's grandmother asked staring at me as if I am the biggest disappointment in the world. “Aunt, I thought you went back. I told you to go back. What are you doing here?" I asked trying to grab her hand once more but my Aunt easily dodges me. " I'm not living. I don't have a place to sta
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Another Dead End
Heading to work with Princeton, the tension in the car becomes unbearable making me wish we arrive there sooner. Once the car stops, I reach for the door about to open it when Princeton stops me. “ Let me do it." Princeton said reaching for my hand. Staying still as he helps me open the door, I can't help but remember the good old days when we used to be together. Was this another one of his plans? I knew Prince to be very cunning and ambitious at times. He was the type of person who was ready to do anything to get what he wanted. “ This is Alexa. She will be my personal assistant and will be working under me from now on. I hope that all of you can get along. Right now we need all the help. We can get and Alexa is really smart.” Princeton said smiling as he introduced me. He knew exactly what he was doing. Since his grandmother had already warned me about revealing my identity, I couldn't clear things up and reveal that I was just his sister-in-law. But it was okay. Even if I didn
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A Wild Secretary
Rushing out of the room, I head over to Shawn's room to take a good look at him. The nanny was right. Shawn was not breathing. Letting the anxiety get to my head, I rush down the stairs almost screaming. Spotting me carrying Shawn, Prince rushed over to me. “What's wrong, Alexa? Is Shawn okay?" Prince asked taking Shawn from my hand. Helping me into his car, Prince rushed us to the hospital. While I am pacing about anxiously, Prince heads out to get some things that Shawn might need. He was an asshole. He might be the man that had betrayed me but he was here when my child needed him the most. Meanwhile, the baby's real father was drunk instead. “ Don't worry about anything. He will be fine, Lexie.” Prince said holding my hand in his. Staying with me the entire night, Prince and I returned back to the house in the morning. By the time we arrived back to the house, everyone was already awake staring at us. Watching Prince's mother walk up to me, I can tell what she is going to do al
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A Wild Secretary (2)
Prince held onto me tightly, his grip firm as he forced me to face Kingston. I was both disappointed and angry because I realized that Prince was right again, and I was the fool. My heart was racing, and my mind was swirling with a mixture of emotions as I struggled to break free from his grasp. When I finally succeeded, I turned to face King."This isn't what it looks like, Alexa," Kingston said, his voice strained as he attempted to defend himself. But I raised my hand to stop him."It seems like you're busy. We'll come back another time," I said, my tone icy as I took Prince's hand and left the room.As we headed to the elevator, I pressed the button, my heart pounding as I hoped that the doors would open before Kingston caught up with us. However, just as I was about to step inside, someone grabbed my hand, causing me to stop."Let me explain," Kingston said, panting as he looked at me, his eyes pleading for me to hear him out. "Her forehead was injured, and all I did was help her
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Hidden Family Secret
Getting up from my Aunt's bed, I stare at her feeling so much disappointment that it leaves me speechless. It was impossible. My mother-in-law would never cheat on her husband. I believe that this only happens in normal households like mine. My mother had cheated on my father because he couldn't provide a better life for her. In return, my father killed my mother and committed suicide. There always had to be a reason. “ I can't believe you. Is this what you spend your time doing all day? Gossiping? It's impossible that King's mother would be having an affair.” I said defending her even though we didn't get along at all. "Alexa, I am telling you the truth. Do I look like someone who would lie about this sort of thing? I saw them. They were together in the parking lot downstairs ” My Aunt said trying hard to convince me. However, I couldn't just buy it at all. “ Did you see them holding hands or something? Were they kissing?" I asked folding my arms. " They weren't but, they were a
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A Tempting VP
As the first rays of sunlight hit my face, I slowly opened my eyes, feeling a bit sleepy. However, the brightness of the light became intense and disturbed my slumber. Trying to adjust to the sudden light, I realized that I had spent the night at the office. The sound of people whispering nearby caught my attention, making me curious about what was going on.As I listened closely, I heard them talking about me. They seemed surprised that I was still there, and their hushed tones made me feel uncomfortable. Sitting up, I looked around for King, who had been my knight in shining armor this time. He had not slept at all, and I felt guilty for keeping him up."King," he said as he entered the room and saw a huge number of people there.Stunned by the fact that he had called my name, everyone turned around to face King, who was carrying Shawn in his arms. Shawn's adorable eyes lit up immediately after he saw me, making me smile while my colleagues focused on King. Looking at King, I could
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A Tempting Husband
As the meeting took off, tension filled the room. The directors and shareholders gathered, and everyone was eager to hear the proposals from King and Prince. Unfortunately, I wasn't there to witness it firsthand. I had to stay back because of Prince. But, thanks to my colleague, who kept me updated via video call, I didn't miss a thing.King's father, the CEO, opened the meeting with a stern look. "Have you two prepared your materials? This is very important, so please take it seriously," he said, directing his gaze towards King. I could sense that he had high hopes for his son's proposal.King's team was the first to present their proposal, and I was confident that they would impress everyone. After all, I had stayed up all night helping King make adjustments to the design. But as I watched from my phone, Prince sat calmly, his face giving nothing away. I felt uneasy because I knew that Prince was notorious for pulling surprises.The room erupted in applause as King finished his pres
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Secrets And Trouble
“What are you talking about? How can I still be in love with Prince? Do you hear yourself?" I asked pushing him away so that I could find a way to escape. Placing my earrings on the table, I turned around trying to leave the room when King grabbed me pinning me against the door. “ Then why did you help him with his proposal too? Did he force you to do so? Leave his side and come work with me. I will talk to Grandmother so don't worry.” King said leaving me speechless for a second. “ I can't do that. If I come and work with you, everyone will discover that we are married. Don't talk nonsense, sweetheart.” I said wrapping my hand around his neck as I kissed him deeply before running out of the room. Heading downstairs, I opened the door to check if my Aunt would be hanging around outside the gate. However, to my surprise, she had completely vanished in such a short amount of time making me worried. My Aunt didn't have a place to live in so where could she have gone to? “ I can't fi
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Power Of The Rich
I had never seen King get that angry before. He didn't raise his voice or anything yet I could see it. Watching him push Victoria and his mother out of our room, King closed the door slamming it hard before coming back to sit on the bed. “ I swear I didn't do it. How can I be so audacious as to steal company funds? I'm just Prince's secretary. This must have something to do with Prince. I'm sure that someone came here and stole the papers I got for your grandmother.” I said running my hands through my hair without realizing I had confessed everything. “Grandma asked you to bring those documents?" King asked making me pause. Having no other option, I decided to tell King the truth. It was a win-win deal for both of us so I hoped he wasn't going to scold me too much. He had repeatedly asked me not to meddle or cause trouble but I didn't listen. Now, I had been set up because of it. While both of us are searching for the documents that I had left on the dresser before, someone knocks
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