All Chapters of Two Mates and A Descendant : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
137 Chapters
Chapter 111
HAZELI wake up to the sound of frantic footsteps and hushed whispers outside my door. Something is wrong. I can feel it in the air. I sit up in bed, my heart pounding. Arnold and Ethan are already up, speaking in low voices by the window. “What’s going on?” I ask, my voice still groggy from sleep. Arnold turns to me, his face serious. “There’s a disease outbreak, Hazel. People are getting sick.” My heart sinks. “How bad is it? And overnight too?” Ethan steps forward, his eyes filled with worry. “It’s spreading quickly. We’ve already lost a few people. The healers are doing everything they can, but they’re overwhelmed.” I feel a wave of fear wash over me. “What can we do?”Arnold walks over and takes my hand. “For now, you need to stay inside. We can’t risk you getting sick too.” I nod, understanding their concern but feeling helpless. “What about you two? You’re going to be out there with the people, aren’t you?” Ethan smiles reassuringly. “We’ll be careful. We
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Chapter 112
HAZELI am walking around town outside the palace, enjoying the cheerful atmosphere. The children are playing in the streets, and their laughter fills the air. I have a bag of candy with me, and I start handing it out to the kids who gather around me, their faces lighting up with joy. “Thank you, Princess Hazel!” One of the little girls says, hugging me. “You’re welcome, sweetie!” I reply, smiling warmly at her. Suddenly, the sky darkens, and a large thunderstorm comes out of nowhere. The first raindrops hit the ground, and I feel a chill run down my spine. I look up, worried. “Everyone, inside! Quickly!” I shout, trying to usher the kids into the nearest building. The rain starts pouring heavily, and I notice some people getting hit by it. To my horror, they collapse instantly, lifeless. “No! What’s happening?” I cry out, panic rising in my chest. I grab the children and push them inside, my heart pounding with fear. The rain seems deadly, and I can’t understand what’s g
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Chapter 113
HAZELI am pacing again. I need to stop, but each time I do, I seem to unknowingly pick it back up. But how can I not with all the bad things happening around? Things aren’t looking right at the moment, and there is nothing that I can do to help at the moment. What kind of queen am I if I can’t even begin to brainstorm or offer solutions? Do I even deserve to have this title? “Your majesty, please sit down. You’ve been walking around for so long, and the doctor has said that your rest is very important.” One of my maids say to me and I shake my head. “I won’t break down if I just walk around for a bit. People have died, and it is worrisome.” I reply, and she nods. “Yes, but you might harm yourself and your child. Please take a seat. Should I fetch one of the kings?” The maid gets up from where she sat on the ground, cleaning something off. I think about it for a while. There’s no question about it, I love to be with my mates, but is it really wise? They’ve worried about me
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Chapter 114
ETHANI can tell Arnold and I are at our breaking points. The stress is getting to both of us, and it's showing in our tempers. When Arnold suggested taking a break and spending some time in our man cave, I agreed without thinking twice. We both need to unwind and clear our minds. We head down to the man cave, a place we created for moments just like this. It's a place where we can just relax and forget about the troubles of our kingdom, even if only for a little while. The room is filled with everything we love, which includes a pool table, a foosball table, and a large screen for gaming. “How about a game of pool?” Arnold suggests, grabbing a cue stick. “Sounds good to me.” I reply him, trying to force a smile as I grabbed another stick. “We could both use the distraction.” We start playing, and the familiar click click of the balls provides some kind of relief as the sound it itches my brain in a good way. For a few minutes, we are just brothers again, not kings burdened w
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Chapter 115
ETHAN“I know.” I say softly. “But this is the best way to keep you safe. And we'll keep you informed about everything that's happening. You won't be out of the loop.” Hazel looks down, clearly struggling with the decision. “Where would I go?” “We have a safe house in the mountains.” Arnold explains. “It's secluded and well guarded. You'll be safe there.” Hazel nods slowly, still looking uncertain. “I trust you both. If you think this is best, I'll go.” “Thank you.” Arnold says, pulling her into a hug. “We'll make all the arrangements. You'll be safe, and we'll get through this together.” I join the hug, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. It's not an easy decision, but it's the right one. We need to keep Hazel safe, no matter what. As we pull back, Hazel gives us a determined look. “Just promise me you'll find out what's causing this and put a stop to it.” “We promise.” I say firmly. “We'll do everything in our power to end this.” With that, we start ma
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Chapter 116
HAZELI sit in my room, staring out the window at the sun setting over our kingdom. The sky is a brilliant mix of oranges, pinks, and purples, and I would have appreciated it under normal circumstances, but there were pressing issues. This illness sweeping through our people is unlike anything we've seen before. The anxiety was deafening, not just for the kingdom but for our child growing inside me. A soft knock on the door pulls me from my thoughts. It's Ethan and Arnold. They enter, their faces looking a mixture of emotions. I can tell immediately that something is wrong or strange somewhere. "Hey, you two," I say, trying to sound cheerful despite the weird energy in the room. "How was your day?" Ethan tries to smile, but it doesn't reach his eyes. I wonder what must have happened. "It was good. We played a game in the man cave. We needed the break." Arnold sits beside me, taking my hand. "Yeah. But we need to talk to you about something important." My heart sinks. "What is
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Chapter 117
HAZEL I sit in the car, feeling the rumble of the engine beneath me. The guards surround me, their faces tense and alert. The sun is just rising, casting long shadows across the road as we leave the palace behind. I can't help but feel a heavy sadness in my chest. I don't want to leave, but I know I must. I look out the window, watching the familiar landscape pass by. The fields, the trees, the little stream that runs through our kingdom, all of it looks so peaceful. But I know it's just an illusion. Danger lurks everywhere now. One of the guards, a young man named Tom, tries to make small talk. "We'll be there soon, Your Highness. The safe house is very secure." I nod, not really in the mood to chat. "Thanks, Tom. I just... I wish it didn't have to be this way." He gives me a sympathetic smile. “We all do, ma'am. But your safety is the most important thing right now." I sigh and look down at my hands resting on my belly. I can feel the baby moving, a little re
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Chapter 118
ARNOLDI pace the length of the room, my mind racing. Hazel should have reached the safe house by now, but there was no correspondence on the machine yet. My stomach churns with worry. I look at Ethan, who sits by the window, staring out at the darkening sky. His face mirrors mine, full of anxiety. “Any word yet?” I ask, my voice tight with tension. Ethan shakes his head. “Nothing. It's been too long, Arnold. Something's wrong.” Just then, a messenger bursts through the door, his face pale. “Sir, there's been a problem.” My heart stops. “Who do you think you are to burst in here like that, and what is it?” “The safe house... her majesty never arrived. There's no sign of her or the guards.” The room spins, and I grab the back of a chair to steady myself. “What? Send out men to search the route. Now.” I beak at my guards and they all run to do their duties. The messenger also nods and rushes off. I turn to Ethan, my eyes wide. “What have we done? We should ha
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Chapter 119
ARNOLDEthan’s eyes soften, but his resolve remains firm. “I know, brother. But we have responsibilities. We can't abandon our people. We'll continue the search, but we must lead from the palace.” I nod reluctantly, knowing he's right. “Fine. But the moment we get any word, we’re leaving everything and coming back here.” Ethan agrees, and we prepare to leave, our hearts heavy with worry and guilt. We ride back to the palace in silence, each lost in our thoughts.- Back at the palace, we attend the council meeting, but our minds are elsewhere. The council members discuss various issues, but all I can think about is Hazel. The fear for her safety consumes me. “Your Majesty, what do you think of the new trade agreement?” One of the council members asks, snapping me back to the present. I glare at him, my patience wearing thin. “Do whatever you think is best.” I snap, my tone harsher than intended. Ethan tries to intervene, his voice calm but strained. “Let’s stay fo
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Chapter 120
ETHAN I go into my brother’s room, the weight of the worry still heavy on my shoulders. Arnold stands by the table, his brow bent in deep thought. I can tell something's bothering him, even from across the room. “What's on your mind, brother?” I ask, trying to lighten the mood. Arnold looks up, his expression grave. “We need to talk.” I approach him with concern. “Uh-oh. What's going on?” He leans in close, his voice low. “I overheard Frederick talking. He wants to bring us down.” I raise an eyebrow, trying to hide my surprise. “Frederick? That old snake? What's he up to now?” Arnold sighs, running a hand through his hair. “He thinks we're unstable, a threat to the kingdom. He's planning something, Ethan.” I place a hand on his shoulder. “Don't worry, Arnold. Frederick's bark is worse than his bite. We'll handle him, like we always do. We should send him away for good this time.” Arnold nods, but I can see the worry lingering in his eyes. I decide t
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