All Chapters of OWNED BY THE MAFIA'S BOSS : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
60 Chapters
She had to do something, she couldn't just sit still in his lap like this. With that thought in mind, Sara tried to get off his lap glaring at him when he stopped her.The nerve of this man! He was forcimg her to sit on his lap like this so what was he going to do next, force her to have sex?She blushed and cursed herself for her train of thoughts wriggling on his lap so he'd let her go."I wouldn't do that if I were you darling, it's dangerous."She ignored him as she placed both of her hands on his his trying to loosen his grip on her waist. "Let go off me, you can't keep me here against my will; this is rape!" She screamed and to her horror and utter embarrassment, he laughed.A full fledged belly laugh that had his body vibrating and caused her to shiver because it was doing strange things to her.Why did he have such an effect on her? She wondered as she resumed her struggling. All he ever had to do was touch her or move closer to her and her breath caught, her temperature would
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'Are you deaf?' She wanted to ask and bit her lip.Sara sent him a death glare that would have sent him 6feets under if only looks could kill a person. "Let me go."Her glare didn't faze him, intact it had the opposite effect on bim. Adrain laughed shook his head at her expression. Had she meant to scare him off?"No I can't do that dear, I have not given pleasure yet and I have to make sure you're satisfied before I let you go.""I don't want pleasure, I just want to go to my room." She said and he laughed pinching her nippleSara sighed while maintaining eye contact with him. She didn't want him thinking he affected her, even though he did. "Let me go.""Touch yourself for me." He pleaded staring up at her with hooded eyes and for a moment, Sara found herself lost in those eyes.The moment was lost and she looked away not willing to succumb to his blackmail. "No.""Come on, I'll show you." He promised his hands rearing dangerously close to her pussy and Sara clenched it unconsciousl
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Adrain looked up and saw his father wrestling with the bodyguards to get into his office. He frowned wondering why he had come."We couldn't stop him sir." Two of bodyguards walked behind his fuming father apologetic.He ran his hands through his hair and dismissed them staring at his father, a hard look on his face. "What do you want? I'm not in the mood to fight." Having conversations with his father always signified war to the older man. He'd bark out an order as he always did and Adrain being a boss in his own right would disagree. Bryce would get offended and shout...more orders, shouts...the drama was never ending between them. "So you should leave."Adrain turned back to the files he had been reviewing, ignoring his father who was standing there jaws and fists clenched. He was obviously feeling disrespected but Adrian could care less."Is that anyway to talk to your father?" Bryce asked speaking for the first time since he walked into the office.Adrain ignored him not looking
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Mia didn't believe a word Sara said. Sara avoided her gaze and closed her book staring at her feet.What was this feeling? Did it even have a name? Why was her brain processing the events of last night faster than before? And why had it choosen now to do it?She was already so behind on all her projects. She had been unable to concentrate while working on her mock trials. She had gotten an earful from Jesse because of it and now this!'Please stop...'' she muttered under her breath nearly close to tears. She has never felt so embarrassed in her life and not even when she had fingered herself in front of Adrain had she felt this way because at least then she had been unconscious and unaware."Jesse, I think Sara is really sick." Lia, the girl sitting by her right-hand side said and everyone's attention fell on her."I noticed something too but I think she didn't say anything because she was embarrassed after Jesse scolded her earlier. Please release her to go home.""Sara?"Sara recogn
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Sara groaned and rolled on her side opening her eyes. She froze when her legs hit something hard. Turning her eyes to look, she gasped staring down at Adrain naked chest. The rest of him was hidden underneath the duvet.She averted her eyes immediately and huffed as her heartbeat picked up speed. No, this couldn't be happening. She couldn't have... what had she done?She placed her hands on her chest as if to stop her heart from racing and cried in alarm when she found that her shirt was gone.She was sure she'd been wearing a shirt last night before she left her room. She couldn't have been so blinded with concern for him that she'd have forgotten to put a shirt on.Where was it?She rose to her feet hastily grateful that Adrain was still fast asleep and scanned the room for her clothes. Nobody could find her here, absolutely no one.She grunted as her breasts touched the cold floor and hugged them warming her nipples with her fingers.She squatted and looked under the bed gritting h
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"I have raised Adrain from when he was just a little boy." The older woman responsed dropping the vase on the table. "Please come over here my child." Sara nodded and walked over to her. Rose pushed aside some flowers and smiled down at Sara."I remember that first time I set my eyes on the young Adrain." Sara picked on flower unconsciously and started playing with it as she listened."I thought he was the most handsome young lad I had even seen." She continues and Sara tried to imagine it. She groaned when she came up with nothing and looked to the housekeeper for help. "Rose, tell me what he looked like, oh please."Rose chuckled and sat down on the arm of the chair. She moved the rest of the flowers to the table and placed her hands on Sara's shoulders smiling down at her. "He was abit too tall for his age, skinny, but he had-still has-a good heart. He was so polite towards me and I never had to scold him for any reason even though his father claimed I had spoilt him in the little
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Sara wasn't in mood for his drama and his games. She wanted a peaceful night rest without him getting in way. She didn't owe him any explanation as to where she had been. If he'd cared so much, where weren't the cops there? "Where is Rose?"“ she asked clearing her throat and avoiding his face. She walked up to the dining table and eyed the plate of food."Sit down and have dinner with me." Adrain ordered, his voice low and yet made her stomach tingle or perhaps it was the mention of food.Sara remembered her mother's teaching on food and how they should be treated. She couldn't stand Adrain yes, but she couldn't disrespect food by not eating it. It would only spoil if she left it.Besides, Sara thought as she took the chair opposite him, she was hungry. Doughnuts and sausages were delicious but they were not filling.Sara remembered their first meeting at the church as she took her seat and she avoided his eyes. She thought of his ex and wondered what the woman must think.Adrain not
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Sara was lost in the feeling of his tongue at her neck that she didn't realize when her bra came off until his fingers tugged her free nipples.Air touched her Tait nipples and she gasped bucking from the couch.She gasped when he pinched her nipples and let out a moan as he brought his hot mouth to her breast.She pulled away when he captured her breast in his mouth and she felt her pussy clench in desire.Adrain tightened his hold on her and pulled her back towards him as his mouth sucked her nipple in, biting and nibbling it with his teeth."Adrain..." Sara gasped as he bit her breast again. He was doing too many things to her and she had lost count.His name was a plea on her lips as she trashed against him. Her whole body was on fire and she wasn't resisting him any longer.She briefly remembered their moment last night and withdrew when she remembered what he had told her while they had been in a similar position.'Don't think I'm doing this because I love you or care about you.
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"I think I'll claim your right leg as a punishing for disobeying my rules and coming to my room without my permission." He slapped the inside of her right thigh twice and then placed his mouth on it.Sara made a sound in the back of her throat as Adrain bit the inside of her right thigh. She looked down and gasped when she saw him tracing the bite mark with her tongue. How was she supposed to look in the mirror tomorrow? Her whole body was covered in bite marks all thanks to Adrain. She would be stuck wearing long sleeved shirts until the marks somehow left.She was brought back to the present when Adrian kissed the inside of her thigh close to her pussy. Sara arched her hips forward and thrust her pussy in his face begging him silently to touch her there.Adrain watched her in amusement loving how responsive she was with him. She wasn't hiding anything. With him, she let out her moans freely, her grunts, she even took what she wanted and was fiesty as hell. Maybe she deserved a rewa
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"What was that?" Adrain asked as he walked back towards her.Sara gulped as she watched him rolling up the sleeves of his shirt. She was in so much trouble and all because she couldn't tell him what she had been thinking about.Why did the thought of more trouble make her pussy clench?"I mean I would make myself cum sin.." Sara started to explain but she was cut off.Adrain raised his hand and slapped her ass cheeks, the sound resounding through the entire house.Sara gasped and moaned stretching herself so she could touch the spot. Her hands were still tied so it was so difficult. The spot hurt alot but the pain was also giving her so much pleasure."Why did you blush Sara?"He was still on about that? Sara rolled her eyes and gasped as Adrian slapped her ass again, in the same spot as the last time."Don't roll your eyes at me." He commanded, his tone hard as he delivered two more slaps to her ass cheeks.Sara yelped and moaned trying to get away from him but still keeping her ass
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