All Chapters of Spade: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
173 Chapters
Chapter 91
Parking his car in front of the police station, looking out the car he could see the many police cars parked out, the streets were still as busy as always, with people going up and down, the scorching sun making some to hold umbrellas while others just walked under the sun regardless.He hated coming here, but this visit was long over due, he was supposed to have been here since last week but he kept postponing it and shifting the inevitable, not because he didn't want to but because he was trying to stall, so he could have more time with Nate.But now he didn't really have time, even if he wanted to, he had a lot on his plate to have to add the burden of caring about someone.He finally opened the car and stepped out, his eyes looking the building from top to bottom.His experience with the police has never been a pleasant one, hence why he hates them so much.It always left a sour memory in the back of his mind, making him remember a time he didn't want to remember.He sighed out, s
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Chapter 92
Maybe the voice was right Maybe that was all he was good for, being a puppet, a chew toy that could be discarded off anytime.He was beginning to think there was a connection between himself and Spade but he was wrong.The man was only around for as long as he proved useful, but the question was what exactly was he useful for, he hadn't even done anything for Spade, if it were to be considered, Spade was the one that had done something for him.It was making his head ache the more he thought about it.He'd seen Spade's car parked outside yesterday and today but when he asked Matteo, the blonde had told him Spade had gone out to settle some business.He'd asked the blonde if Spade was avoiding him but Matteo assured him that Spade was just very busy with a lot of things, things Matteo couldn't tell him, Spade was in a better position to explain it to him.He didn't even know why he was bothering himself about whether Spade was infact avoiding him or not, it's not like they had a thing
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Chapter 93
"I didn't say you could leave" Spade's voice stopped Nate dead in his tracks, he let out a deep sigh before he slowly turned around, Spade had moved closer to him, standing just a few feet away from him."I didn't think you want me here, seeing as you told everyone to tell me that you weren't in" Nate almost spat out, but he still had to play it smooth and calm, Spade just looked at him blankly, blinking his eyes slowly as he watched every word pour out of his mouth.Spade's silence only made Nate feel like he had to speak up, at least he deserved that much privilege, and if he walked out of here without telling Spade what was on his mind, he might never get a chance again."I don't think you know the true meaning of calling someone your friend, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't involve ghosting them, and avoiding them without giving them a reason" Nate rushed out, all in one breath, Spade still didn't react.With his hands still in his pocket, his face blank and his expression bored as
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Chapter 94
After dropping Nate off at home from work, Spade made his way to his own apartment to get ready for his dinner with Nate.He was feeling the sweet excitement of it deep inside his bone.He didn't think he could miss anything or anyone they way he'd missed Nate the past few days he had avoided Nate.He thought it'll help him, maybe stop the way he was feeling for the young man but it didn't.He walked up his door and when he tried to open his door, it was already open, making him to reach out for his gun behind his back, he pulled it out and slowly pushed the door open, it creaked a little before he stepped inside the house.The light was on, and he remembered turning it off before he left.He walked inside the house, there was no one in the living room, but his eyes darted through the living room, from the kitchen door to the bedroom corridor, he then stopped his eyes on the couch, seeing a suit jacket draped on the couch, he recognized it and immediately relaxed, shutting his eyes an
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Chapter 95
Arriving at the restaurant Spade picked for the dinner, Nate didn't expect anything less but that didn't mean he wasn't surprised.The restaurant was the typical billionaire, hot shot restaurant he always heard about.Rory's.He'd heard about it countless times, but he'd never had the luxury or privilege to eat there, it was a big and well known restaurant in the city, it was in the heart of the city, so they drove for a while before getting to it.He looked at Spade and the man had stopped the car already, taking off his seatbelt, Nate followed suit but Spade was quick to step out and open the door for him, he looked up at Spade and the man had a soft gaze in his eyes for Nate, urging him to step out.Not wanting to waste more time, he stepped out of the car, looking around the busy part of city, he'd never get used to seeing the busy streets of New York at night."Come on" Spade's voice broke his amusement sight seeing, as his eyes landed on Spade, he still could'nt get over the way
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Chapter 96
They both dived into eating without saying much to each other, and true to Spade's words, the food was good, infact more than good.By the time they had finished eating, Nate had already finished two glasses of the wine, while Spade was on his third, but unlike Nate, he was taking it slowly.The table was filled with half empty plates of food, Nate felt kind of full, thank God he didn't eat much before coming here."Are you okay"? Spade asked gently as he looked at Nate, the younger man just nodded before picking up the glass Spade just filled up for him and taking another mouthfulSpade smiled"If you're not planning on getting drunk, I'd suggest you slow down on the wine" he said teasingly, and Nate just dropped the glass, his cheeks going completely red again.This made Spade to chuckle lightly, he liked seeing that red on Nate's face.He wondered if he only had it when he was slightly embarrassed of a situation or if his cheeks also turned red when he was in the deep clutches of p
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Chapter 97
He eased his car at the front of the Nate's apartment building, after a long night of arguing with Nate all the way here.Drunk Nate was a fucking inquisitive Nate, and he was very stubborn.Spade had initially wanted to drive Nate to his own house, so he could keep an eye on him there but Nate refused, he kept blabbering about how he would feel more comfortable in his house, and how he didn't want Spade to maul him in his sleep, when Nate was drunk, he was fucking blunt.He looked at him, finally sighing out in relief that the young man had slept off, but to his surprise for the millionth time that night, Nate was wide awake.Spade let out a deep sigh before he unbuckled his own seatbelt, he opened the car door and stepped out, walking around to Nate's side of the car, he opened the door and ducked inside, undoing Nate's seatbelt, he pulled Nate out of the car gently, all the while trying to stop his nose from inhaling Nate's scent, because that would mess with his head and mind.He
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Chapter 98
Nate groaned out as he shifted himself on the bed, feeling the softness of the mattress against his back, he slowly turned his head, feeling the throbbing in his temple.He rubbed his eyes, everything felt hazy and achy, well mostly his head.He managed to peel his eyes open, thank God the room wasn't bright.He gently got up, adjusting his eye sight to the room, his eyes landed on the covers, and his bare body.Tiny bits and pieces from the previous night had started to surface in his mind, the more he tried to remember what happened, the more intense the ache in his head got.He gripped the sides of his head tight, shutting his eyes and grimacing.He remembered going out with Spade to the fancy restaurant for dinner, he even remembered some of the things that happened, like how he watched the night sky and the city from the huge glass window, he remembered drinking wine and Spade telling him to slow down, everything was just rushing in at once, interlaping with each other, making hi
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Chapter 99
Sitting down on his chair looking at Matteo, he drowned out everything the blonde was saying, letting his mind to travel far.His body was currently on the chair in front of Matteo but his mind had already gone on a long journey towards Nate.It had been six days since Nate had started avoiding him, giving him space while acting as if they never kissed.The longer Nate stayed away from him the harder it became for him to get used to.He didn't understand why Nate had liked about the kiss though.Did he perhaps regret it, or maybe he wasn't even in the slightest attracted to Spade, making Spade to doubt himself.So he was the one losing his mind, driving himself crazy over Nate, when in truth the young man didn't even feel anything for him It had been a one sided thing.He realized he was thinking of Nate too much, something he'd never done in the past, think about someone as much as this, especially when it came to emotions.Infact he'd never been stood up before, but Nate stood him
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Chapter 100
Stepping into the penthouse, Matteo turned on the lights, slowly peeling off the jacket he was wearing over the checkered shirt inside, he dropped it on the couch.He turned his neck round trying to ease it of the pain he was feeling, he'd been working non stop the whole week, infact since the Liam incident, he hasn't had a second to rest, he barely got six hours of sleep on a day.He was about to get himself a glass of water when he heard the doorbell go off, making him look at the door, scrunching his brows up, he wasn't expecting anyone.He heard it again, and almost groaned out, can't he just get at least 5 minutes of rest time from all the work.He walked stealthily towards the door, his hand grazing the pistol safely tucked away in the back of his pants, it could be anyone, he wouldn't be caught off guard.He looked through the small tiny hole at the middle of the door, hoping to see whoever was there but he didn't see anyone, making him all the more alert as he slowly turned th
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