All Chapters of Chained to the Billionaire: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
66 Chapters
Feeling the brutality and redness in Alexander's eyes, Bella pressed her lips under her teeth. It was certain that she would never understand the man whose soft eyes turned into hardness in an instant."You know more than me how much your grandparents care about you; they don't care about you, Bella."Alexander said it in a cold tone, moved away from him, and placed the cigarette on his lips."You are right; no one cares about me; I am just a necessity that will fulfill your needs at night. My work is over, so I should go now."Bella said it in a soft tone and started to wear Alexander's shirt lying beside her. She started to feel a strange pain from Alexander's changing form from moment to moment. Alexander grabbed her by the arm and threw her on the bed."Who gave you permission to wear this shirt?"Alexander took the shirt from his hand and threw it away."Did you feel close to me last night that you needed me?"Alexander asked in a cold voice, covering his mouth."Bella Alexander
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Bella was breathing deeply against his chest, her eyes closed; she was unable to move under Alexander's tight grip. Taking off the pins with one hand, he gently opened her hair. Bella's chocolate hair was scattered on her back.Bella took a deep breath as Alexander breathed in the scent of his hair. Feeling the pressure of his fiery hot hands on her stomach, which was increasing with each passing moment, she felt Alexander's lips on the side of her neck. Breathing stopped."Please."With his increasing boldness, Bella once again called the tyrant in whose prison her precious life was today. Alexander's face became angry at his repeated pleas, and his eyes turned red. Alexander pulled the back cord of her blouse open in one fell swoop. Before Bella could do anything for her safety, which was impossible today, Alexander laid her upside down on the bed, his passionate touch on her waist full of madness. He started to leave.Straightening Bella, Alexander pulled the pleat of her sari and
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Alexander was attending a very important meeting in the meeting room when Bella opened the door and entered the meeting room. Left, Alexander leaned back in a chair and calmly saw Bella, who was a flame in a red flowered long frock, staring at him with fiery eyes."You can all go..."He stared at Bella with cold eyes and addressed the meeting members seriously. They all looked at each other and left silently."I can ask what the method was; what is the reason for this ignorant behavior?"He leans back on the chair and takes a deep look at Bella, who is shining with no make-up in her loose hair, the faint undercurrent of breath adding to the charm of her beautiful features. She breathes deeply with a red face and her pink lips. She was trying to control her anger."Where were you last night?He asked Alexander, staring with sharp eyes."What kind of question is this???He raised his eyebrows and looked at Bella with questioning eyes."Oh, I seem to have asked you a very difficult quest
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"I don't have an answer to any of your questions; stay away from me; don't come near me."She screamed in a wet tone, the enticing scent of Alexander's body riding on her senses, making her weak now. She didn't want to shed tears in front of this oppressor; she never did. She ruthlessly wiped her tears away with her palm. Done, she was about to push Alexander away from her when he grabbed her by the arm and pushed her against the wall again."I told you that you can't even move from here without my will; where Alexander Shah is, you have no right to leave me alone. You have already tried to sign these papers once, if there is such a thing in the future. If you try, I will kill you."Alexander looked at him with piercing eyes and warned him coldly."They will keep me here without being related to me and being a captive of another woman's affections."Bella asked in a sarcastic tone."Who said that I can be apart from you or have ever been apart from you even for a moment? Alexander Sha
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The car entered a very large, posh area and stopped at a modern bungalow. Bella was shocked to see such a big bungalow that looked like a white palace, immersed in a mysterious silence. When the watchman opened the gate after blowing the horn, the tires of the car screeched on the long and bumpy pavement. Bella saw the beautiful lawn spread for many miles from the car, where pink and red roses were abundant.There were also small pink flowers on the thick trees in the lawn. On one side of the lawn, there was a small hut that was covered with pink flowers. On the other side, a waterfall was flowing, the water of which was falling into the fountain. There were also dancing lights that were pink, and there was a swing placed on one side that was pink in color. This lawn was so beautiful that I was amazed to see it.She understood why the pink color was so preferred. She saw a smiling Alexander, who was looking at her with deep eyes. So Bella held his hand firmly and took it towards the e
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"Hey, my beauty, open your eyes."Alexander said, gently running his fingers on her cheek. Bella opened her eyes with a beating heart."Shhh. Alexander, what is all this? I'm not ready for it yet."Bella said it with trembling lips."Why aren't you ready?"Alexander asked in a heavy voice while running his thumb on the nape of his neck."Chávez, we did not leave."Feeling the bold touch of his hands, she shuddered."The departure is done; now I want to have a grand reception tomorrow."Alexander gently placed his lips on her eyes, in which water and fear were simultaneously present."You know, the distance from you has become my life; now I can't watch over myself anymore; I can't oppress myself; if I get away from you even a little bit, I will die; go back to my room straight from here. Gee, we will have our reception tomorrow, and the whole world will know that Alexander Shah's modesty is done.Alexander kept his lips gently on the nape of her neck."But Alexander, he is my grandfat
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Alexander Harrison ran his hand through his thick hair rather anxiously towards the lawn, where the party was at its peak. More or less all the guests had arrived, including a large number of people from Alexander's relatives and business circles. Mehmet Harrison's brand was the most expensive brand in Turkey, many branches of which had opened in the country.Therefore, the number of guests was enough. Alexander's face showed a serious look of sadness and anxiety, which was reflected on Alexander's face by Bella's words and his attitude. He controlled his anxiety and moved towards the table where Grandma, Mrs. Harrison, and Jahangir were sitting.Alexander was busy talking when he saw Bella coming. Mehmet moved forward and put his lips on her forehead, took Bella in his arms, and walked towards his friends and acquaintances. He was taking Bella in the ring of his arm and making her the most intimate, a blue spotlight dancing only on Mehmet and Bella.Wherever they both went, the spotl
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When Alexander hit the table with a strong punch, the glasses placed on the table were overturned and shattered. He heard the voice clearly, and his heart started beating on his palm."Alexander, son, take control of yourself. After the party is over, they will solve this problem."The woman saw Alexander getting up and holding his wrist."What do you want me to be a silent spectator watching my wife wear a ring with someone else's name, sitting here and clapping? That's what you want."Alexander roared and hit another punch on the table. Mrs. Harrison and Hala Jahangir, along with the woman, also trembled at his roar; they had all seen Alexander so angry for the first time. He walked towards Mehmet and Bella, who were standing in the middle of the lawn. Eric was also standing there, holding the ring."Alexander, son, put your hand forward."Mehmet Harrison saw Bella standing there as a still statue and asked her to extend her hand. He had called her for the third time gently, but she was s
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As the car crossed the large gate of a modern hotel and entered, Bella saw the face of Alexander, who was biting his lip, where the blush of anger had increased."Why have you brought me here?"Seeing the car stop in front of the hotel, Bella asked while driving. He couldn't believe that Alexander said on the way that he had brought him here to the hotel to make his words come true, that is, to establish a relationship with him by force and dominate his body today. Will ruled; she was in a state of uncertainty."Today, if you stay here with me, then your grandparents will have a good idea of how deep our relationship is. By morning, they will be forced to think that you are not only my concubine but also my wife. All rights have been paid."He looked at Bella with angry eyes and said that he was horrified to see the maxi given by Eric on her body. He went into the room, and first of all, he intended to free Bella from this dress that was given to Alexander Harrison. It was stinging li
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This marriage is not only the bitter reality of his life; it has become a nightmare for him."What shame to my honor that you have made two whips in front of everyone; what to my feelings that you have trampled under your feet on the bridge; you know very well how much in possession I am of you, the dress sent by Eric. You never once thought about how you would feel about me while wearing it.Alexander asked a question in a slow voice, then Bella looked at him with a beating heart and a pale face, whose red eyes showed anxiety and the pain of a broken spirit. He tried to control his heartbeat; he could feel his heart beating out of his chest because of Alexander's fear. He now understood the reason for the coldness of Alexander's eyes. I was feeling down."Sha. Harrison. Alexander, that mom... I have this dress, this mom... Eric Nan didn't give it to me."Bella said, turning her tongue over her dry lips in fear."I wish it was true, Alexander. I wish you could say this without stutter
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