All Chapters of Betrothed To The Alpha King : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
100 Chapters
chapter 61
Tara comes to see me while I’m still changing out of my gown. She bursts into my dressing room and practically pushes Hannah down to get to me.I hold my injured arm out of the way, so she won’t accidentally bang into it when she collides with me and wraps me in a strong hug.“What happened to you?” she cries against my hair.How does she not know? It’s the whole reason she was—and Clare still is—under lock and key. “Nobody told you what was going on?”Tara steps back, shaking her head, eyes fixed on where my hand should be. “They said the king ordered further investigation of our husbands’ plot. What happened to your hand?”“An assassin bit it off,” I say, more concerned with what was going on while I recovered. Especially since Tara goes pale, clearly receiving this information for the very first time. “You had no idea I was attacked?”“No! And I don’t understand…how did an assassin bite your hand off?” She still can’t take her eyes from my bandaged stump. “How could anyone possibly
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chapter 62
I’m on the sofa in my office, my laptop on my chest, chin tucked down very attractively, I’m sure, when Nathan enters. He murmurs a dismissal to the guard at the door; Xiao hit her limit of work hours a while ago.“What are you doing?” he asks softly.“Watching a body language expert on YouTube.” I close the lid and precariously move the laptop to the floor. I can’t wait until my other arm isn’t so sore that I can’t use it to carry things. “Trying to learn how to catch liars.”Nathan is shirtless, wearing gray sweatpants, of all things. I assume that means he’s fresh out of bed with his mistress. Or, he didn’t get any and now he thinks those stupid gray sweatpants that are ridiculously flattering of the bulge region are going to tempt me.That’s not out of the question, as furious with him as I am.He comes to the sofa and lifts up my feet, putting them in his lap when he sits. “Do you think human psychology works on werewolves?”I raise an eyebrow. “I didn’t say I was going to use it
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chapter 63
I laugh in Nathan’s face.“I’m not joking.” He laughs, but not in disbelief. He’s overjoyed.“Right.” I’m not falling for it. “You can’t possibly tell that from some pussy juice.”He arches an eyebrow. “I’m more than willing to check again.”I smack his shoulder. “Be serious!”“I am being serious. Bailey, I know you inside and out, physically. You smell different, you taste different,” he holds up his hands to indicate his helplessness. “I wouldn’t joke about something I want so badly.”That’s a good point. Nathan does want an heir. It doesn’t seem like something he would joke about.But I can’t get my head around it. Not just the part where he can tell from the way I taste, but the fact that he noticed before I did. That he noticed something the thralls didn’t even notice. “They did surgery on me, though. They must have tested me.”“It would have been too soon to tell,” he reminds me. “You were attacked the morning after the last time we had sex.”He’s right. That would have been way
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chapter 64
Despite Nathan’s insistence to the contrary, I want to see Clare.I have to see her.Nathan tells me firmly that he’s going with me, if only on the car ride. His presence is oddly touching, though I know it has more to do with protecting his pregnant mate than emotionally supporting me.The pack’s dungeons are located at the ceremonial grounds, beneath the council building. We pull up to the front doors and Nathan takes my hand. “You’re sure you don’t need me.”“I just need to see my sister alone,” I tell him. Again.It’s not like she’d be thrilled to see him, anyway. He’s the one who threw her in the dungeon.The royal flags on the front of the car are enough to gain me immediate entrance to the building, and the first security thrall I meet inside takes me down to Clare’s cell, no questions asked. I wonder if that’s Nathan’s doing, too.The dungeon is exactly what the word invokes. Deep below the earth, with cold stone walls slick with mold and damp, it’s probably the same foundatio
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chapter 65
The full moon has arrived. She brings death with her.The ceremonial grounds are somber; the pack hasn’t seen an execution in centuries, let alone one of this scale. Every adult pack member is in attendance, gathered on stands erected around the open curve of the ceremonial building. Nathan struck down the condition that every member attend. He felt there was no reason for children to view the carnage of the proceedings.The mates of the condemned are squeezed into a separate set of risers, a box constructed below the observation balcony. They have to watch. They need to see what their mates’ treachery has wrought. And they’ve been positioned where the rest of the pack can see their anguish. Where everyone will watch them watching their mates die.I spared our parents. They won’t have to watch Clare die.Nathan, Tara, and I are the only ones who look down from the mezzanine, though Tara’s chair is behind and slightly to the right of mine. It keeps her from viewing the grounds She does
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chapter 66
My sister is dead.I take a sip from my mug and stare across the kitchen.It’s after midnight. The last of the thralls that work down here have left for the night. No one is around.No one except Xiao, who stands patiently by the door while I nurse my mug of tea in silence.I’m sure she prefers the silence to the crying I sometimes do.It’s been a week since the full moon. Since I killed my sister.The most difficult part of grieving Clare is the knowledge that she knew someone would kill me. She was willing to sacrifice my life for her mate’s ambition. Or his revenge.Would she have grieved me? Would she have felt this same guilt?Xiao says something, but it’s into the communication device on her wrist. She keeps her voice low, and I can’t hear what’s going on. It could be that Nathan is looking for me; he’s been bossy and clingy since finding out about my pregnancy.Of course, when I wanted him to give a damn about me, he was distant. Now, when all I need is space, he’s constantly f
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chapter 67
Be nice, I implore silently as Nathan stares Xiao down across his desk. I sit beside him, close enough that I can feel how tense he is. It makes me want to give him a neck rub in sympathy. And sympathy for Nathan isn’t my default.“It’s not a common spell.” Xiao is in the middle of explaining “everything” as Nathan demanded. She’s remarkably cool under pressure; Nathan isn’t just the king of the pack, but he holds power over thralls, as well. But she delivers the facts like she’s teaching a class. “Thralls use it sometimes when the spark is going out of a relationship or, in more unscrupulous cases, to trick someone into a relationship with them.”“And you practice this magic on werewolves? Without our permission?” Nathan growls.“I’ve never heard of it before, but I’ve trained in defensive magic and combat, not love spells,” she replies.“Why didn’t you mention this to us before?” I wonder aloud. “Why haven’t any of the thralls mentioned it?”“I can only speak for myself, but I thoug
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chapter 68
The pack has a private plane, a sleek, elegant jet that can whisk us to London within the hour. I barely have time to pack anything. Nathan suggests we leave immediately and just buy what we need when we arrive, but the thought of leaving without even a toothbrush makes me panic, so he relents, and we go back to Aconitum Hall so I can put together a bug-out bag.I don’t even have time to brief Hannah or Tara on the situation before we’re off to the airport.“So, tell me where I can sit on this plane that you haven’t fucked your mistress?” I say as we climb the airstairs.Coming up behind me, he makes a noise like he’s thinking really hard. “You might be able to swap seats with the flight attendant.”I resist the temptation to shove him down the stairs.“I’m joking,” he says as I reach the top and turn to glare at him. He drops a kiss on my forehead. “I promise.”I’m not sure I believe him.When we enter, he has to duck down. “I’ve never even been on this jet.”“Haven’t you been king f
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chapter 69
The pack has a private plane, a sleek, elegant jet that can whisk us to London within the hour. I barely have time to pack anything. Nathan suggests we leave immediately and just buy what we need when we arrive, but the thought of leaving without even a toothbrush makes me panic, so he relents, and we go back to Aconitum Hall so I can put together a bug-out bag.I don’t even have time to brief Hannah or Tara on the situation before we’re off to the airport.“So, tell me where I can sit on this plane that you haven’t fucked your mistress?” I say as we climb the airstairs.Coming up behind me, he makes a noise like he’s thinking really hard. “You might be able to swap seats with the flight attendant.”I resist the temptation to shove him down the stairs.“I’m joking,” he says as I reach the top and turn to glare at him. He drops a kiss on my forehead. “I promise.”I’m not sure I believe him.When we enter, he has to duck down. “I’ve never even been on this jet.”“Haven’t you been king f
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chapter 70
It’s surreal to be back in London. Though I’ve only been gone a few months, it seems like a totally foreign place to me, despite having been my home for five years.Of course, the area we’re in isn’t exactly where I used to hang out. I hadn’t exactly been working with 18th-century-palace money.“Is it this deserted down here all the time?” I ask as we turn down a practically empty street.Nathan looks up from his phone, which has been pinging like crazy ever since we landed. “Hmm?”“The area… seems kinda… dead.” Which is fitting because the buildings we pass look like mausoleums.“I’m not sure. I’ve never been to the royal residence. I know it’s fairly close to the human royal residence, though,” he says. “Where did you stay, while you were here?”“Not anywhere you’d be familiar with.” I leave it at that, because we pull up to the curb of a not super impressive-looking house. In fact, it’s a bit dingy, compared to the other facades on the street, but it’s nearly four times as wide as
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