All Chapters of HIS DEEPEST DESIRE : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
81 Chapters
"Hold on, I can't..." Giovanni stared down at me, not even perspiring yet, while I was panting, struggling to take a deep breath. " Time out. Right now, I’m way past my limit.” "You have such low stamina," He shakes his head, and assisted me in getting up from the spot where I had fallen into the treadmill.Giovanni gave me a bottle of water, which I gulp down and fill up."You didn't even last fifteen minutes."My shoulders were still heaving when I stared up at him after drinking the entire contents of the water bottle."Although this might come as a major shock to you Giovanni, we can't all be as fit as you.."He gives me one of his often seen smiles and holds up his water bottle as though he were toasting. He then moved to where I was on the machine and got to work like a leopard cat on ecstasy after a minute. "Body-wise, there is no problem with your fitness," he gasped. "But the inability to match my pace will pose a disadvantage later on." "For what?" Giovanni turned to look
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I am currently on a plane, or more like a private jet. I know you are wondering: how did this happen? Giovanni had told me he had a dinner party to attend but wouldn't tell me where, so he asked me to be his date. He said it was more like a honeymoon slash dinner party. Alexander would be staying with my parents since Adeline was traveling the world, which resulted in today.When I first entered the plane, the first thing I noticed was the smell, which was heavenly. The white seat looked sparkling clean, with no stain on it.It’s definitely not the first time I’ve flown, but I’m just as giddy as if it were. Giovanni lets me sit by the window, and I lean against the glass in our seats. The flight attendant runs through the usual spiel before take-off—don’t get up if the seat belt symbol is displayed, don’t turn on your electronics until the plane is fully in the air, and don’t forget that there is protective gear under the seat.Then she vanishes, and the fluctuation of the take-off is
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GIOVANNI’S POV."Are you exhausted?" "Like hell.""Famished?"She smiles briefly at me. When she does that, she's quite beautiful. There's an unmistakable brilliance in her look that causes the very edges of her eyes to wrinkle slightly. "You have no idea."I tell her, "Alright. We'll order room service when we get there.” Now that it's getting close to ten, we should be good to go directly to our room. Which is fantastic because, especially after such a hard day of travel, I don't think everything needs to be heaped onto Royalty the moment we arrive.We don't say anything more because we're both tired. I believe that Royalty was taking in the city as it passed us by as well. Her expression, with its glinting innocence and sort of wonder, never fails to attract my attention. The entire way there, I can't help but find myself glancing at her out of the corner of my eye.Our driver pulls up just in front of the hotel using the turnaround valet driveway. The hotel is a gigantic buildi
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After a few minutes later, I find myself standing on the sand, the sun starting to give warmth to my skin.I laid eyes on a shirtless Giovanni; he had changed into a navy blue swimming trunk. The waist band of the trunk hung a little lower, which showed his v-line. My eyes trailed upward, seeing his very toned abs.Jeez, get a hold of yourself, woman! Stop staring!. I shouted at myself.I walked towards him as he stared at me, definitely checking me out."Why is there no one around?" I asked, partially curiously and also trying to get a hold of myself."Because I made sure we got an hour or two of privacy alone and away from prying eyes.”"Do you think it’s appropriate to do that? I’m sure a lot of visitors at the hotel wish to spend some time at the beach as well.”"Then they have to wait at least two hours.” He shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly. "I want to spend this time with you and only you.” He bops my nose. I rolled my eyes, trying so hard not to flush.Giovanni’s eyes stayed
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A bright ray of sunshine fell on my face, causing me to wake up. While I tried to stretch my body, I felt a heavy arm on my waist. My mind drifted back to last night, which made me smile. I was unable to move because his hand was on my waist and our legs were tangled together. I wiggled my body and was finally able to turn to him. I was not surprised at how gorgeous he was, even asleep. His mouth was a little bit parted, and his hair was messy. At that moment, I couldn't help but gush inwardly at how cute he looked. I gave into the urge to run my hands through his hair and didn’t realize he was awake until I was suddenly pulled even closer to him by my waist. He was looking at me; his lip was slightly raised at the corner. "Good morning, Roy." His morning voice was hot. God has mercy! " Good morning." I smiled and turned my head to look at the clock. It was already 9. It's not like I had anywhere to go. I smuggled my hand close to his body, wrapping my hand around his waist, enjoy
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The ride back to the beach house was in comfortable silence. It was already 12 in the morning when Giovanni and I left the dinner party. When we walked into the room, you could literally feel the tension in the air.My heart beat escalated when our eyes met. I watched him walk towards me, closing the distance between us as he wrapped his hand around my waist.Giovanni reaches out and brushes my hair over my shoulder, then tucks a few strands of it behind my ear. He leans in and kisses me. It’s not the first time that we’ve done this, but it feels different today.Our mouths slide over each other, and then his teeth are nipping at my lower lip. The sharp spark of pain goes straight between my legs. I’m embarrassingly aware of how wet my pants are and how bright my blushing cheeks must be.Giovanni kisses me breathless, only pulling back when we’re both panting from it. My hand reaches up, catching his shoulder. I don’t want him to lean too far away, enjoying the way that he takes up so
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▪︎▪︎▪︎"What are you doing here?" I asked, glaring at him." Same thing you're doing," he replied."I live here," I grumbled."It's not like I had a choice; my parents insisted that I come.""And you couldn't get lost on the way."" I tried. Anywhere would definitely be better than here."" Why do you have to be so unbearably annoying?" I asked." What can I say, I'm the way I am, babe?" he shrugs.I groaned, "Can you not call me that?"""I signed and started heading towards the kitchen, he alongside me, he closed the distance between us and made every hair in my body stand. I was trying so hard to restrain myself."I must say, princess, you look divine in that dress," I moaned as I took a step back and flicked his brow." Keep it in your pants; Richard would flip if he see us like this.”So much for self-control......▪︎▪︎▪︎My eyes shot open as a trickle of sweat slid down my head. I groaned as the sunlight hit my face. I closed my eyes again before blinking them open agai
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It was Friday and nearly two months since we got back from Maldives, and to say things have been exceptionally great would be an understatement. I didn’t care what my thoughts had been at the beginning of everything; all I knew was that today, just like any other day during the course of the week, would be great. But first, I needed to get up.“You think too loud, amore,” a sleep-roughened voice murmured from behind just before I was rolled to my back. A moment later, and I was drowning in a sweet, hot kiss. Wrapping my arms around my husband’s neck, I kissed him back eagerly, my passion effortlessly rising to meet his. In truth, he only had to look at me, and I wanted him.Like now.I let out a little gasp when he reversed their position in a quick roll, and then gasped again as he slowly but steadily impaled me on his erection.“Gio-Giovanni ...”I threw my head back at his penetration, my hair streaming behind as I began to move, lifting myself up and then sinking back down, riding
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▪︎▪︎▪︎“ I must say, that prom dress really looks great on you. Too bad you are going with that loser, Carson. I know I would have been a better date than him." A husky voice snapped angrily. "We decided to keep things low-key. You don't want my brother to find out." I whispered a yell at him."Why don't we just tell him and our parents? I want them to know you belong to me." He whispered back, refusing to listen to her reasons."Listen, Batman, as much as I would love to tell them, I dread what their reaction might be. Richard would go ballistic if he ever found out about us. Remember, I'm supposed to be off limits to all his friends, which also includes you..” I spit back at him, frustrated."I know, babe. I'm sorry." The voice said it again. "I promise to make it up to you later tonight.""Promise." I could hear the teasing in his tone. "I promise."▪︎▪︎▪︎My eyes snapped open. Another dream. I thought they were finally gone. Why was I still having them? I looked over to Giovan
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I informed Alfred of my plans and asked him to come pick me up. I had an hour to kill before arriving at my dad's business, so I sat back and let my thoughts wander.Why did I keep having these dreams so often? I make a lot of attempts to see the boy's face in my dreams, but they are never successful. I feel like a piece of my heart has been torn out, and there is nothing I can do to stop it. The boy in my dreams seems both familiar and foreign to me. I feel like I know him, but I'm not sure where.This is so frustrating!I considered asking my family, but ultimately opted against it. I wanted to spare them any concern. I must speak with my doctor immediately."Thanks Alfred." I stepped out of the already-opened door with Alfred by my side. "I will let you know when I am about to leave. You can drive around the neighbourhood till then..” I informed him, walking into the company. I walked past the employees greeting me in the lobby and into the elevator, pressing the top floor. I stepp
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