All Chapters of The Alpha Can't Sense His Mate!: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
130 Chapters
CHAPTER 111 - Show me.
ATHALIAH’S POV “Of course not.” I giggled, staring the bitch in the face. “You would remember if I met you before, wouldn’t you?” Ithra’s eyes narrowed, and uncertainty filled her look. “I guess.” “Exactly,” I said with a smile, noticing her unease. I wondered what she saw. Or what she remembered to ask me that question. From my observations, Cole wasn’t far from the truth. It seemed like this bitch was getting back her memories. I didn’t know if that was a good or bad thing yet. I mean, I only tortured her in the past and later apologised about it. She wouldn’t mind. She shouldn’t hold grudges. I thought sarcastically. If I was going to place my tent here, I needed to be sure no one could displace me. Not even the future Luna. I felt a plan come together and my smile appeared naturally. “Shall we go on with the business of the day? Do you feel tired, Luna?” My words were concerning but my tone was mocking. She noticed it but covered it up with a stern outlook. Some things
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CHAPTER 112 - Is there a problem, Luna?
CALLA’S POV. Three knocks on my door, and I was wide awake. “Who’s there?” I asked, jolting from my bed. The door opened and Cole entered with a smile. “Did I wake you up, my love?” I shook my head, “Is there something you need?” I asked, maintaining a safe distance from him. He must have noticed it as he took a few steps closer to me, close enough that he didn’t need to shout from over the room to talk to me. “I came to inform you that you would be training with Scar today.” He said after a while. “I know I said you would be training with Athaliah but there has been a little change in today’s plan.” I didn’t like the sound of that. I had looked forward to meeting her in today’s session, digging into her person and most importantly, finding out why she seemed so familiar and yet hostile to me. “Alright,” I said, holding back the question on the tip of my tongue. “Anything else?” My eyes widened when I realised what I had just said. How dismissive I had sounded. Cole wa
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CHAPTER 113 - You look pale, Luna.
CALLA’S POV I was dressed in a black studded gown and paraded into the dinner hall by Cole. Contrary to my belief, the room wasn’t packed with pack members. Instead, there was a giant table - big enough to feed thirty people in the centre of the room. As we approached the dinner, I realised we were not alone. Athaliah and Scarlett stood on their feet, waiting for us. As soon as we got to the table, Cole dragged a seat by his right and the ladies bowed their heads in greeting. “Have your seats.” He ordered and we all sat down to eat. I could feel the hard gaze of Athaliah on my form and wondered if this was some sort of set-up. I suddenly didn’t feel like eating. “Welcome Luna.” She said and I raised my eyes to meet hers. “I’m sorry I was unable to train with you today.” Her eyes swapped to Cole who’s eyes were already on hers. “I was a bit busy.” Scar cleared her throat and the atmosphere was riddled with tension. I felt like there was an inside joke I wasn’t privy to happeni
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CHAPTER 114 - I know exactly what I want
ATHALIAH’S POV“You must be out of your mind!” Cole gripped me by the throat once they were out of sight. “Alpha..” I breathed, fighting the urge to punch him in the face with a smile on my face.“How dare you mention that name!” He roared, “Is this it? Was this your plan all along? To get her to recover her memories? Did you think I wouldn’t find out?” “Listen to me!” I got out of his hold, coughing hard. “I might be stupid, but not that stupid. Believe it or not, I knew what I was doing.” I took a deep breath and my tone became sifter. “Everything I did was for your best interest.” Cole let out a deranged laugh and I thought I might have taken my experiment too far. What were the odds of me leaving here with my life? It would depend on how this went. “Tell me, gamma.” He cooed, and goosebumps filled my arm. “Make it make sense or you might end up like the herbalist you were yapping about.” He scrunched his face. “What’s it again? Shilhi?” I swallowed and placed my best foot for
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CHAPTER 115 - Happy Birthday, Alpha!
CALLA’S POVI hadn’t stepped outside my soon since dinner the last time. I was placed on bed rest by the pack doctor who came in intervals to check on how I was faring, only to receive the same answer, time and time again.Why couldn’t they understand that I was doing fine? The only thing that plagued my mind was my latest discovery and my need to know more about the one woman who hadn’t stopped plaguing my mind since the first time she appeared in my dream. Alongside why my mind couldn’t stop conjuring up images of Athaliah, torturing me in a place I couldn’t recognise. Shilhi the herbalist. I had decided to refer to her in that manner ever since dinner when Athaliah told me of her story. The thought of me seeing a dead, betraying herbalist didn’t sit well with me but I held on for the day I had an opportunity to see Athaliah again. Which I hoped wouldn’t be far from now. A knock on the door disrupted my thoughts. “Who’s there?” I asked, gingerly getting up from my bed, hoping i
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CHAPTER 116 - This is not the time and place.
COLE’S POV. The night was coming in hot. I looked at my mate dressed in a flawless blue crystal dress. The dress shimmered in the dark as the droopy diamonds gave the illusion of stars falling from the sky. Everything was perfect. My Calla was the perfect bride. Tonight, I would declare her the Luna and she would bear my mark. The workers exited the room, leaving me with a perfectly dressed Calla in my chambers. This was going to be our shared home after tonight. She just didn’t know it yet. So far she had been in the best character. I didn’t know if it was because it was my birthday or she’d turned a new leaf. I hoped it was the latter because the last thing I wanted was to make her into the Luna I knew and deserved. “You look so beautiful, my Calla,” I whispered into my ears. “Thank you,” She said, and bowed her head, revealing the beautiful crown made out of braid. Tonight, I let them stretch her hair. It seemed like my Calla preferred her hair longer and I thought It’d be
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CHAPTER 117 - Scar! Calm down!
CALLA’S POV I could feel his gaze heavy on me - Alpha Zadok’s gaze. It was hard not to notice when his gaze burned like fire. I had forgotten how intense it was to be around him. How he managed to command my attention without trying. Today was going to be different though. Because I choose not to indulge in that today. It was Cole’s birthday. The last thing I needed was a reason to make him angry at me. Besides, I felt paranoid and couldn’t shake off the feeling of foreboding that came with this event. It felt like something bad would happen, I didn’t know why I was feeling such bad premonition but I couldn’t shake it off. There were a lot of hushed rumours about today being a big night for Cole and I couldn’t help but wonder why this birthday took the crown from my three years of being in this pack. What made it so special and what part did I have to play in it? On my way here, I tried to get Scar to talk to me about what was happening tonight but she didn’t give me anyth
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CHAPTER 118 - Ithra is dead!
CHAPTER 118 - ZADOK’S POV “I am not Ithra!” “Are you stalking me?” “I’ll say this once, so listen to me carefully.” “I am not your mate. You’ve got the wrong person. Enough of these games and let this be the last time you appear in front of me or even touch me that hand of yours!” “If you’ll excuse me, I have somewhere to be.” Her words played in my head in an endless loop. I returned to the party with a cold look and didn’t bother to sit down. “Let’s go,” I ordered and began my walk out of the darned place. Coming here was a mistake. What did I expect? That she’ll run into my arms like the mate I lost three years ago? Pfft. I needed to leave. I walked out of the party knowing all eyes were on me. The last thing I wanted was to give Cole another thing to gloat about. In fact, he already had something to gloat about. “Zadok! What’s going on?” That was Azriel. I would have given him shit for saying my name without an ounce of respect if I wasn’t so upset. But I did
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CHAPTER 119 - What did you do to me?
CHAPTER 119 - ITHRA’S POV My eyes fluttered open and the first thing I see is a man hunched over me. “Calla! My goodness, thank God you are awake.” The man said, while my vision blurred. “How do you feel?” A headache rammed my forehead. “What in the world-” I said, sitting on my bed. An arm covered me, “Thank God you are alive. I’m so sorry you had to go through that! I promise you will never experience such again. Scarlett has been put away in the dungeons, never to disturb our lives again.” “Scarlett?” I asked and suddenly, my thoughts cleared. I looked at Cole and felt a sudden urge to get away from his embrace. “Are you alright, my love?” He asked when I suddenly left his hold with a disgruntled face. Zadok. I remembered how harshly I spoke to him and my heart split in halves. I needed to get to him. Athaliah walked in with a pretentious look of concern. “Luna, how are you doing?” I couldn’t believe it. She was one hell of a betrayer. I saw through her acts, and my e
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CHAPTER 120 - Incompetent fools!
ITHRA’S POV I was dressed in a mini black ball gown and waiting to be dragged to the altar. Because that was the only way I’d step my foot out of this prison. I heard the sound of the door click and I turned around to meet the face of the one who ruined my life - Or was about to ruin my life. “How dare you appear before me?” The words were out of my mouth before I could stop myself. “Calla.” He called softly, closing the door behind him and headed for me. “Are you still being difficult?” Difficult? He thought I was being difficult? The hell?! “Let me go,” I demanded with fiery eyes. “I do not belong here.” A wave of rage passed through his eyes but he blinked it off. “Are you ready to be mine - body mind and soul?” He asked, tracing my face with his filthy hands. I fought the urge to spit in his face as I answered. “Over my dead body.” That did it. My head swung back at the force of his slap, and he dragged me to him, holding me tightly against him. “You will be my Lu
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