All Chapters of My Brother My Mate: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
86 Chapters
#Chapter 31: Control Freak
Rowena“Here’s your ticket, Rowena.” Adrian held my ticket out to me with a smile on his face. I took it, still ignoring Eric’s looming presence beside me, and felt my heart leap a bit.It was a scary movie. It was actually a genre that I enjoyed, but the thought of leaping into my date’s arms during a scary scene with my overbearing older brother right next to me felt…Weird, to say the least.“Scary movie, eh?” Eric said as we made our way to the theater, popcorn bags in hand. “Rowena doesn’t like scary movies.”Adrian raised an eyebrow. “Oh, you don’t? I can—”“I do like scary movies,” I said, shooting Eric a warning glare. “He’s just messing with me.”“Oh.” Adrian looked back and forth between the two of us, but said nothing. The three of us made our way to our seats, and of course, I got stuck in the middle. Eric leaned over as the trailers began to play, whispering in my ear.“Sorry for crashing your date,” he murmured.I whipped my head around and glared at him. “Just sit there
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#Chapter 32: Stood Up
Rowena“Eric, you asshole! You stood me up!”Eric and I both whipped our heads around at the sudden shrill voice that was breaking through the air. When I turned, I felt my heart sink.Heather.She stormed up to him and stopped just a few feet away, her face beet red with fury and her hands curled up into fists. For a few moments, it seemed as though she didn’t notice me standing there outside the movie theater.“Heather,” Eric said with a surprising amount of calmness for someone who was about to be chewed out on the street. “What are you talking about?”“What do you mean, ‘what am I talking about’?” Heather huffed. “I got all dressed up for our date, and you didn’t even think to tell me you weren’t coming?”Eric furrowed his brow. “I never agreed to a date.”“Yes, you did.” She folded her arms across her chest. “You said you would meet me at the club.”“No. I said I might be there tonight. I never said that I would meet you there.”There was a long, tense silence as Heather glared u
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#Chapter 33: Rumors & Races
RowenaThe kitchen smelled like fresh coffee and pancakes as I sat at the counter, finishing up my breakfast. I yawned, scrolling through my phone as the latest news headlines popped up on the screen.Next to me, my father, a tall and elegant man with slightly graying hair and a neat beard, flipped through the newspaper, and beside him my mother sipped her coffee. It was a relaxing Saturday morning, especially with the sun streaming in through the window.“Hey, look at this,” I said, holding my phone up. “They released a list of potential suspects for that missing princess. I wonder who it could be.”“Likely someone not from around here,” my father said casually without looking up from his newspaper.As I scrolled through the list of names, though, my eyes widened upon seeing a familiar name. My name, to be exact. But it made no sense. “My name is on here.”My father slammed down his newspaper, and my mother nearly spilled her coffee. “What?” they both said in unison.“My name is on h
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#Chapter 34: Time To Breathe
RowenaI pushed through the crowd that had formed around my brother and another warrior. They were circling each other as though they were about to fight, although just a few minutes ago Eric had been standing by the poolside.“What’s going on?” I asked, tapping a nearby warrior on his shoulder.“This guy just challenged Eric Griffith, of all people, to a spar,” the warrior replied. “He’s about to get his ass kicked.”I furrowed my brow. The warrior who had challenged Eric seemed younger, and judging from his posture and muscle definition, he wasn’t nearly as experienced with fighting as Eric was. But it was already too late for me to step in; the fight had already begun, and now I could only hope that Eric would take it easy on him.As I watched the fight begin, I felt my blood pressure slowly rising. The other warrior’s footwork was all off; he was too green of a fighter for this. I tapped on the warrior’s shoulder beside me again and leaned over.“Who is this guy?” I asked.“Oh, I
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#Chapter 35: Pride
RowenaThe light from my desk lamp was all that illuminated the room as I hunched over my textbooks. Soft music was playing through my headphones, and I hummed to myself as I flipped to the next page.Ever since I was in high school, studying had strangely become a sort of comfort for me.When I couldn’t physically keep up with the other kids who had their wolves, I would instead turn to my studying. It initially started out as a way to try and improve myself and prove them all wrong, but now it was more of a habit than anything else.And truthfully, I already knew everything I needed to know in this chapter of my textbook; I just needed something, anything, to help calm my nerves after what had happened at that party earlier.However, my studying was abruptly brought to an end when I suddenly felt warm hands reach around my head and pull off my headphones.“Studying on a Saturday night?” Eric asked, smirking down at me.I spun around on my chair and grabbed my headphones from his han
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#Chapter 36: Same
Rowena & EricRowenaTaking a deep breath, I walked up to the bulletin board in the lobby, where the ballots were being counted. The afternoon sun was casting a warm golden glow across the room, a view that normally would have been peaceful and relaxing; but instead, I only felt my heart pounding in my chest.I leaned in, counting the tally marks beside my name. And I felt my breath catch in my throat.“Oh my god…”I clamped my hand over my mouth, too shocked to even breathe. I had done it; somehow, I had matched Heather’s votes. And now we were neck-and-neck.Our votes were tied.“That doesn’t mean anything, you know. The count is still weeks away.”I looked up abruptly at the sound of that all-too-familiar voice, and instantly felt my heart sink. Heather stood beside me, wearing her cheerleading uniform with one hand on her hip and the other twirling her blonde ponytail around her finger.Unsure of what to say, I swallowed and tried to pull my shoulders back, pushing my glasses up a
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#Chapter 37: Seven Minutes in Heaven
Rowena“I… I need help.”Emma staggered into my office, clutching her stomach, and immediately I knew that this was serious. Without hesitating for even a moment, I rushed forward and wrapped my arm around her, letting her rest her weight on me as I led her over to the exam table.“What happened?” I asked, helping her up onto the table.Emma swallowed hard. “I… It’s a long story,” she managed through grit teeth.I frowned as I looked at her. The way she was clutching her stomach could indicate many things: food poisoning, a stomach bug, maybe even appendicitis. But it was then, as I looked over her, that I saw the dark red color seeping through her jeans.“Emma,” I said, shooting her a worried look, “is it your period?”She gritted her teeth and shook her head, which confused me even more. “It can’t be,” she groaned.“Why?”“Because…” She drew in a sharp inhale. “I’m pregnant.”My eyes widened. If Emma was pregnant, then… this was even more sinister than I thought.Without waiting for
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#Chapter 38: Tipsy
RowenaThe cold beer bottle in my hands was a bit of a comfort as I wandered the party, trying to spot Eric. But each time I got a glimpse of his blond hair, it quickly disappeared again before I could talk to him.With a sigh, I finished off the last of my beer and tossed it into the trash can and looked around one last time.The party continued to rage around me, the music pumping heavily through the air. Across the room, I saw Adrian playing a game of beer pong with some other warriors and I couldn’t help but smile a bit.His dark hair seemed to glisten in the low lights of the party, and the way he interacted so confidently with the others made him even more attractive. And then, when he turned to me and shot me a wink, I felt my heart skip.This was our signal.Blushing, I walked through the thick throng of people and made my way into the closet in the hallway, where Adrian and I were supposed to meet. With one last furtive glance over my shoulder, I slipped inside and melted int
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#Chapter 39: Always You
RowenaThe cool night air blew across my face as I stepped out into the backyard. As I made my way toward the lone figure sitting by the pond, the sounds of the party began to fade and were soon replaced by the chirping crickets and the wind rustling through the trees.As I approached, the figure didn’t look up. But I knew it was Eric, not just from his familiar head of blond hair, but from his broad shoulders in the darkness.He was sitting in the grass by the edge of the pond that was situated at the center of all of the warrior cottages. It was a serene place here, with the sounds of the bullfrogs croaking just offshore.Without saying anything, I walked up to Eric and stood beside him. We both stayed like that for a while, neither of us speaking, just enjoying the view.Across the pond, the golden lights of the other cottages twinkled and mingled with the light of the moon rippling on the surface of the calm water. With each passing breeze, another ripple would blow across the sur
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#Chapter 40: Untrue
RowenaI ran.I ran so fast that the cold wind hitting my cheeks caused my tears to blow back across my face, into my hair. I ran so fast that I lost all of the breath from my lungs. I ran so fast that my knees felt weak and my feet stung from slapping against the pavement.And it still didn’t feel fast enough.Eric’s calls after me had long since faded, and I still hadn’t stopped. Even as the warriors’ village faded into the distance and all that was around me were the towering trees and the sounds of the night time creatures, I refused to stop.No, I had to keep running. Because maybe, if I ran fast and far enough, it wouldn’t be true.Eric was my mate.Or at least, that was what he had said. I could still hear his voice in my ears when he had uttered those words.“You are my mate!” he had said.We had both stood there in stunned silence after he had said those words, and at first, I couldn’t help but laugh. In fact, I laughed so hard that I doubled over, clutching my stomach as sti
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