All Chapters of MY BOSS’s DAUGHTER : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
25 Chapters
Chapter 11
Hilary was more lost than ever, still unarring to understand what was happening, she decided to take a step, her heart beating, towards the lady who kept looking at her with a warm smile on her lips.“Good evening.”She launched in a small voice, her hands behind her back like a girl.Why didn't he warn her? Maybe she would be better prepared and now here is the result, she didn't know what to say or what to do. Already, she was angry with Aaron so she had better shut up so as not to say something she shouldn't have.A fifty-year-old appeared and Hilary concluded that he was Aaron's father, the resemblance was so striking.“Our son told us about you but I don't don't remember that he said you were so beautiful.”Said the latter after looking at him.It could be seen that he was very flirty in his youth.Hilary laughed and suddenly felt comfortable.She sat next to Aaron's mother since she insisted and watchedAaron with a murderous air.“Oh yes! I forgot to make the presentations. Hilary,
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Chapter 12
Oooh!"Aaron slid his boxer to his ankles, revealing his triumphant limb.He then took his time to put on the condom and suspended his gesture when he noticed the young woman's wide eyes fixed on his sex.Was she afraid of him?“Everything will be fine. I won't go quickly.”Did he try to reassure her?The fist clenched around the base of his penis, which was pulsing in his palm. He imagined the pleasure that the contact of his fingers, lips could give her... Oh yes, the young woman's language...He wanted to penetrate her now, he couldn't wait any longer.He was unable to detach his gaze from the young woman's thighs apart.Much too excited, he leaned over her. She was so beautiful and totally at his mercy.“Keep your arms above your head.”An expression of confusion painted on Hilary's face but she performed without protesting with such a docility that he felt her erection pulse violently between her thighs, both heavy and burning.When she kept her arms outstretched above her head, he
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Chapter 13
……“It is late young girl. Why are you only coming home now?”“Sorry auntie.”She says it looks falsely sorry.“I pity my cousins.”Her aunt behaved as if she were her real mother. No, but frankly, even her own mother never yelled at her every time she came back late from her best friend's house, "even if she wasn't really there but technically she should be there for her aunt. "“And who accompanied you? Please tell me that it is not your friend because she should come home to apologize for keeping you for so long.”Hilary thought for a moment that her head was going to explode, she couldn't stand it anymoreProvided that her parents come back. "These Two the" finally, two other burdens.“It was my driver who accompanied me back.”“What is his name already? Harry?Herby?”She laughed before correcting it.“It's Aaron.”I hope it won't be too late when your father realizes that he shouldn't have chosen a man as young as he is cute to be your driver. It is clear that he is inexperienced.
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Chapter 14
The limo pulled up to the familiar cobblestone driveway, its headlights illuminating the ivy-covered walls of their home. Hilaire Clinton, a man whose weathered face spoke of years spent navigating the world's complexities, looked at his wife, Jaina. Her eyes, still sparkling with the youthful spirit he'd fallen in love with all those years ago, reflected the warm glow of the porch light. "Home," he said, a smile softening his usually stern features. "It's good to be back."Jaina squeezed his hand, her touch a comforting reassurance after weeks spent on the road. "It is," she agreed, "but I do hope we can get back to a more normal routine. All this traveling is starting to wear on me."Hilaire chuckled, his deep laughter echoing in the quiet of the night. "We'll be back to our books and our gardens soon enough, my love. Promise." As they stepped out of the cab, the fragrant aroma of simmering stew wafted through the open front door, drawing them inside. The warmth of the house e
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Chapter 15
The morning light filtered through the blinds, painting the room in soft hues of gold and pink. Aaron stretched, his muscles protesting the night’s rest, and yawned, the sound echoing in the quiet of his apartment. He glanced at his phone, noticing the time: 7:30 a.m. He had a few hours before he had to pick up Hilary for school. As he reached for his coffee, his phone buzzed, the screen illuminating his face. It was his boss, Detective Miller, and a sense of unease settled in his stomach. Aaron quickly answered, his voice a touch too casual. “Hey, Miller. What’s up?”“Aaron,” Miller’s voice was gruff, laced with a hint of urgency. “We have a situation. The Clintons, Hilaire and Jaina, are back in town. Seems they were on a little “trip” together.”Aaron felt a surge of anxiety. He’d been assigned to the Clinton case months ago, tasked with gathering intelligence on the family, particularly their finances and dealings. His cover, a simple chauffeur, allowed him to observe
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Chapter 16
The question hung heavy in the air, a challenge to Aaron's carefully constructed facade. It wasn't the question itself, the inquiry about his feelings for Hilary, that had thrown him. It was the way Mr. Clinton had asked it, with a knowing glint in his eyes, a sense of implied threat. It was then that Aaron, caught off guard, felt a strange wave of relief wash over him. He wasn’t used to being questioned about his feelings, especially not by someone like Mr. Clinton. The tension of the situation, the weight of the hidden truth, it all seemed to loosen its grip for a moment. And as he looked into Mr. Clinton’s sharp eyes, a flicker of defiance arose within him."You're kidding, right?" Aaron chuckled, the sound a bit too loud in the quiet office. "Hilary's like a daughter to me. It's just… I care about her, that's all."He'd chosen the path of humor as a shield, a way to deflect the serious nature of the conversation. And as he spoke, the words resonated with a surprising amount of
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Chapter 17
The history lecture washed over Hilary in waves, dates and names blurring together in a meaningless jumble. Usually, she'd be scribbling notes furiously, her hand cramping as she tried to capture every word. But today, her notebook lay open and empty, her pen abandoned on the desk. She was miles away, lost in a labyrinth of thoughts and anxieties.The events of the past few days pressed down on her, each one adding a layer of complexity to the already tangled knot in her stomach. Her parents' sudden return, the tension she’d sensed between them, the strange encounter between Aaron and her father that morning – it all left her feeling off-kilter, like the ground beneath her feet had shifted without warning.“Hilary? Earth to Hilary!”Ganaesly's cheerful voice broke through Hilary's reverie, pulling her back to the present. She blinked, startled, and looked around the classroom, a sense of disorientation washing over her. Students were bent over their books, the rhythmic scratching of
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Chapter 18
Hilary’s frown deepened as she slid into the backseat of Aaron’s car, her gaze fixed on the window. It was a simple act, a routine she’d repeated countless times before, but this time, it felt different. The air in the car, usually filled with the comfortable silence of a shared commute, felt thick with tension. She couldn't shake the strange feeling that lingered between them, the undeniable energy that crackled whenever they were in the same space. It had been there since the morning, an invisible barrier that separated them despite their closeness.Aaron shut the door with a soft click, the sound echoing in the quiet car. He then moved to the driver's seat, his movements smooth and controlled. But even his usual composure seemed to have faltered slightly. He turned toward her, his expression a mixture of curiosity and concern.“You could have waited for me, you know,” he said, his voice a low rumble. “I’m always on time. It’s not like I’m late.”Hilary’s gaze remained fixed on t
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Chapter 19
The silence in the car, broken only by the hum of the engine and the soft thrum of the tires on the asphalt, felt heavy and charged. Hilary, lost in her own thoughts, was surprised by the sharp ring of a phone, the sound cutting through the quiet like a jarring note.Aaron, his eyes fixed on the road, didn't react. The phone continued to ring, a persistent, insistent sound that seemed to grow louder with each passing second. Hilary, intrigued, watched him. His usual calm demeanor seemed to have shifted, a subtle tension replacing his usual composure. "Aren't you going to answer that?" Hilary asked, her voice laced with a touch of curiosity. It wasn’t unusual for Aaron to receive calls while driving, but he never ignored them for this long.Aaron glanced at the phone, then back at the road, his expression unreadable. “It can wait,” he said, his voice firm, his tone dismissive. “I’m driving.”Hilary's eyebrows shot up, her gaze fixed on the phone. There was something about Aaro
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Chapter 20
The evening air was thick with the scent of honeysuckle and the promise of a warm summer night. Aaron, having just returned home from a long day at the office, felt the weight of his responsibilities lifting as he stepped inside his modest apartment. He wasn't a man of extravagance, his life a simple tapestry woven from routine and practicality. His apartment was a reflection of his nature, clean and functional, with just enough personal touches to make it feel like home. He tossed his briefcase on the couch, his shoulders slumping with a sigh of relief. He hadn’t expected to be having dinner with Maite tonight. He hadn't really been looking forward to it, but he hadn't been able to bring himself to decline her invitation either. It was, after all, the least he could do. They’d been together for a long time, and while things hadn’t ended amicably, he’d felt obligated to at least try to remain civil. He wasn’t sure what had compelled him to say yes, but he’d been feeling bo
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