All Chapters of Revenge of the Celestial Sovereign: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
570 Chapters
Chapter 0151
“Huizhuan Island? So, the island really exists?” Mao Mingzao sharpened his gaze at Zhou Fu, he really didn't expect that the island really existed and was being an escape from the warrior Li Xian. "No wonder none of my subordinates know of Li Xian's whereabouts. So, that damn geezer found Huizhuan
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Chapter 0152
That morning, Yin Mimi Bay – which had looked calm and deserted a few days earlier, had now become crowded and noisy. The commotion at Yin Mimi Bay was triggered by Mao Mingzao's decision to get Louchuan out of his cage. Louchuan was a Caihong naval ship that served as a floating fortress and was us
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Chapter 0153
"My head hurts. I give up!" she said while massaging her forehead which did feel a bit dizzy. “That is why we need to meet Shen Shen and Yang Zi!” Zhou Fu replied. Zhou Fu then told Zhao Yunlei about the plan he had thought through carefully in advance. When he heard Zhou Fu's plan, Zhao Yunlei nod
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Chapter 0154
“Young Master Zhou, Miss Zhao, come with us. Miss Shen Yang's entourage had arrived at the Caihong Military Headquarters hall. They are waiting to meet up with Mr and Miss," said a prison cell guard as he entered Zhao Yunlei and Zhou Fu's prison cubicle. "Wait a minute, I'm still putting on one mor
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Chapter 0155
*** When Zhao Yunlei and Zhou Fu had arrived at the hall, they both saw Yang Zi and Shen Shen sitting anxiously waiting. The girls had heard that Zhou Fu had been arrested and was going on a long journey mission as a condition of his release. “Brother Zhou, are you all right?” Yang Zi, who first s
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Chapter 0156
“Young man, we have fulfilled your request to meet the girls. Now, it's your turn to fulfill your promise, please show me which map is correct between these two maps!” asked General Fu Lian when the Louchuan ship had started to move across Yin Mimi Bay. At that time, Zhou Fu and General Fu Lian wer
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Chapter 0157
“Stay still there! I can endure it. The more they see I'm weak, the more they'll think I'm useless! I can handle this!” Zhao Yunlei shouted using an inner language. “What the hell with your words! If you die because of this incident, of course it's all for nothing!” Zhou Fu rebuked with inner langu
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Chapter 0158
Shen Shen walked quickly to Yang Zi who smiled kindly. From the way Yang Zi smiled, Shen Shen knew it was not a mere consolation type of smile. That is, Yang Zi actually found a way to break through the tight security that the Caihong Military had put in place. That meant, it was very likely that Zh
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Chapter 0159
Meanwhile aboard the Louchuan ship… “Let's see how good a disciple of Li Xian's Swordsman is?!” said General Fu Lian as she untied the ropes from the large robe that wrapped her body. Without waiting for orders, a bodyguard came forward to receive General Fu Lian's black robe. Without the confines
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Chapter 0160
"Ha? What did I just do?” Zhou Fu looked confused as he looked at his palm which seemed to be emitting something strange. “You mastered the self-defense skills of Shenti-Moya! Even a talented Shenti-Moya wielder wouldn't necessarily be able to master this form of self-defense! Extraordinary! How co
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