All Chapters of Playing With The Billionaire: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
84 Chapters
Chapter 50
ELOISE “Why did you do that? We can’t get married. It wasn’t part of the deal,” I said, closing my eyes and leaning back in the car’s backseat as we headed to the airport. “I had no choice,” he replied, his voice filled with resignation. “Has he done something to you? Something so bad that you’re...” He paused, not finishing his sentence. “This isn’t like you.” “You must have a father, too, right? I heard he’s still strong and active.” “Yes, I do. We have our differences, but it’s not like this. Your dad sounds like he’s threatening you, and you’re...” he trailed off. “I’m afraid of him,” I finished for him. “If that’s what you noticed, then yes.” Frustrated, I exhaled and opened my eyes. “I don’t want to talk about it here.” Adam glanced at the cab driver and nodded. “We’ll talk about this when we get back.” “I just want to go home, rest, and then we can talk,” I added. Adam nodded in agreement, not saying anything more. Three hours ago, before we left my dad’s estate, Adam h
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Chapter 51
ELOISE Mercy’s was a casual bar and restaurant near the office. It was funny how I didn’t feel awkward around him. He was still as attractive as everyone thought, but my feelings of hatred were no longer there. “How was your trip? I heard you went home,” he asked while we were having dinner and some beer. “I don’t really want to talk about it.” “Same old dad?” Chase mentioned, reminding me he knew about the secret of my birth. I nodded. “But worse. A lot has happened, and I came here with you to clear my head, not to reminisce about it.” “I’m glad you could find a way back here. I thought your dad wouldn’t let you go. I heard about Malcolm. I’m sorry,” he sympathized. “Okay, but I don’t believe you asked me here just to hear about my last week. What is it?” I asked nonchalantly as I continued eating. “I could use a friend,” he said while chewing, avoiding eye contact. “Is this about work? If it’s not, you can forget about it,” I responded, not wanting to hear any more excuses
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Chapter 52
ADAM Damn it. Eloise’s phone was dead silent, and every text she ignored drove me crazy. I felt my possessive side creeping in, bringing up dark thoughts, and my usual response was to fuck—aggressively and mercilessly. Now that she had been showing signs of wanting to go further, my urge to bring her to her knees intensified. One of her colleagues told me she went out with Chase. I knew I couldn’t demand explanations, but something just didn’t feel right. I tried calling her again, but it went to voicemail. Why was she with Chase? Why wasn’t she answering? I was thinking about driving to her place when someone rang my doorbell. It was my brother. Carter barged in, and he gave me a knowing look. To my surprise, he wasn’t alone—he had brought someone unexpected with him: Adrianna Meyer, or should I say, Adrianna Jackson, my ex and, unfortunately, my arch nemesis’s current wife. “She insisted on coming,” Carter explained. I forced a tight-lipped smile and asked, my brows furrowe
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Chapter 53
ELOISE I couldn’t answer Adam’s calls earlier, but he wasn’t answering now when I tried to call back. I wondered if this had something to do with our deal. I waited all night for his response, but nothing came, making me a bit concerned. Anyway, I decided to take a shower. Just as I was getting ready for bed, he finally called. His voice was raspy and delicious, reminding me of those nights when he used to call me in Edinburgh. “Good evening, Eloise. Are you already home?” I secretly giggled. It felt like those days when I used to date Chase. Wait, what? I shook my head at my own thought. “Yes, what do you think the time is?” “I know you had dinner with Chase. Are you realizing you still want him?” Every hair on my body stood on end. “Are you stalking me? How did you know?” “Oh, darling. I should know everything about the person I’m currently seeing.” “So you’re seeing me?” I teased. “I’m serious, Eloise,” he said flatly. I let out a sigh. “You know I’m not a fan of possessi
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Chapter 54
ELOISE I had another sip of my coffee, and it warmed me up. “You probably know me better than anyone else. You probably know what my dad is doing that I just can’t figure out. How about we start with that?” I suggested, my gaze unwavering. “Your father,” he began, “is a man with layers, just like you.” “Like me?” “You possess qualities I typically avoid, yet I’m undeniably drawn to you.” I blushed. “This isn’t about me.” He released a sigh. “Your father hides his intentions well, but I have some ideas—something I’ve observed when we talked to him. For example, it doesn’t matter who you marry, whether it’s the baron or someone else.” I frowned. He was right. Dad would’ve insisted, but he didn’t. Rather, he let me go. “Why do you think so?” “Your dad needs him because they’re partners in crime. That freaking baron handles the Cunningham businesses, so if you marry him, the viscount won’t have to try hiding his agenda. Especially to you.” I shook my head. “I still don’t get what
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Chapter 55
ELOISE Adam guided me to the center of the living room, and suddenly, he stood behind me. The warmth of his body was palpable as he leaned forward, his breath gently grazing my neck. A soft, involuntary moan escaped my lips as I felt the sensual sensation. “Have I told you that you are a work of art, Eloise?” His voice, low and sultry, reached my ears. His sound was like a caress, rousing a faint hunger in me. He circled around, assessing me just like when we fucked. Every curve of my body, every inch of my skin, seemed to be under his scrutiny. Shit. This was it. This was what kept me here with him. This magnetic pull between us. A provocative smile played on his lips as he stopped before me as if he knew what I was thinking. He started playing with the buttons of my blouse, not looking away, making every move deliberate and teasing. The room seemed to pulse with electric energy as he continued, the dim light casting shadows that danced along the contours of his face. My breat
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Chapter 56
ELOISE I woke up just before my morning alarm. Lying with my eyes closed, I grinned into my pillow and thought back to the events of last night. I knew it wasn’t something to be thrilled about, but maybe because I was being shallow. The things Adam said were dangerous; even the way he’d jerked off in front of me promised unknown possibilities for me—if not for him. It would definitely change my life, and even though our deal was done and we would go our separate ways, I doubted I would ever forget about him. Thinking about that alone left an indescribable ache in my chest. The truth was, I was afraid to fall hard. I fell hard once before, and it took me years to move on. But I wanted something more to happen with Adam. With a condition, of course, and it was good not to be alone anymore. He offered to help me escape from my father’s plan and discover what he was doing with Callum in exchange for my submission. It sounded simple, considering what he would give me in return. But to
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Chapter 57
ELOISE I immediately grabbed my phone and texted Adam when I sat at my desk. Me: Can we talk? His reply was quick. I’m preoccupied. What is it, Eloise? Me: There's a question I want to ask you face-to-face. Adam: I'm stuck in a meeting until 7:30. Mind waiting for me? I pondered for a bit, but I replied. Sure. Where can we meet? Adam: Come by my office. Do you know where it's at? At the SEG tower? That's where I always wanted to work. My stomach was instantly tied up in knots from the excitement. I quickly visualized him, well-dressed in a designer suit, sitting confidently behind his desk, exuding the same sense of power he always had. Count me in. Me: I’ll be there. Upon leaving my office, I remembered I had left my car at home this morning because Chase had given me a ride, so I chose to take a cab instead. I dashed to the lobby and hailed a cab, giving the driver clear instructions to take me to the SEG tower. I watched the cityscape flying past outside the cab window
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Chapter 58
ELOISE The exchange of kisses between us started gradually unfolding like the slow unwrapping of my rich favorite candy: chocolate and strawberry with a hint of mint. Being in his office with his employees just on the other side of the glass walls made everything around us feel exhilarating and risky. Each experience I shared with Adam was like nothing I've ever had before. Heck, I’d never even done this before. The strength of our connection became undeniable, and I felt what he was feeling right now mirrored my own. Our tongues engaged in a playful dance, sleek, wet, and sensual that it already left me breathless. Next thing I knew, he was on top of me, and I was on his desk, with my legs spread. Slowly, his hand slid beneath my skirt, venturing deep until it reached my panties. I instinctively grabbed his hand, attempting to halt his advances. “Your secretary is right outside that wall.” I glanced towards the door. “He won’t hear or see us. In fact, no one will,” he muttered,
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Chapter 59
ELOISE The dinner was delivered promptly, and Adam set it up on the center table by the couch in his office. After that, he focused on me as we ate. “By the way, about what you said,” I said in the middle of our scrumptious meal. “I’m not really sure how we’re gonna do this your way. Don’t normal couples do that? Exploring their relationships in any aspect? I don’t see why I should submit if you let me set the limits.” “You’re right,” he said, his voice reminding me of how damn sexy he sounded earlier. “There can still be variations in power dynamics within any relationship.” I listened attentively as he continued, “It’s about creating a space where vulnerability is embraced, not exploited—just like what your father does.” My heart felt like it got crushed by what he said. It hurt that he was right at some point. My dad knew I feared him, so he took advantage of that and controlled my life. “Giving up control to me completely,” Adam explained again, “is not about dominance or su
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