All Chapters of Throne of Wolves: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
284 Chapters
Chapter 101
Claire's POV I sigh and let Tara drag me, her being unusually cheerful"oh no!" I say realising something "I forgot his present at my house!" I frown and turn back"We can get it later, come on" she doesn't even stop "it's not like you to forget things" she tells me and I nod"Sonia came to my house this morning, she-" I cut myself off, trying to keep calmShe finally does pause and turn to me "what did she say?" She asks, darkly lined blue eyes concerned"There autopsy came up normal but she's sending off there blood to a place more advanced just to be sure" I tell her and she frowns looking away "It'll be ok, it was just a freak accident" she says and I shrug"I guess" she hugs me lightly and then smiles, I do the same2She turns and pulls me along, I follow. We end up on Lawrence's parents door step, Tara smiles wide and knocks on the door. His Mother, Carmene, answers the door "hi Tara, Claire how are you two?" She asks"Great" Tara answers for us and I nod, smiling politely
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Chapter 102
Claire's POVAfter the front door closes Carmen comes over to me, she scoops me up in an unexpected hug and leads me to the bathroom. Even though my wounds will heal by tomorrow she still cleans my busted lip and small cut on my eyebrow. When I look in the mirror I instantly look away, the person before me being someone I do not know. One eyes is already black and the other a blueish purple. My cheeks are red and swollen as well."Thank you for this Carmen" I say softly as she sweeps the cloth across my still slightly bleeding lip"You're welcome darling, I don't really know what all happened....I'm so sorry Tara did this to you and I don't know what was going through my sons brain saying all that's stuff about you right in front of his new found mate" she shakes her head, green eyes confused and disappointed "I just hope all of you can get passed this. Friendships should never be lost over a boy" she continues to frown"We'll see" I say sadly and step away from her"thanks again, I'm
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Chapter 103
Claire's POV It's been a day since Lawrence's birthday and I've been locked in my room. My parents and Sister haven't bursted in with rage and hateful remarks so I'm sure Tara and Lawrence hasn't said what happened in the mind like. Not that I would know. I get up and start to do my usual school routine. I dress in casual attire, tired after this weekend. I wonder if either of them will be at school. Carmen has yet to give me any word on what's happening. I sigh and throw my silvered hair into a long ponytail. My eyes catch my reflection and I look over my face, as expected I'm almost completely healed, my face still has a red tint and is swollen slightly, my jaw still aches a little. But other than that I'm back to normal. I look away and grab my bag, reaching for the door.I gasp when my door flies open and almost hits me in the face. I jump back and look who barged in, Bervely."I can't fucking believe you, I swear you disgust me. Dad and mom are pissed, just wait" she sneers and
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Chapter 104
Claire's POVMy parents and Bervely are no where to be found and neither are their cars once we step out of the house. I'm relived they arn't here to see me walking out with the Beta and Alpha. Who knows what they would've had to say.I follow behind Bryat; Martin still has his hand securely on the small of my back. I can't help the blush that creeps up my neck. He starts to walk into Martin's house.... Kenneth old home. I stumble a little and can't help but stop. Martin looks down at me and after a minute he realises"if it makes you uncomfortable we can go somewhere else, I want you to be comfortable in your f-" he stops and clears his throat"never mind"I raise and eyebrow but shake my head"no, sorry I'll be fine" I assure him and he nods, still a little reluctantWe follow Bryat inside and I look around, last time I was in here I was cleaning out all there things...I shutter at the memory. It looks completely different, which helps. I'm surprised at the decor, it's nice, modern
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Chapter 105
Claire's POV"Mom I'm sorry, I'm not with Lawrence...I'm with-" I cut myself off, if I tell her I'm with the alpha she'll either think I'm lying or in troubleLena instantly points to herself and I nod"Lena" I rush out"Lena?" My Mother asks surprised "the Betas mate?" She asks"Yes ma'am" I say"I'll be home soon""I don't believe yo-" before she can finish Lena steels my phone"Hi Mrs. Bryan? Sorry for keeping Claire out so late, we just got to talking, you know how girls do. We've already eaten and lost track of time" Lena says with a smile and I silently thank her and she laughs lightly"Oh-...uhh" my mom seems speechless "that's alright dear, just make sure she gets home soon" she finally says, her tone completely changed"Of course, thank you" Lena hangs up and hands me my phoneI don't speak for a minute but then die laughing, Lena joins and Bryat chuckles. Martin just frowns and after we calm down he speaks"Do you want me to walk you home?" He asks and even though it's right
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Chapter 106
Claire's POVWaking up I know I'm not going to school again today, Bervely came into my room this morning before she left for school and was telling me everything that people are saying about me. It's pretty crude stuff and I had to keep down the tightness in my throat. Most of the time, while she spoke her evil words, my brain was occupied by the most amazing kiss of my life. Still I can't believe it happened, I pinched myself multiple times to see if it was all a dreams.She talked and I imagined his hands on my waist, pulling me to him. I remembered his smell of pine and manliness, the soft feeling of his lush hair through my fingers. I still feel his mint breath on my face when he pulled away, how flushed I was and breathless when my Mother opened the door. How my heart hammered against my chest and my whole body sung with excitement and liveliness.When I went down for breakfast my Father looked at me like I was a criminal. I tried to ignore it but it was hard, he finally broke t
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Chapter 107
Claire's POVTaking a deep breath I let go, allowing my wolf to take over and be free. When I open my eyes again, the world is different. Colors deeper, sounds louder, smells more intense. The pines and leaves on the trees a deeper and brighter green and yellow. The sounds of birds chirping in the distance. It's hard to switch from human to wolf so quick, everything's a little mixed up due to such change and enhancement. I try to drown out the sounds in my head, it being so loud to what I'm used to. If my parents let me change everyday it would be more normal. I stare down at myself, thick dark fur, large paws and muscles relaxed and strong. I shake out my fur and jump around the trees, testing my reflexes. I chase a couple birds, dig my paws into the dirt and run until I can't even breath.I've probably been out here for two hours but my moms at work anyways. I hear the sounds of cracking twigs, my pointed black ears pipe up and I look around. My heart starts to pump so I quickly run
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Chapter 108
Claire's POVI wake up, my mom yelling at me that I need to go to school. She doesn't know what happened yesterday and if she did she would have made me stay in my room forever.I put on a pair of leggings and a T-shirt. I really pray whoever it was yesterday stays quiet about my predicament. I hope my parents and Carmen have told enough people the truth about what happened between me, Lawrence and Tara that no one at school will mention anything.I throw up my grey silvery strands, running my hands through the silky texture. I sigh staring into the mirror at my grey sleepy eyes and pale skin. Last night I was so sleepy I don't even remember falling asleep. I turn and look at my bed, my phone tangled into the sheets.I gasp at the sight and a flashback from the night before replays through my head."I know what you are"The voice and words ring like an alarm in my ears. I know that voice...but it can't be. Fear pumps my heart to dangerous speeds at realisation and I run over to my pho
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Chapter 109
Claire's POV"Of course, we can take some of the Warriors off border control to search the forest and territory" Martin's says, head held highLawrence's brown eyes widen and nods his head once"thank you" he says and Martin turns to Bryat"Send word to the rest of the wolves" he says and Bryat nodsHe looks over at us and smiles at Lena, she waves and he nods and turns to the forest."I'm going to go with him....I need to search for her" Lawrence's says and follows afterAfter a moment two wolves pop out behind the forest trees, Lawrence and Bryat, and they slip further in. Maddox turns to me"are you alright?" He asks and I nod"I swear if that little twerp said one more thing to me, and on top of that he was touching you" he says angrily and looks over my arms"I would have ripped the fucking-""Calm down Martin, you'll scare the poor girl" Lena says pulling me closer to herMartin's eyes open"sorry" he says quietly"So you have any idea why she would leave?" He asks me and I shak
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Chapter 110
Claire's POV "Claire...what have you done to me" his voice sounds so pure and soft, a sound I have never heard from himI'm at a lose for words and I have to choke up my next sentence "I....I don't know" I tell himHis large hand moves to the back of my neck and even with the calluses it's the softest touch I have ever felt "I have to kiss're making this very hard for me" his voice is strains and he pulls back slightlyBut I quickly fill the space, our whole body touching as if we split apart the world would end "I don't mean to" I tell him, mainly because I'm not sure what he's talking about. Does he really feel the same way about me as I do him? Does he want to kiss me as badly as I want to kiss him? What about all the stuff before?"I know" he whispers taking both my cheeks into his hands and slowly leading his lips to mineMy heart pounds and it's all I hear, the sound of the rain washed out by the constant thumps. His lip skims mine and instantly I feel calmer. My h
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