All Chapters of Throne of Wolves: Chapter 251 - Chapter 260
284 Chapters
Chapter 251
Davyna's POV I turn around, surprising him as l push him back down on the lounge chair and kiss him softly, as I move up to straddle him. He runs his hands through my hair, and then cups the back of my neck with one hand, deepening the kiss until we break away from each other, my heart hammering in my chest."Let's go unpack." I say slyly as I get off of him and walk to the doorway. He looks toward me, his hazel eyes smoldering as he looks me up and down"God damnit, Davyna.""l can tease too." I go and take off towards the bedroom, and once I get in, I have no chance to do anything. I'm suddenly pinned against the wall, hands above my head. Vincent buries his face in my neck, kissing and love biting me until I feel like my legs are going to give out."We will continue this later, once I feed and have a bit more control." He pulls away from me, his eyes now blazing red."You can feed off me you know that right?" I say as he lets go of my arms and I bring the
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Chapter 252
Davyna's POV I stir awake slightly, rubbing my eyes. I roll over and notice l'm alone in the bed. Did Vincent not sleep here last night? I sit up, my stomach churning with nerves as I remember our heated discussion last night. I overstepped a line. I shouldn't have pushed him to answer if he wasn't ready to talk about it. Whatever it was, it upset him greatly, and I really have to learn to keep my mouth shut sometimes.Black had given up on looking for I sigh, and swing my legs over the edge of the bed. I hop off and adjust my pyjamas and head into the bathroom to wash my face and tame my wild curls. Once finished, I walk back out and open the double doors to go and find Vincent.I'm greeted by a wonderful smell coming from downstairs. I make myway down and peek my head into the large kitchen near the back of the house. I smile as I see Vincent, bare chested with just pyjama pants on, whistling some tune while he makes food."Vincent?" I say quietly, trying to
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Chapter 253
Vincent's POV I emerge from the bathroom a few minutes later, freshly showered and I change into my usual casual pants and a white dress shirt, the topbuttons left undone. I leave my hair down to air dry."Davyna, you ready?" I ask as she comes in from the hallway, in a dusty plum coloured dress that ends just before her knees, and black ankle boots. Beautiful."I'm ready if you are.!" She replies and reaches out her hand. I take it and we head out together. It day in Avern was spectacular. We did some shopping. where I bought Davyna some jewelery, which she tried to flat out ref finally caved into. We also bought some clothes, a small gift for Caleb- which she wanted my approval for, and I gladly gave - and sweet snacks for Davyna to enjoy later. We went back to the house and dropped all of our newly purchased items off and then we decided to walk over to the restaurant for dinner. We had some champagne, and I ordered my favourite steak dish, and Davyna decided on
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Chapter 254
Davyna's POV There's a few moments of silence as Vincent just stares at me, eyesblazing wildly. I place my phone on the side table and then get off the bed and make my way over to my mate who seems completely frozen in place. Did I shock him into submission?"Vincent?" I say his name as I place my hands on either side of his face.He doesn't say a word, but his eyes trail hungrily down my body andback up again. When our eyes meet again he finally speaks."Not that I'm complaining, but what is this?" He says with a clear hint of arousal to his voice, but still holding back. "It's a surprise, like I alreadysaid." I reply as I wrap my arms around his neck."You're treading on dangerous ground here, love." He warns as I lean in to kiss him lightly."I know, but I'm making that choice. I want you. I can't keep dodging around howl feel. I want to feel you against me,I need to."That's all it takes. He pulls me further into him, our lips collidin
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Chapter 255
Davyna's POV "You'll be a little sore in the morning, but let's run a bath and get cleaned up." I nod as he picks me up bridal style, towel and all and carries me into the bathroom. When he puts me down to run the bath, I get a wet cloth and wipe myself down, noticing the smallest amount of blood, a clear sign that I am no longer a virgin. I go and rinse the cloth under the tap in the sink, and when I look up, I'm startled by Vincent standing behind me, eyes almost glowing red. He's breathing heavily as he stares at me,me yes focused solely on my neck."I need to mark you, Davyna." He says huskily as he approaches me and I turn to face him. "Are you in pain, Vincent? You look like you're mizzled looking up to me, not even hurting"It's...uncomfortable, but I need to do it. My nature is making it hard to resist now that we've mated. I thought I could hold off, but it's proving difficult." He tells me, and I can hear the strain in his voice."Then don't resist it." I
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Chapter 256
Vincent's POV To say that these first few days of Davyna being here have been interesting is a complete understatement. We're now on day four of her visit, and I never thought I'd be training her on honing her vampiric abilities, but here we are. She has picked up everything easily so far, it's almost as if she was never dormant to begin with. From what I've observed of her over the past day or so, is that she is an exceptional being.It also seems that she is able to flip back and forth between her"human side...vampire side. I've been having" she can flip without having to focus too much. I feel it would be safer for her if she can do it instantaneously in case she finds herself in a situation that she needs to defend herself. She's doing So well, considering this is a new experience for her. She seems to be more stable mentally with all that has happened, and I've definitely noticedher demeanor change slightly. She is still herself personality wise, but she's more sultry, sassy a
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Chapter 257
Davyna's POV(2 Days Later)I sigh as a slip further down into the bathtub, soaking my aching muscles in the scalding hot water and the overwhelming amount ofbubbles. I need to take time to recover after being a vampire for an extended period of time. Since I've been training with Vincent everyday since I awakened, these baths have become a saving grace each night.When I'm a vampire, I feel no pain at all, but when I switch back, it's like I got run over by a truck. Vincent says that it could be like this for a while, until my human body adjusts to the strain of the transformation and difference of the athleticism can't even imagine what it's going to feel like when I shift into my wolf for the first time.I shudder at the thought, but it quickly dissipates as Vincent walks into the bathroom."You doing okay in here?" He asks me, coming to kneel by the side of the tub. I nod and smile at him. "I'm okay, just sore as usual." He leans in a kisses my the
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Chapter 258
Davyna's POVI'm sad to leave, but excited to see how the packlands at Midnight Moon are, and spend some quality time with Caleb. He crashed here at the mansion last night with Vincent and I, after showing him exactly what had happened to me this week concerning my vampire awakening. It went over well, I managed to stay in control and Caleb seemed more exited knowing that my wolf would be making herself known sooner rather then later. I've kept myself busy this morning while the boys have been out. Caleb went back to the compound to grab his things to come pick me up later, and Vincent said he was going to work outside in the backyard, as some of the stone path and flowerbeds took some damage while him and I were training this week. I've washed and dried my clothes, and packedmost of my bags up so they are ready to go. I also decided to change the bedsheets and tidy up around the bedroom while I had time, since I don't really feel comfortable leaving messes for others to cl
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Chapter 259
Davyna's POV "How far are your packlands, Caleb?" I ask as I look out the window of the passenger side of the car."Midnight Moon is about 2 hours in the opposite direction of the compound, so we've still got a bit of a drive ahead of us.""Well. I'll tell you exactly what I told Vincent when we were heading to Avern. I don't mind helping with the drive if you need a break.""IIl keep it in mind, baby." He says, eyes focused on the road."is it different at the packlands?" I ask, trying to get some moreinformation before we get there."It's very different from Avern. Werewolf life and culture is drastically different then vampire life.""Vincent told me that I shouldn't worry too much about the fact that my vampire side awakened already, was he right?""He was. You'll be accepted regardless since you are my mate and future. Luna of the pack. There's no doubt there, but it's hard to say how your hybridism will be accepted. We will deal with that
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Chapter 260
Caleb's POV l inhale deeply as I walk with Davyna, her hand in mine, down the rocky path near the lake by my home. I can't believe she's here. The midday sun is shining over the lake as we stop near the edge. Davyna lets go of my hand and sits on the small bank."The water is beautiful. It's so clear, it looks like glass." She says happily as she removes her sneakers and socks and dips her feet in, making small ripples in the surface. Leaning back on her hands, she lets her head fall back and closes her eyes. I sit down beside her, just admiring her beauty. I notice her hair is sitting in the dirt, so I reach over and move it over her left shoulder, letting my fingers linger in the soft curls.Davyna opens her eyes to look at me then, our eyes locking. She sits up and leans closer to me as I cup her face and kiss her gently."You seem a little hot." She says as she grasps my arm, and then I find myself in the lake, her having pulled and thrown me using her vampire s
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