All Chapters of OPPOSITE TWINS The Origin of the Lady...: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
104 Chapters
Magalhaes had interrupted the drug treatment, due to an unforeseen problem with the supplier.A long time had passed since the day Rúbia had spoken about the need for an instructor and had dismissed the last of the several candidates who had emerged since then. She was no longer satisfying herself, playing only with herself.No one in the locality was capable of competing and teaching her something new. “What doesn’t nourish me shouldn’t occupy me...” she said after each dispensation. Therefore, after brief departures, she saw the need to continue the search. Those from Romântica were the first to be eliminated and then those from several closer cities.Faced with the need, Rúbia came to the conclusion that she should hire someone qualified from the capital, or from another state and, if not suitable, from outside the country, such as one of the authors of the books she had read. In the dining room, where she usually eats breakfast alone, like before she got married, after her parent
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Days and classes later...“Tell me a little about yourself...” suggests Rúbia, while analyzing the next move of the game, surrounded by silence broken only by birdsong.The student's desire was to know a little about the teacher's past, but what she heard was:“I would really like to settle down and form a family... I have always been fascinated by this arrangement of parents having children... then grandchildren and so on.” Hopeful.“Don’t tell me that it was the Romantic atmosphere that influenced you... Since I was a little girl, I’ve heard many people attribute this tendency to her, which awakens precisely when she visits us for the first time!” Ironizes.“I hadn't thought about it, but now that you mention it...However, I already had this desire in my heart, I love children, whereas my sister didn't and didn't have such a reaction when she got to know the city...” he reveals.“In her case it could be a matter of time... We have a lot of weddings here compared to other cities in
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On the terrace...It was raining heavily outside and the two were playing, while enjoying the water soaking the property and, the trees fighting against the wind, remaining standing almost miraculously.“I heard that you already have a suitor for a husband and I'm very happy about that. But I still don't know who he is and that worries me, because, if that's the case..., I can guarantee a place for him in my companies and he will be paid much more than he is now..." comments the student.“I don’t think it will be necessary... He already works here...” he says smiling and adds:“I felt attracted to the Indian's simple way... I don't know how to explain it..., but I believe he reminds me of my father's simplicity... His unpretentious and sincere way won me over. I've met a lot of arrogant people in my life... I was disappointed! But it also made me be selective and want the opposite of myself... So, we happened to get involved...” blessed."The driver?!" is surprised."Yes, that's him!"
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One night...In the village, a location some distance from the mansion.The teacher is next to the groom and seems thoughtful. The cold wind blows over her to the point that it blows a few strands of hair to her lips. She trembles, he hugs her and makes a comment that would normally make her smile. However, that is not what happens.He finds it strange, given that she is always attentive, both to changes in the weather, such as the cold, for example, and to his words.“This is Tauã straight from Romântica, please complete the call...” jokingly.“I was thinking something…” insipid.“Does it have to do with us?” he questions, worried and unsure as always.“No, it's not about us... It's about my illustrious student... Sometimes I get the feeling that I'm dealing with two people... very different from each other...”“Like… twins…?” confused.“Just like that... If someone told me that they have two, that they are paying for one, I would believe them... In that gigantic mansion, it is possi
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Quotes the master “Time can be a beast or a prey for us. We can run behind or ahead of him...”"Like this?" questions.“In a match he can be our enemy or our ally. Everything will depend on our ability to tame it...” concludes the instructor.“I understand...” he considers.“The opponent playing you is just one of your opponents. Time is the other thing that, if extrapolated on your part, even if you are doing well..., will cause you to lose the match... This is what we call 'arrow breaking'” he explains once again and adds “being So, don't waste time making your initial decisions, after they have been well thought out, of course. How to do this? Developing the ability to 'think quickly'”“I understand...” he ponders.“Your decisions throughout the match cannot be delayed. My suggestion is that you don't think about what to do after my movement and, yes, well before that... it's called 'predictability', that is, the ability to predict the most obvious within a scale and not fail to co
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At the city Hall...“Good morning...” greets the receptionist and adds, “well, how can I help you?”The simple man in front of her, who appears not to be from the community, says why he is in front of the attendant:“I came from the neighboring city, I'm a community leader and I would like to make an appointment with the mayor to discuss the progress of a project that has been pending since his first term... In this case I spoke to the deputy, as he was not there at the time ..." he explains.“I understand... However, both in the first contact and in the future, you will deal with the deputy... The mayor left it up to him... is that ok with you...?”“Yes, even better because he certainly remembers me and that makes it easier. But I have one doubt. Is there a way to resolve this or will I have to wait for him to consult the mayor? Because there is a certain urgency in my case.”“Sir, to be honest, the mayor is the one who doesn't solve anything and... never has. His office is closed th
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On the couch...“How do you see life… today?” asks the psychologist.“Cause and consequence...” — she answers the question and adds, “in life for every action there are reactions that lead to others and others as if... infinite... Therefore, the first step must be well thought out” says the patient.“I noticed a certain determination in the words and way of acting in today’s session. I notice that she has thought carefully before giving answers and certainly this should also happen when making decisions...I see this as a great advance compared to the first sessions we had at the beginning of the treatment and clear evolutions each week...”, writes the doctor silently while she speaks.“A new philosophy of life for a new woman?” questions.“I don’t see myself as a “new” woman. This word gives a connotation of... inexperience...” he claims.“What would be the definition of yourself… then?” inquire.“In a single word: strength. I see myself with scars from an unprotected batt
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The actions of cuts and personnel changes in companies, where she began to notice signs of fraud and corruption, and within municipal government departments, were happening in cascades.The result was a stability never seen in the history of Romântica and that of the companies under her and her husband's responsibility.Every day more and more investors, businesspeople and leaders from different areas sought to have a moment with her.“Each one wants to deposit their precious eggs in Dona Rúbia... They are similar to blowflies looking for a fertile place to serve as an incubator.” comments the housekeeper Hortênsia, who usually welcomes each of them.But every day Rúbia became more enigmatic to most of those who asked for her advice. The reason is that little or none of those who sought her out understood this game and often felt lost in the comparisons and connections she made.This gradually aroused everyone's need and interest in fully understanding what it was based on, where the
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Speaking of Reid...Bruce's life was nothing but the same. Everyone realized that it was not at all strategic, hectic and exciting like his wife's. But there was movement, so everything, besides nothing, could happen. He could too, because nothing mattered to him. It was all very predictable, just like the adventure that can be seen in the smallest hand of a clock. As for the future, he was as if under a dense fog, which prevented him from seeing even what was in front of him.At first, the wife even considered adding him to her “board”. Furthermore, she thought to herself and came to the conclusion that it was a piece of little or no strategic use.Do what? It even seemed like a structural issue, “you can't change all materials”, she said and added: “People are made of materials and not all of them can be changed easily, only those who flex, contribute to this...”. “To do this you have to have the humility of a pawn.” She referred to her husband as being impossible, considering he wa
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The next morning...“Hello Tobias! Did the mayor’s consignment of books arrive?” asks the Indian, his driver, when passing by the post office to check the mailbox packages.“Good, Tauã!” responds the employee who was smoking, standing in one of the corners of the post office sidewalk and adds, “no, friend. We learned that there was a problem with the plane and all the cargo was permanently damaged…” he explains.“So, what does this situation look like? What do I tell him about the expensive books that are supposed to come from Europe? They are all in his language and there are none here...” he asks and laments.“Suppliers will have to replenish orders, in your case, and... they will arrive with a certain delay.”"I understood. Thank you, friend." The driver says goodbye. But he is soon called by the employee, “when is the wedding going to be!?My wife was going to ask her fiancée, but she never saw her again... She's been missing since she stopped teaching at the school nearby....”“W
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