All Chapters of Consumed By The Biker: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
120 Chapters
Chapter 101 Rider's Choice
Her sister had only been gone for four months and she was having inappropriate thoughts about her brother-in-law. She'd also caught him looking at her oddly from time to time. Rider was so grateful for all that Ash had done for him and the kids. But lately he was having some pretty hot dreams and thoughts about her which made him feel guilty. His wife had only been dead for six months. How long was he supposed to grieve? At what point was it ok to move on? And was thinking about another woman who wasn't his wife ok?Ash had started her own practice. She was a damn good attorney and since she only wanted to work part time, she was looking for a partner so she would not have to turn away clients. Not being able to handle it anymore, Rider had broken down and talked to Preacher. He had told Rider that everything he was feeling was normal and that only he would know the right time limits. Everyone is different and handles things differently. Rider made up his mind that him and Ash nee
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Chapter 102 Changes
Ash couldn't believe her ears. Over the last months of raising the kids with Rider she’d fell in love with him. This was like nothing she ever felt before. “I have feelings for you too. But I also have guilt and fears." She replied. "I think the guilt is natural, but tell me your fears." Rider requested. "Will it cause trouble with you and your brothers? I feel embarrassed since you'll be number three. What does that say about me. And lastly, I fear you'll never love me as much as you loved Angel. I could never handle being second choice or being compared to her." Ash explained. "First of all, I'll deal with my brothers. Dragon screwed you over and Trace deceived you. None of that was your fault. You just had poor choices. Unless we try, we'll never know how deeply our love will be. And I'd never compare you to her. I know the difference. And different is a good thing." Rider replied. "I want to so much, but I'm also very scared. I can't lose the kids. What if it doesn't work? I
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Chapter 103 Moving Forward
Then he picked her up and carried her to the bed. He took off her shirt then his briefs. He laid down on the bed and grabbed her hand pulling her on top of him. "Ride me baby. I want my hands on those gorgeous tits while you fuck me." He groaned. Ash straddled him. His dirty talk turned her on. He held his cock while she sank down on it. Then his hands grabbed her tits while she rocked back and forth on him. His groans and "yeah baby's" had her on the edge in no time. Just as she found her release, she felt his as well. It was several minutes later before she could move. She went to the bathroom and cleaned up and took him a wet rag. "Thanks babe. Not sure I could move yet." He smirked at her. After he cleaned off, he tossed it in the floor and pulled her into him. Exhausted they fell asleep. Two little hands were squeezing Ash's face as she woke up. She opened her eyes staring into AJ's. "We're hungry can we have waffles?" AJ asked. "Ah sure. I need to get dressed." Ash manage
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Chapter 104 Past Trouble Appears
She wiped her tears and went to Rider. He wiped her face and then pulled her out the door. Things had been calm for a little while. Ash was planning AJ's sixth birthday party and Faith's third. Gabriel would be turning one just a few weeks later. They decided to wait on his party and just combine AJ and Faith's since they were only days apart. AJ was born on August 3rd and Faith on August 6. Gabriel would be celebrating his first on September 21st. Ash was in her office when she heard a commotion at the reception desk. She stood up as two bikers in cuts she didn't recognize walked in behind a woman who was dressed all in leather, obviously from the same club. "May I help you?" Ash asked. "Yes, you certainly can. You can start by staying the fuck away from my man!" The woman hissed. The two men sat down as did the woman. Ash sat down and pushed the button on the underside of her desk. It would alert whoever was working in the security room back at the clubhouse. "I'm afraid you'
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Chapter 105 Six is a Crowd
Rider was pissed at the outcome. He felt nothing was done to Veronica and doubted they'd heard the last of her. After they finished their drinks, they climbed on their bikes and headed home. That night they were lying in bed talking. "I need to tell you something." Ash explained. "Hmm?" Rider hummed. "You know how Gabriel has been saying mama, dada and bye bye? Well today he reached for me and called me mama. And then Faith did the same. After a few times AJ asked why they were calling me that instead of aunty Ash." Ashley explained. "I didn't know what to say. Cassie was there and she explained that since their real mommy went to heaven, and I was now taking care of them and loving them like her that they felt like I was just like a mom." Ash explained. "Ok." Rider replied. "How did you want to handle it? Because now AJ is calling me mom." Ash whispered. "Baby you are their mom now. It's not like Angel can ever come back. You're not replacing her. You're stepping in and taking
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Chapter 106 Quite the Mess
"You really think a locked door would keep me out in my house?" He smirked. She grabbed the towel and wrapped it around herself. "Thanks for reminding me it's your house!" She snapped. "You know I didn't mean it like that. Look maybe she just misunderstood what you were trying to say. Teens get a little dramatic." He replied. "No. There was no room for misunderstanding! I said she needed to change because it was inappropriate for her to wear her pajamas around AJ or you. Those were my exact words!” Ash retorted.“I’m extremely offended by your tone and accusations. That you would question me and believe I would be the type of woman she was hinting at really makes me wonder if you even know me?" Ash replied. Rider rubbed his hands down his face. He didn't know how to handle this situation. Ash was normally easy going and what she said made sense. "Look, if she bothers you that much, we'll look for a new sitter." He sighed. "Really?" Ash asked. Rider nodded yes. "Good. She's not a
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Chapter 107 Where's the Fire?
She picked up Gabriel and took Faith's hand. They went to his room. He was on the bed crying. "AJ? Can we come in?" He nodded. "Faith brought you a toy." They walked in and Faith handed him the toy. "Thank you, Sissy." He quietly replied. Faith smiled and looked at Ash "Mama." Then Gabriel copied her. AJ looked sad. "What's wrong AJ?" Ash asked. "I don't want to call you Aunty Ash. I want you to be my mommy. I'm sorry! I'll be good." He cried. "AJ honey, you can call me whatever you feel comfortable with. If you want me to be your mommy, then I am.” Ash explained.“Just because I'm not your birth mom, doesn't mean I love you any less. And it doesn't mean I can't be your mom now." Ash smiled. "Ok mommy." He smiled and minutes later it was forgotten. Rider hadn't called her since that first day. He had managed a few quick texts. A little after 4am, Ash was woken up. She went to check on Gabriel first. Cindy was sitting in the rocking chair. Ash walked around to see what she w
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Chapter 108 Legalities
"That's where you're wrong. Angel signed papers naming me legal guardian if anything happened to her. Me and Rider have 50/50 custody. You can check the courthouse." She explained. "They both signed off on it. WE will be leaving. Try to stop me taking MY kids and I'll involve the cops!" Ash warned. James nodded and walked away. Scarlett helped Ash get the kids ready and load their stuff into the SUV. "I like you. I didn't think you had any of your sister in you. Thought you too meek and too agreeable. But now I see your more dangerous than your sister was! Mild but calculating. I like that a lot! Good for you!" Scarlette replied. "Thank you. I sent Rider a text. I told him where we would be. If you see him make sure he got it?" Ash asked. "Will do. Be safe." Scarlett replied. Ash checked them in to a local hotel with security. They could afford to stay there for a while. Rider refused to let her pay any bills except groceries, so she had a nice sum in the bank. She'd even starte
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Chapter 109 Skeletons
"You got your head out of your ass yet?" Scarlett demanded. "Fuck." Rider murmured. "I know you ain't stupid enough to not believe 100% what comes out of your "old lady's" mouth!" She retorted. "Keep this shit up and you'll lose another." Rider winced as he caught the dig about his lack of support. He was just trying to wrap his head around everything. Scarlett got up and left. Maddie took the stool beside him. "I was there when Ash had to take all three kids with her to the salon to get gum out of her hair. She didn't feel safe leaving them with Cindy.” Maddie explained.“I went by a couple times and saw Cindy cooking while Ash took care of the kids. I saw Ash cleaning up Cindy's messes. And Cindy sat on her ass smiling the whole time." Maddie explained. "You know Ash better than anyone. Do you really think she'd lie about something like this? Is she the type of person who would destroy her home to get rid of someone?" Maddie asked. Rider couldn't look at her. He felt ashamed o
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Chapter 110 Party Favors
"Multiple fights and trouble throughout middle school. Mostly juvenile stuff. Freshman year of high school she stalked and bullied a girl who went out with a guy she liked. Sophomore year, she beat up 2 girls for going on a date with the same guy." Sam replied. "He transferred to another school. Her junior year she started dating another boy. Afterwards he broke up with her stating she was stalking him and accusing him of being with other girls. He started dating another girl." Sam continued. "She received a beating, harassing calls, her picture and number put on a porn site, and an auto accident where her brake line was cut. Cindy was expelled as the IP address on the stalking and security footage led back to her." Rider read from his report Ash had gave him. "Her grandpa made restitution to the family and part of keeping her from being arrested was that she seek counseling and do her senior year online at home. As you can see the other two guys were tall, dark haired, and blue ey
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