All Chapters of Loving a Tycoon: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
67 Chapters
Monte didn’t know if he could be this close to Tyger without wanting to be closer. He would have swept her away into a passionate kiss, but he could tell how uncomfortable she was. He didn’t want to embarrass her any further.He must keep their conversation going. When there was silence between them like this, his thoughts were all over the place, making him want her that much more. He really didn’t know how to stay calm when his heart sped so quickly with eagerness.He finished the mouthful of pancake in his mouth before speaking. “Do you want a taste of my buttermilk pancakes? They are so good.”He cut a small piece and brought it to her mouth. She hadn’t been eating her muffin, just playing with the crumbs on the table. She hesitated as she looked at the piece of food, before opening her mouth. He moved the fork inside her mouth until she bit into it. Her beautiful eyes remained on him the whole time.His heart leape
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Monte helped carry Breanna’s many bags of clothes into her apartment. The time spent with her today had been Heaven on earth. He couldn’t think of another time in his life when he’d enjoyed himself so much. Unfortunately, the day was drawing to a close, and soon he’d have to say good bye.But before that happened, he had to change her mind about her so-called boyfriend.She piled the bags on the floor by the couch before plopping down on the cushion and releasing a gush of air from her mouth. He set the bags in his arms down beside her and then joined her on the couch.“Whew, what a day,” she exclaimed wearily.“You can say that again. But we got so much done, so it was worth it.”She nodded. “It was worth every minute.” She leaned her head against the back of the couch. “I can’t believe I let you talk me into getting all of those clothes.” Frowning, she rolled her head t
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Breanna felt like she was a teenager entering a new school when she walked into the office building. As she readied herself for work this morning, her stomach was in knots. What would her co-workers think of her new look?Ashley was the first to see her. Her jaw dropped, and she jumped out of her chair so quickly it bumped against the cubicle wall.“Oh… my…” Ashley shook her head. “What happened to you?”Because of Ashley’s loud voice, the others in the room were alerted to Breanna’s presence. Within seconds, all of her co-workers swarmed around her, oohing and ahhing over her hair, new dress, and shoes. Breanna didn’t really want to tell them every little detail, so she explained that the party had convinced her to get a new look.Ashley laughed and elbowed Jackie standing next to her. “Yeah, I bet it was Monte who changed Breanna’s mind.”Heat rushed to Breanna’s chee
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Breanna blinked her teary eyes and shut the door. Tom had just left her apartment, angrier than she’d ever seen him before.Just as she thought, he didn’t like her new look. His first reaction was accusing her of being with another guy. Guilt had nearly choked her, but she couldn’t confess who had really instigated her transformation.When Tom began throwing insults her way and calling her degrading names, she knew it was time to put her foot down. It scared her half to death, but she told him to leave her apartment if he couldn’t calm down. He’d shouted out a few more degrading names before storming out the door.This wasn’t how she wanted things between them to go. It was hard not to remember what Monte had said about Tom. Could Monte have been right all this time? Because of Tom’s reaction, she could see that he was trying to control her. All these years, he’d been suffocating her, and she hadn’t even real
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“Of course I wasn’t thinking of you,” she lied and turned back toward the paintings. “If you must know, this house and the paintings, reminds me of the Victorian era, and I was just imagining what it might have been like to live back during that time.”Monte moved beside her as his attention shifted to the paintings. “Believe it or not, I would have loved to live back in those days.”She stared directly at him. “Really? Why?”“Because people didn’t look down their noses at the sons of rich men. Back then, people didn’t mind if the son of a rich guy didn’t do anything during the day. In fact, having a laborious job was frowned upon by high society gents and ladies.” He folded his arms across his wide chest. “Sons of rich men were the kind of guys the old bats wanted to marry their ugly daughters to.”Breanna understood the point he was trying to make, but she st
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“I understand now,” she whispered. “And I appreciate your attention toward me. Too bad some wonderful man couldn’t have swept Linda away.”“You don’t know how many times I think that. If only someone cared about her, she would be alive today, and she would be a successful woman. If only she had waited, her life would have changed. I just know it.”She nodded. “I wonder what my life would have been like if my parents had lived.”He rubbed her fingers. “But it’s useless to look back. We must move forward.”“So true.”He closed the space between them and cupped her face with his hands. “Tyger, my love, thanks for being here with me tonight. You don’t know how much it means to me that you came.”“You’d mentioned that you’d go crazy by yourself, and I… I didn’t want that to happen to such a sweet man.”
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Monte couldn’t wait to get out of the bedroom. Several times he’d wanted to kiss her passionately. But she’d broken his heart already, and he didn’t want to continue feeling that pain. Strange to think they’d only known each other a few days, and that he had allowed himself to be struck by Cupid’s arrow. That had never happened to him before.If they had remained on his bed, he would have succumbed to temptation and kissed her, and never stopped. Yet, he knew she was only here because she and Tom had argued. She confessed that she still didn’t know her feelings, and Monte couldn’t push the issue. He needed to allow her to think this matter through clearly. All he could do was pray that she’d consider him over Tom.When they reached outside, he stopped them. She looked at him with wide, questioning eyes. He grinned and pointed out toward the yard. The outdoor lights were lit brightly, making it easy for her to see th
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Breanna hadn’t been able to catch her breath since last night with Monte. She’d almost told Monte she loved him. Why would she do that? She really needed more time to figure out her feelings for Monte. If she wanted him just because Tom was being a jerk, that wouldn’t be fair to Monte. She definitely didn’t want to hurt him.She sat at her desk at work, staring at the computer screen. Once again, she couldn’t concentrate. Monte had filled her thoughts so often since she met him, and she couldn’t decipher her own feelings.Or could she?She’d lain awake most of the night thinking about Monte and thinking about the wonderful things he’d done for her. He had made her feel like a woman. Tom had never accomplished that. Monte had made her laugh, and she wasn’t afraid to speak her mind with him. Not Tom. She was afraid of his temper. And Monte had made her feel beautiful. Never in her life had anyone made her feel
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Just as Breanna finished her project and sent it to her supervisor’s email, she leaned back in her chair and sighed. For a while, she wondered if she’d be able to complete it at all. Monte had definitely put her under a spell, and she couldn’t stop smiling and laughing. Her co-workers noticed her change, and they even commented on it. Remarkably enough, it didn’t embarrass her.Whatever Monte had done to her, he’d given her more self-confidence than she’d had in a long time. He’d made her feel good about the person she was, inside and out.The phone on her desk rang, and she quickly answered it. “Thanks for calling Upbeat. This is Breanna. How can I help you?”“Hi.”The man’s voice on the other end of the phone was not Monte’s. Disappointment crashed over her, but when she recognized who it was, her nerves jumped with anxiety. She repeated in her mind, Tom will not
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Monte’s mind scurried in several different directions. There must be a way to break free. Tyger had the right idea. They needed to get these bindings off their wrists first, and then they could plan their escape.He breathed heavily for several seconds, trying to calm himself in order to think properly. Suddenly, and idea sprang to his mind and he sat up straight. “Tyger, you might be able to untie my hands.” He turned his back to her.“Okay, I’ll try.”When her fingers touched his, he held them for a few moments, enjoying the feeling of her skin against his. Slowly, she pulled her touch from his. Her fingers awkwardly fumbled with the ropes.Holding his breath, he hoped she’d be able to do this, but her quiet sobs of failure were growing louder.“I don’t think I can,” she said with irritation in her voice.“Don’t give up. I know you can do this.”“I&r
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