All Chapters of HIS INNOCENT TRAITOR: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
63 Chapters
AYRA’S POV:No matter how strong I have become by the miseries of my life I still hadn’t matured my heart according to the circumstances or it was just the human nature. We could control our emotions as long as the matter is of expressions but what is going on inside our body especially the war between mind and heart that always let you to do excessive overthinking is where all humans are same. Being strong depends on how keenly you can hide what’s going on in your insides and that’s the game changer for most of the people. People who tell everyone about their next step are either too stupid or too confident and I was neither of them. I couldn’t be sure of anything until the proper results are out. That’s how indecisive I was and still I was here ready to take down the Duranis.“We have reached.” Akeel stopped the car in front of that fancy restaurant. I had already given him the location as I didn’t know the area myself.Akeel dropped us off and stomped away with his car. He would be
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AYRA’S POV:Sometimes the world in so cruel. By world the meaning is people. People are the most dangerous because they had one thing which is more effective in the most hazardous and the most saccharine way at the same time. Yet there are some people who would rather not close their mouth and decide to hurt people just by the use of their words and then there are the people who are kind enough and know the rules of human ethics or I should say they know that others have a heart too and they have feelings bubbling inside. My uncle came in the people of the first category. He would say anything even though he didn’t have a ruthless personality. He always cared for me but his words were always harsh. I remember my father as he had smile always on his face whenever he used to communicate with us. I smiled as I remember he always used to smile whenever he came home and then his smiles brightened when he saw my mother. These were the vague images in my head as I was too young to make enoug
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AYRA’S POV:“Will you marry my son?”These five words suddenly made the existence of even air to vanish and have the least value in front of me at that time. She asked me the thing that could never cross my mind not even in my most unconscious state full of delusions.“S-sorry?” I asked looking a little dumbfounded as I had covered her securely with the duvet but my eyes weren’t even widened by her words as I was this much shocked that my eyes went teary sparkling with the water in them. I thought this was some kind of joke or she was really upset that made her talk like this.“I was just thinking that why would a random girl marry my son just like that. Even if he found a girl in a café or restaurant, she would give expressions just like you or she will marry him looking at his wealth. I want my Zaroon to have a girl who would give him all her love. How can a random girl can love him even if she is kind hearted and the nice girl you can’t force her to love my son. It’s all fate. Crue
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AYRA’S POV:The sight that shocked me and scared for an instant was him, standing at the side of the kitchen counter with his arms grabbing the aisle. His breaths were heavy as he was taking deep breaths to keep him sane.“Oh…I am so sorry”I wasn’t sorry because I intruded his privacy.I wasn’t sorry because I disturbed him at that hour.I wasn’t sorry because he was looking in a miserable state at that time.I was sorry because he was shirtless.Yes shirtless. That was the first thing that shocked me and made me almost jumped on my toes.“A-are you okay?” I asked as I kept myself on my spot when he looked above at me with his red blood shot eyes. There were red lines patterning his sclera. His hairs were a little disheveled giving evidence that he was in his sleep.Is he in pain?“G-get the f**k out of here?” He growled making my breath hitched as my heart almost came out of my throat when he growled like that. Is he on drugs?“S-sorry.” I wanted to turn on my heels and run away fro
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AYRA’S POV:“You have to be close to him?” Abroo said to me and I looked at her with weird and scared expressions both at the same time.“I am close to Mrs. Johara.” I told her as we both were meeting again after the whole week. Today Mrs. Johara and Sabreena didn’t come with me as they were disappointed by their last time encounter with girls. We were meeting at the same place where we met before and that too at the same table. She ordered the same thing as before and I ordered a juice.“She is not the mastermind. She only knows what is happening in the mansion but you have to take revenge from Zaroon.” She added trying to make me understand that I couldn’t get gain anything if I ignore Zaroon.“She is his mother. She knows everything about him.” I tried to make a reason at which she glanced up at me by taking a sip from her mocha with a small gentle smile that enhanced her beauty even more.“Are you scared of Zaroon?” She asked not with a smirk but with a small gentle smile but stil
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AYRA’S POV:I entered Mrs Johara’s room as it was finally time for her therapy and again, she was trying to dodge that in every way possible but I was getting used to that and that’s why I directly reached her room after Akeel bhai dropped me home after picking me up from the restaurant.“I hope you have taken your medicine Mrs Johara. I am not going to hear any excuses. You are very…” I was talking in my own era as soon as I entered the room but my words stopped coming out of my mouth when I saw him sitting on the couch in front of the bed where Mrs Johara was seated.“Oh…I didn’t mean to interrupt.” I said as I realized that the room had some air filled with seriousness. They were having a serious talk judging by the look on Mrs Johara’s face.“You didn’t. Continue the therapy.” I was about to escape his dark raven eyes fixated on me when he stopped me by standing up from his position. His closed the button of his vest and bowed his head in front of Mrs Johara to take greetings whic
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AYRA’S POV: He didn’t even glance at me. He didn’t stay for another second after making the announcement and left leaving me alone to look at the shocked faces of Mrs Johara and Sabreena. I kept standing there as I didn’t know what to do. Opening my mouth and then closing it like a fish was all I did looking at both of them.“I knew it.” After a long awkward moment of silence Sabreena clapped her hand making me look at her but Mrs Johara’s eyes were all fixed on me. I looked at Sabreena with dumbfounded expressions as she added. “He looks at her differently. I knew there was something going on. I can’t believe you are going to be a family member.” She was gleaming with excitement.There were so many things with which I could do objectifications but my mind stuck with her very first statement.He looked at me differently?How?“Can you leave us alone?” For the first time in a while the room was filled with Mrs Johara’s voice as it was deadly serious. Sabreena’s smile died down as I co
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AYRA’S POV:“…nikkah will be first. The rest of the functions will be after that.” I told him. I told him everything after gathering enough courage to do so. It was hard but once I started letting the words come out of my mouth, they started forming a shape and somehow got delivered to him. The thing that kept me on edge was his utter silence from the other side of the phone. He didn’t even yell or showed any kind of expression so that I could get the idea of how he was dealing with this news. Even I was in shock.“Why didn’t you say no?” He asked after a long pause of silence as my breath quickened.“I can if you want me to.” I said obediently. He knew better than me.“I am asking you. Why didn’t you say no?” He asked again. This time his voice had the edge that shook me a little. He was about to yell. I guessed.“Because…I thought that then…I would be close to him. I am not getting any close to him now although I am to Mrs. Johara.” I baffled as I didn’t say anything at that time be
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I took a deep breath not for the first time but for the hundredth time in one single day. Today was the day. Our Nikkah!The day when I was going to assign myself to Zaroon Durani. The person that I claimed to hate till my last breath and today I was going to be his wife.The deep breathing wasn’t helping the fact that I was going to tie myself with the person who had his hands painted with my family’s blood.I looked down at my henna coated hands as there was a simple design not much but still my hands were burning because this henna was drawn under his name. The burning pain erupted from my hands and reached the left area of my chest to ache there. I was feeling suffocated but I didn’t show that to anyone but with every passing second my chest was getting constricted making difficult for me to breathe. The time for my biggest sacrifice was coming near but I could do anything for my parents and the next generations coming so that they could be saved from Durani’s wrath. They didn’t d
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AYRA’S POV:I couldn’t meet his gaze as he was one foot away from me towering over me with his tall posture. He had a hard rock chest as the urge to touch that and feel the warmth suddenly erupted in my chest from nowhere and the way my thoughts drifted to something very inappropriate made my face flushed and my cheeks tinted with pink color as I’d never thought this day would come when I would think about touching Zaroon Durani.He was looking at me intently as I could feel his intense burning gaze on my face as I could feel the intensity even through my veil.My heart beat quickened only to engulf his woodsy scent that numb my brain for a moment making in intoxicated by the addiction. His scent enveloped from all the sides as he forwarded his hand and grabbed mine. The crowd was still silent as I wasn’t paying any attention to them.My breath hitched at the contact of our skin when I glanced up at him only to regret later. My gaze got locked with his raven black eyes as I felt that
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