All Chapters of LUNA REIGN: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
150 Chapters
ZEPHYR Lately he returned, I saw him everywhere I went and in everything I did. The only time images of him did not not torment me was when I was with Reign but I could not be with Reign every time of every day.At the B&B restaurant I had picked up his scent and Ghost was on alert. Memories of the things he did to us kept my mind busy but she was there so it was bearable. When I waited in the car for her to pick her airpods, I saw him.He was so real,He passed by me and walked right into the restaurant. "Let me check on Reign to ensure she is fine." I told Axel and Dante "She just went to pick her airpods, what could possibly go wrong?" Dante asked but I was too unsettled after sensing him to start explaining and since I never told anyone about him before, they would not understand the urgency. I jumped off from behind the wheel and bolted to the restaurant at lightning speed and at least four guards including Alexia making them five followed me behind very closely."Are you fo
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ZEPHYR She was checking the werewolf black a site that had all things and all answers even about curses and their reversals.The last one cut deep into my soul and I could read no further. 'Reasons a werewolf would want his brothers dead'.Unbelievable!Did she think I intentionally wanted to kill my brothers?I dropped the phone and stormed out of my office to the forest behind. I took off my clothes with the long strides I took towards the kitchen door and bolted off into the forest behind. If my mate could think this of me like everyone else then there was no point in my existence with them. Ghost had been running through the forest when Reign's voice echoed. 'Where are you? I need to talk to you. What you saw is not what you think.''I am fine on my own.' I was distracted by Reign when something sharp pierced deep into my side. My vision blurred instantly.'Zephyr!, where are you?' She asked alarmed. Could she feel the danger I felt?Could she feel my pain too?'Forest behi
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Zephyr Zeph man, you need to hold on a bit. Stay with us. Try not to sleep at all costs. I can not afford to survive with this stone faced Alpha without you again." Dante teased and and squeezed my legs fromhis seat in front. I stifled a laughter but it caused me pain in my sides. I laid across Reign's lap at the back seat. Reign covered my lips with hers and she did kiss away my pain momentarily. When she broke away, Axel stopped the car in front of the hospital wing of the manor.Axel and Dante helped me on the stretcher and the doctors rolled me away but Reign would not let go of my hand as she followed them."We are sorry Luna but you can not go in beyond this point." I heard the doctor stop Reign but she was stubborn. "Please Luna we have to prepare him for surgery immediately and you are not allowed beyond this point." Another Doctor informed Reign."I would love to see you stop me and watch your Alpha die at my hands because he is not going anywhere without me as long as
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REIGN “To what extent can you heal him?” Uncle Astor asked concerned, “I am not sure but I presume, I should be able to—-“ ‘stop talking,’ Dante’s voice echoed in my head even if he stood just beside me, close enough to whisper in my ears. I looked at him perplexed but I did not go against him."You should be able to what?" Axel asked, lines of worry etched on his face as he placed the hospital ward and watched as Zephyr's heart rate slurred by every passing minute. 'Repeat after me, you think you can try but you doubt you would be able to do much.' Dante continued in my head and I repeated aloud."I honestly do not know, but I think I can try," I paused, "I doubt I would be able to do much to save him.""So would he have enough strength to be present at the banquet?" Uncle Astor continued his line of questioning.'No, he would definitely not be fit to attend the event, we would have to tell everyone he travelled for very important business. It is not good for outsiders to learn
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REIGNJust then Dante rushed into the bathroom when he heard the crash to check that I was alright. We both spent the night in Zephyr's hospital ward.Slowly she turned around and walked away."Can you see her too?" I asked Dante."Who?"I looked from Dante to the mirror and,She was gone!I was quite bothered with the image I had seen in the mirror but I did not tell Dante about it. Axel was already asleep on the couch there in the ward.Although it was a hospital ward it was a VIP ward befitting for an Alpha. Guards were stationed at the entrance of the ward and the entire hospital wing. "It is time Reign. What can you do?" Dante asked and Axel who was fast asleep came over to Zephyr's bed side as well."Let us see what I can do." I replied as I placed my fingers with Zephyr's and gently pushed energy into his body. I concentrated all my attention on the assignment I had at hand.I could feel his cold hands warm up. Thirty minutes and I maintained the same position. I felt very we
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REIGN "Greg?" I was confused. Zephyr went missing? My heart was sore all of a sudden.Who was Seth? What was doomsday?I had a million questions up my sleeves that only deepened my frustration. "Greg was my elder brother; Father to the Alphas." Uncle Astor answered I kept looking at him expecting a more detailed explanation but Uncle Astor was definitely not willing to share."Tell me more, what happened to Zephyr and who is Seth?" I asked but Uncle Astor hung his head low and remained silent for a while."I am afraid I can not say more, I am in no place to divulge such information to you." Uncle Astor shook his head as he gave his reply."I understand but at least tell me what you found about Alpha Hrigh," my frustration was beginning to get the best of me."I think just like them someone from within is giving him information about our pack, about the Alphas and about the curse." Uncle Astor looked defeated and at a loss.He looked like he had reached a dead end in his investiga
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REIGN"We can have it all Reign, rolling in the deep but I know you would try to play it to the deep." Nirson was not denying anything and he was not backing out either, rather he was spitting threats."We?"What did he mean by we? Who were the components of we?'Yes Reign we. You, me and the others that you trust so much to keep your mates safe. I advice you look before you leap because you are well out numbered. Get on the winning side and you could still be my Luna.' My eyes popped as Nirson responded in my head.He did not dare voice out such incriminating words because in werewolfdom, the f&cking walls has ears lent to them by the beasts that lived within.It was treason to say such things and Nirson knew better than to give me any evidence to pin him down or risk being heard by someone else.Nirson had a half smile on his face as he looked over my shoulder talking in my head before walking away.I turned to leave when I was met with beautiful set of gray orbs, fine thin lips,
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DANTEThe past few days had been awful seeing Zephyr collapse was a torment to me.Reign was not having it either, she had been quite on the edge lately and everyone could tell. Zephyr had informed to look out for Nirson before he passed out.“What is the update on our suspect?” I eagerly asked Tyler when he entered my office.Tyler looked exhausted, he had been at the hem of affairs heading the investigation about Zephyr's attack. “We have a head way. We found some items around the vicinity including these.” Tyler displayed the items he found on my table before Axel and I.Axel put on a glove before picking up an item to analyze. “This is Zephyr's bracelet,”“Exactly, the person had access to Zephyr's room.” Axel and I exchanged knowing glances at Tyler's statement.The bracelets were the exact ones Zephyr had got when he visited a coven in France, in a bid to tame Ghost after he almost killed Tyler.“Look at this,” Tyler pointed at one of the items.“It is a silver knife, what abou
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REIGN"Yes, we should all share our secrets and you can start by explaining what doomsday is" I watched as color drained from both their faces. There was no going back now, they were surely going to have to spill the beans. "Reign, it is not what you think. " Axel started and paused. Oh! I was Reign now? Dante opened his mouth to speak but closed it again. "Who told you of doomsday?" Axel had managed to compose himself when he asked but I was not going to let his cold demeanor scare me one bit. I was searching for the right answer without having to lie when a knock rapped on the door."Come on in," Dante called out. He knew who it was.Alexia!I jumped to my feet and hurried to Alexia's side."Oh Alexia, I am so sorry I totally forgot about our appointment for the banquet tonight." I grabbed Alexia's hand and moved us closer to the door.Alexia stared at me perplexed but she complied.I was thankful to the goddess for having Alexia intervene. If it was someone else, I could
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CHAPTER 40 - Bloody
DANTE I was dressed early and availed myself at the banquet. Axel was already in the hall when I arrived. I looked around for my mate and frowned when I could not see her."Looking for someone Dante?" Tyler startled me."Not exactly,""She definitely would not be here at this time. You would have to wait quite a while into the ceremony before she arrives." Tyler continued to tease but I was in no mood for his games."How is the security so far, confirmed guests too." I asked and Tyler immediately swung into work mode."All formations are definitely unknown to Nirson and all guests would be confirmed before access is granted." Tyler continued to give me a breakdown of all security details and Nirson's restrictions.No one could openly restrict Nirson because neither of us had any concrete evidence to pin him down. It would be a great crime to accuse royalty without proof."Dante, we are up next. Do you have your speech ready? I checked on Zephyr Zephyr already so you need not bother.
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