All Chapters of LUNA REIGN: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
150 Chapters
Dante "Does she have a pulse?" I asked Zephyr as he checked our mate's vitals.He nodded his head but he had a confused expression on. "What is it?" I proved further when he would not speak. He looked from the Axel to me frantically."I am getting the same vibes as when she was unconscious after taking the bullet in Axel's stead." Zephyr said. I was not someone to get easily perturbed like both my brothers since I believed that nothing lasted forever but not my mate, she had to last, at least for as long as I lived to protect her.Axel stepped out to fetch Dr. Alberto while I sat waiting for their return. Zephyr sat on the bed and held Reign tightly in an embrace.Zephyr was quite dramatic when it came to our mate that you would easily think she was his alone. Axel and I had no problem with that since we already knew Zephyr to be very possessive with his territorial beast.He took to heart anyone he loved genuinely and was always concerned about losing them. Being at near death exp
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CHAPTER 62 - Certain Fears
ReignI had narrowly survived after my reckless decision to claim my mates under the moon's full light to save our pack. In a half conscious state I heard people talking from afar and i journeyed towards the voices.It was lopsided all along and i had barely noticed. I was theirs but they were not completely mine but the very second I claimed them, we became one soul and four bodies. My strength became theirs and their weakness mine. I staggered in amazement at the effect of that single pronouncement and act. Brave maybe or stupid. Call it what you like.The deed had been done and i laid as helpless as a vegetable and mere human for days and nights. Unlike Chester my mates had been supportive but it was not enough for me. I knew I was no longer of use to them.Tendecies were that I had completely lost all my abilities to heal and know things.“Alpha, your attention is needed downstairs Tyler informed my mates and three of them straightened to their full heights. We had been enjoying
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ZephyrIt bothered me a bit the things that Nailah servant girl had said but at the same time it was quite a comfort that my mate was going to be fine. We had slept by her side through every night and taken turns to nurse her during the day. Seeing her in such a weak state always tugged at me. Her wolf was not back and she was awake but she barely had energy for the most menial tasks.It worried me how slowly Reign was recovering. I Later understood that to break the curse abe had gravely put her life at risk as claiming us unfolded the moon's full light meant becoming one soul with us white at her full potential and sharing in our curse in order to break it.Her abilities made it possible for us to be free from the curse and even made us harness certain abilities that already wowed most pack members. Knows had spread within, around and beyond our Pack and we were dreaded amongst most Packs once again. "How are you?" I asked Reign as I gently stroked her cheek with my long slend
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ZEPHYR "Hi" Reign replied very sweetly and softly.I had completely fallen in love with this woman and the last thing I wanted was for Hermoine to spoil this for any of us."She wanted to come down and see what was going on." Dante clarified "We have it sorted, you should go back and rest." Axel had already walked to Reign's side. He placed his hands on both her cheeks and kissed her hair lightly. "I want to go on a walk. I need a little bit of fresh air and I want to stretch my legs out too" Reign protested and I could not say no to her. None of us could."Fine, I'll walk with you." I immediately opted but Axel held up a finger to me."Nope, we are two here already. Stay back and help Uncle Astor and Ava fix Hermoine." Fix Hermoine?Yes, I didn't like the idea of being the one to stay back but it was the wisest decision. Axel was right. I was the best to attend to the matter at the time. Most people would not act out of line in my presence due to my very thin line of patience. "I
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HERMIONE I had finally entered the pack, the Alpha's didn't seem pleased to see me. Their faces frowned in disapproval however, the reaction of someone stood out. It made me feel like an expression I should explore.Luna Reign who was in Dante's arms caught sight of Zephyr talking to me and Axel casually leaning back on the wall.Her expression was mild at first but after mouthing words with Dante, her expression did a split change from an inquisitive expression to a bland expression.She did not know me and I did not know her either but I had heard a lot about her and honestly she looked a little more magical than the stories I had heard. I could only hope that she had also heard about me but I could trust it would not be something good.I had heard about Reign's fate with the Alpha’s and I knew about her sacrifice to save the Alpha's from their curse.I also knew the price of her sacrifice, I knew the side effects of claiming her mates.And I was going to take advantage of it, I wa
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CHAPTER 66 - Initializing the plan
HermoineA frown curled up my face as Ava's comment rolled out. I held my eyeballs still from rolling on their own accord at her. I knew Ava well and she never tolerated disrespect so I decided not to bite more than I could chew to lengthen my days in the manor at least until I had regained my place as Luna.The urge to pounce on Reign and tear her apart yearned within me, my eyes flickered from black back to green my wolf threatening to surface and attack her but I closed my eyes and shut it all in.Not yet, I thought to myself.“Hello," A sweet masculine baritone snapped all our heads to the entrance. He looked so heavenly, I argued with my wolf that he dropped from the sky because she thought otherwise. He wore a white dress shirt and denim jeans that accentuated his long legs.Blonde hair that fell in a side fringe casted a shadow on his smooth forehead and covered a part of his eye. His grey eyes danced in excitement and he smiled very brightly and boyishly but he did not seem t
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CHAPTER 67 - Goldilocks
ReignHaving to live under the same roof with Hermoine inconvenienced me a lot. Given that Hermoine was the indrane of Silver Crescent pack, I could not help but think she was pregnant every time I saw her and suspect that was why she returned. I did not plan for my life to follow the same trajectory since I had been given another chance at life. Hermoine looked very helpless and pitiful so when Axel and Dante had told me she was going to be staying in the manor I had no objection especially because Uncle Astor was the one who had allowed it.If there was anything I knew was that Uncle Astor had my best interest at hand or so I chose to believe. My time in that dungeon had me reflecting on a lot of things and practically everyone too.My abductor had been very clear on my weakness of trusting too easily so I had decided to consciously withhold my trust for everyone till it was earned. The Alphas constantly probed me for how I got abducted but I said nothing, they asked who but I repli
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CHAPTER 68 - Strong
Reign Some people in your life are there to make you smile. I realized how much joy spending time with Alexia and Tyler brought me. If you watched historical British movies then you definitely heard of the hand of the queen. Alexia had literally become my hand. Alexia was always by my side and surprisingly Tyler was never far off either. Some people you meet will show you good loving, I had met those people and I was not willing to let them go, they were in my life to make me smile. They took away my pain and always made me smile. I barely remembered I had lost my powers while saving their lives.They made me so many promises and when the times came they never failed. For me these people were called mates. Each passing day my heart had grown full of love for them and I often smiled at myself just thinking about them."You are smiling to yourself again Luna." Huh?Nailah caught me in the act again. Nailah and I had become very close. If Alexia was my hand then Nailah was the finger o
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Zephyr "We can put up with her for a while. Just a little while but while she is around we have to make the boundaries clear." Dante insisted, he spoke well as his point buttressed Reign's safety and security but I had a nudge it was not just about Reign. There was more to his disapproval of Hermoine staying in the Manor. I could sense it.Maybe it was because Uncle Astor approved it or his usual trust issues kicking it. Either ways it did not bother me because I did not care if Hermoine stayed or left as long as she stayed off my path and did not offend my mate."That should not be a problem, you worry too much." I told Dante."So where is the location and when are we leaving?" Axel asked."We could go tomorrow, why delay?""Why delay, yet you just said tomorrow. Whatever happened to tonight?" I replied Dante's question with same. He simply ignored me and heaved a sigh. "He probably is yet to clear the work on his desk. Leave him be Zephyr." Axel scolded and I lifted my hands up i
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DANTEAfter leaving Axel's office I headed for mine. I needed to tidy up a number of things before it was time for our meeting with Reign. I had branched Tyler's office to pick up some files for the winery Zephyr had just started in a neighbouring pack. I had to go through the staff listing and their profiles for verification before approving the HR personnel."Hi Alpha," a feminine voice acknowledged my presence while I unlocked my door. "Oh Hi, Hermione." I opened my door and let myself in."Am I not welcome?" She asked when I almost shut the door behind me.I paused then did a 360 spin on my heel to face her "I don't recall having an appointment with you. Remind me please." I was not exactly happy with her appearance in the manor after everything that happened.She frowned and pouted, when I said nothing she dropped her gaze to her hands and turned away slowly. Oh what a drama queen Hermione was.I was not exactly as strict or tough as Zephyr or Axel to just shun her and shut the
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