All Chapters of Billionaire Bride: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
100 Chapters
Warm hands caressed me awake and I moaned, turning away from it. I felt so utterly tired and wanted some sleep. Besides, I probably imagined it. Where would warm hands come from in my bed?"Hailey," A deep silvery voice murmured and I felt someone place a kiss on my arm trailing his mouth downwards until he reached my fingertips. My eyes flitted open as I recalled who it was that I was in bed with. Xavier. My husband Xavier Lowell. My heart jostled wildly within my rib cage and I sat still for a while. I had sex with Xavier. Scratch that, I had mind-numbing and earth-shattering sex with Xavier. The room was dimly lit and I tried to find a clock to know what the time was, but Xavier's insistent kisses were too hot and melting for me to resist. "I know you're awake," he whispered in my ears and I giggled. We were naked. I was lying on my side, with my back facing him, enjoying the feel of his hands as they roamed my body. His palm, rough and large, settled lightly on my waist, palm
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It was barely morning when I stumbled into Susie's car, my face stricken with tears. The sun had just begun to rise, lighting up the sky slowly. I slammed the door close and thankfully, Susie asked no questions. She simply drove out of Xavier's townhouse and sped down the road. Placing a hand over my mouth, I sobbed furiously, my head leaning against the window. It wasn't supposed to hurt so much. Leaving him finally. It wasn't supposed to feel like a part of me had been torn away and left behind with the many miles that increased between us. I closed my eyes as I recalled when I had woken up. It was my phone ringing somewhere in the house. I hadn't the slightest clue where I was at first but Xavier's peaceful snores and his heavy arm around me reminded me quickly. It had taken quite a while to slip away from the bed without awakening him and at first, I hadn't even been able to walk properly. Even now as I sat in the car, I was so sore. The caller had been Susie. We had planned th
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I eyed the crowd that had formed outside the cafe from the glass walls warily glanced back at Susie and mouthed "Oh my God." We stood in the cafe, setting the tables and getting ready for the launch which was in twelve minutes! To say I was nervous was an understatement. This was a huge deal for me. For Laura and Susie too. And it did not help that ever since I had stepped out of the house without the blonde wig, half the people we met on the road recognized me. One of them must have tipped off the paparazzi because that would explain how there were so many people with cameras and recorders, eagerly waiting. "I'm screwed," I told Susie and she shrugged beside me. "You knew this would happen." She said, I glared at her. "That doesn't mean I can't be nervous about it! Everyone will have questions! I can't handle a crowd that big!" She grinned and slid an arm over my shoulders. "You're not alone, woman. We got you. Look and you got Walter too." I looked in the direction she was tip
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"Sir!" I hissed, not wanting to yell because I didn't want to call people's attention to us. One paparazzi was already too much to handle. If all of them came to the counter, my first launch day would all be in the mud. The man in the hoodie stopped trying to get in through the side door. And then he lifted his head, staring me in the face with familiar dark blue eyes that grazed my entire body and sent me into freeze mode. "Xavier," I whispered, blinking rapidly to be sure he wasn't an apparition. Xavier stood before me, dressed in a hoodie and cargo pants. The last clothing I would ever imagine he would wear in public. It seemed he didn't want people to recognize him. "Let me in Hailey." He murmured. Susie gasped behind me when she heard his voice and shook her head. "Don't you dare! Go fuck yourself, Xavier." He ignored her, his eyes holding mine and sending my brain into overdrive. What was he doing here? He was not supposed to be anywhere near me! He was supposed to be in V
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My world turned upside down and for a minute I just stared at him confused about how to react. Did he need me? What the hell was happening at the moment?! It better not be a prank. Fuck it, prank or not, I had work to do and he had to get out of here. So instead of swooning and falling at his feet, I opted for a second option.I laughed and shook my head. "Okay, seriously, why are you here?" Hurt slashed across his face and I was taken aback. I had never seen him look so vulnerable before and it was unsettling. He's pretending. A voice in my head whispered. You know he is. I knew. I did. But that didn't make me feel any better. Why would he need to pretend? "I..." A shadow fell on his face and he shook his head. The vulnerable look in his eyes was gone and replaced with the amused expression he always wore around me. I wasn't sure which one made me hurt worse.Taking a few steps back, he surveyed the kitchen and clasped his hands behind his back. "I just wanted to see. The news
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Whatever it was that the two men had said to each other, nobody knew. And I doubted anyone would ever know. All we knew was Walter threw a punch at Xavier and even though he had been able to dodge it in time, there was no way Xavier Lowell would let it slide. He threw one at Walter's jaw in return. And a brawl broke out. "Oh shit," Susie cussed. "I'm guessing that means we can go out now," I murmured and raced out of the cafe. "Stop it right now!" The men, however, pig heads that they were, continued fighting as if I wasn't screaming my guts out, running from the other side of the road. "Stop it right now!" I yelled again when I reached them, trying to pry Xavier from pounding Walter's head to bits. "Xavier! Xavier stop it! Please!" But something had possessed Xavier and it seemed it wouldn't let go. For someone who had always cared what the people would think, he was acting quite recklessly. I latched onto his arm, tugging at it. "You're causing a scene!"That got him to let go
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Without hesitation, I pushed the door open and stormed in. The scene before me was a surprised Xavier, lying on his bed with his hand wrapped around his junk. Holy smokes.My cheeks flamed up and I murmured a quick "Sorry," before turning to run out of the room. "Close the door Hailey," came his calm voice before I could slip out. "I'm covered, you can look now." Ashamed of my thoughts and actions, because who barges into someone's privacy thinking horrid things about them, I turned around slowly. "I'm sorry," I grumbled. "I heard sounds, I thought..." That you were balls deep in some woman? Bah, if I said that, he would probably laugh his head off."You thought?" Xavier urged, rising suddenly and I yelped in surprise. "I won't cover up if you don't tell me what you thought, Hailey." The deep timbre of his voice when he called my name had my thighs clenching with need. He was just a few meters away from me. Unclad. We were alone. The realization came with torrents of desire fl
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"What?" I exclaimed, trying to wrap my head around what was happening right in front of me. Xavier smiled, his hands covered mine and he held them between us, holding my eyes. "I love you," He said again. "I don't want to let you go. I cannot do so. I tried this past month," he chuckled. "Let's just say more women would love my head on a pike right now." "But you... You always... You never..." I was a rambling mess at this point.His smile turned sad. "I know." He kissed my hands gently. "And I'll spend every day of my life making atonement for all I have said and done to you Hailey, only if you allow me to." "We're not married anymore. You don't have to do this to pacify me-""Technically, we are still married. I haven't divorced you yet." He grinned. "I could divorce you." Xavier chuckled and pulled me to his chest, wrapping his arms around me. "And then I'll marry you all over again." "Don't get cocky. I haven't said yes." I snapped, sinking into the warmth of his body despit
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"When will you go to the Cafe?" He asked, his hands still doing crazy things on my skin. "Uhm... In an hour." I murmured sliding my hands under my breasts to prop them up further into his touch. "We've got time." He said, capturing my lips again, this time for an even deeper kiss. He tasted familiar. His kisses were hot and filled with so much passion, I thought I would combust. Hanging on to him tightly, I moaned as he slipped his tongue into mine, stroking and clashing with mine several times. "I need you," I whispered between kisses as we broke apart to catch our breaths at intervals. "We can't go too far baby," he hummed, lifting me up by the waist until my legs were wrapped around his. Striding towards my bed, he lowered himself to the bed, sitting with me on his lap. "Why not?" I protested, taking hold of my shirt and dragging it off. Xavier's breath hitched at the sight of my babies encased in a lacy black bra. "Oh Hailey," he murmured, unclipping the underwear behind m
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"Aww you look so beautiful," Laura commented, dabbing her eyes with a napkin as she pretended to cry. I laughed and twirled in my Cinderella wedding dress, feeling every bit like a Princess.Susie pouted, sitting on my bed and rolling her eyes. It had been a month since Xavier had dropped in on my launch day. We were finally getting married. A real marriage. I was super excited. Finally, Xavier and I would be together without the influence of the people or his mother. It was thrilling. It seemed that I was finally having my dream life. And it had been a long time coming. After all the betrayal, hurt, heartbreak and pain I had to endure. I deserved this. I deserved a happily ever after. And I was going to cling onto it forever. Susie however seemed less excited than I did. Which was quite understandable. "Aww, are you still sad that I'll be going for the honeymoon?" I teased and she huffed at my words. "Do you guys have to go that far? Who's going to do the accounts? You know numb
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