All Chapters of DUBAI THE CITY OF DREAMS: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
87 Chapters
Chapter 20 Feelings
Kyra Suarez POV Kyra walked through the gardens slowly, humming under her breath as she passed the rose garden where Ali Ahmed had kissed her the night before. She felt like a lovesick teenager. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw the kiss again and saw how dark Ali Ahmed's eyes had looked as he leaned towards her. His words about how she could trust him echoed in her ears, making her smile. Kyra hadn't felt like this in years, not since Ali Ahmed had kissed her back in college. She knew that bringing feelings into this arrangement was very likely to complicate things. It was worth it, though. She was already looking forward to seeing Ali Ahmed for dinner that night, maybe going for another walk afterward… Kyra gave herself a little shake. She needed something to do, something to focus on. For the first few weeks, all the time to relax and stroll the gardens had been a blessing. She'd loved being able to finish a book when she started it and to enjoy the occasional movie. Even
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Chapter 21 Ali Ahmed's Mind Spun
Ali Ahmed POV "I can't do the state dinner on Tuesday," Ali Ahmed told Omar, his assistant. "Can we send someone else?" Omar gave him a look sharp enough to melt diamonds. "Sheikh Ibrahim, dignitaries from several European countries are coming here to discuss economic cooperation with you. Are you really willing to dishonor them by sending someone in your stead?" "You're right." Ali Ahmed shook his head. He didn't want to cancel any more dinners with Kyra and Omer, especially not after hearing how sad his son was when he didn't show up. But Omar was right. This was an important meeting and it had to be a priority. "What's next?" "A meeting with your advisors Wednesday morning," Omar continued, running his finger across the agenda. "Followed by an appearance at a new university library that was built in your name. After that…" Ali Ahmed tuned out as Omar kept talking. He felt like he was on a hamster wheel these days. He ran and ran but never got where he was going. Sunday had bee
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Chapter 22 The Hidden Differences
Kyra POVKyra stood rooted in the hallway for a few minutes after Ali Ahmed left. He'd hurried out, glancing down at his watch with a look of concern as he went. Now Kyra felt like she couldn't move. She felt an icy fear pouring through her veins. Enough was enough."Mommy?"Kyra pulled herself out of her thoughts with a great effort. "Coming, sweets." She took a slow breath, calming herself, then stepped back into Omer's room. He was tucked into bed, the sheets pulled up to his chin so that just his deep brown eyes peered out."Wasn't it nice that Dad came to tuck me in?" he asked, grinning his sweet little grin.Kyra planted a kiss on his forehead, adjusting the covers even though he was already tucked in. "It was nice, huh?""But if Dad can't have dinner with us, why can't we have dinner with him?" Omer asked. He stifled a yawn. "I wouldn't mind eating at a different table if we could eat with Dad.""I know, sweetheart. This is a work dinner, though.""It doesn't seem fair." Omer y
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Chapter 23 We Will Leave
Ali Ahmed POVAli Ahmed couldn't bear to see the love of his life walk away, taking their son with her. He felt like his heart was breaking all over again. All his old hurts, from losing his father and Kyra at the same time, reopened."Kyra!" He hurried after her, reaching for her hand. "Please. Don't go.""I have to." She turned around, her teary eyes full of hurt and unshed tears."Then please, stay one more night. Let me have one more family dinner with you and Omer tomorrow. Let me say goodbye." This time, Ali Ahmed's voice broke and he let it, feeling years of pain behind his words. Years of loneliness. Years of keeping his heart shut. Kyra had every right to go, but he couldn't bear it.Her face softened a fraction at his words and she nodded. "All right. We'll stay for one more day and one more dinner. But after that, we're leaving."This time, when Kyra walked away, Ali Ahmed let her, though he kept watching until long after she'd turned the corner. He knew he couldn't ask her
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Chapter 24 Promised Your Love
Kyra Suarez POVKyra sat at the table in silence, tapping her fingers lightly against each other. She had agreed to this dinner because she knew it wasn't fair to Omer to have to leave without saying goodbye, but she was ready to get out of there. She'd booked a flight that would leave late that night. Their packed bags, minus anything Ali Ahmed had given them, were sitting by the door of their rooms. All that was left was to say goodbye.It was going to be beyond hard.Despite his keeping her and their child a secret, Kyra still loved Ali Ahmed. He was a good person, a kind and intelligent man. He was beyond handsome. Just the sight of him made Kyra's heartbeat in her chest like a butterfly taking flight. And when they kissed, when he touched her, it was like the whole universe paused to take notice.Kyra hadn't known it was possible to feel a love this powerful. Back in college, she'd loved Ali Ahmed, but she'd done so with the innocence of a young girl falling in love for the very
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Chapter 25 The Wedding
SIX MONTHS LATER Kyra's POVKyra smoothed her hair, feeling a mixture of nerves and excitement wash through her. Her dress was white and long, with traditional Al Jumeirah embroidery along the hem and sleeves. It was, as Noora had commented that morning, like the dress of a fairy-tale princess. Kyra couldn't help but agree. "Are you ready?" Maryam asked. Kyra glanced over at her soon-to-be mother-in-law, who was wearing a beautiful green dress and had allowed the palace's stylists to weave her hair into a stunning hairdo. "Yes." "I'm so happy for the both of you." Maryam reached out and squeezed Kyra's hand. "I thank my lucky stars every day that Ali Ahmed finally introduced us. I always wanted a daughter. And grandchildren." "I'm so happy that he did, too," Kyra agreed. "Can you believe that it was only six months ago?" "Not at all. If my darling son hadn't taken his sweet time telling me about you, it could have been six years ago!" Both women laughed softly. They still liked
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Chapter 26 Queen Amira Farouq
Queen Amira POVAmira Farouq, Queen of Muscat, Oman had barely registered the voice of the royal steward behind her when a man in a dark suit, his face harsh-looking and his expression inscrutable, met her at the bottom of the steps that led from the royal jet to this bleak stretch of desert.'Queen Amira. Welcome to Jumeirah, Dubai.''Thank you.'He bowed and then indicated one of three armored SUVs waiting by the airstrip. 'Please accompany us to our destination,' he said, his voice clipped yet courteous. He stepped aside so she could move forward, and Amira threw back her shoulders and lifted her chin as she walked towards the waiting cars.She hadn't expected fanfare upon her arrival to marry Sheikh Omer al Ibrahim, but she supposed she'd thought she'd have a little more than a few security guards and blacked-out cars.Then she reminded herself that Sheikh Omer wanted to keep her arrival quiet, because of the instability within Al Jumeirah. Ever since he'd taken the throne just ov
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Chapter 27 The Captor - Abdullah
Abdullah Abu Bakir Ibrahim glanced again at the woman by his side. She sat straight and tall, her chin lifted proudly, her pupils dilated with fear.Admiration for the young queen flickered reluctantly through him. Her escape attempt had been reckless and laughable, but also brave, and he felt an unexpected sympathy for her. He knew what it was like to feel both trapped and defiant. Hadn't he, as a boy, tried to escape from his captor, Abdul-Karim, as often as he could, even though he'd known how fruitless such attempts would be? Deep in the desert, there had been no place for a young boy to run or hide. Yet still he'd tried, because to try was to fight, and to fight was to remind yourself you were alive and had something to fight for. The scars on his back were a testament to his many failed attempts.Queen Amira would have no such scars. He would not be accused of ill-treating his guest, no matter what the frightened monarch might think. He intended to keep her for only four days un
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Chapter 28 Why Sheikh Omer Ibrahim?
'So you are one of the rebel insurgents Omer Ibrahim mentioned.'For a second Abdullah's gaze blazed fury but then he merely inclined his head. 'So it would seem.''Why should you be on the throne?''Why should Omer Ibrahim?''Because he is the heir.'Abdullah glanced away, his expression veiled once more. 'Do you know the history of Jumeirah, Your Highness? Why Ali Ahmed was crowned? And, suddenly he had a son from a Filipina woman?''I've read something of it,' she answered, although the truth was her knowledge of Jumeirah, history was sketchy at best. There hadn't been time for more than a crash course in the heritage of the country of her future husband.'Did you know it was a peaceful, prosperous nation for many years—independent, even, when other countries buckled under a wider regime?''Yes, I did know that.' Omer Ibrahim had mentioned it, because his own country was the same as in the Territory of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and had enjoyed nearly a thousand years of peaceful
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Chapter 29 Abdullah - The First Prince
Abdullah felt Amira's body tense beneath his touch and wondered why he had chosen to clean the cut himself. The answer, of course, was irritatingly obvious: because he'd wanted to touch her. Because, for a moment, desire had overridden sense.Her skin, Abdullah thought, was as soft as silk. When had he last touched a woman's skin? Seven years in the French Foreign Legion had given him more than a taste of abstinence.Of course, the last woman he should ever think about as a lover was Queen Amira, Omer Ibrahim's intended bride. He had no intention of complicating what was already a very delicate diplomatic maneuver.Kidnapping a head of state was a calculated risk and one he'd had to take. The only way to force Omer Ibrahim to call a national referendum was for him to lose his right to the throne, and the only way for that to happen was to prevent his marriage.His father's will, Abdullah mused, had been a ridiculous piece of legal architecture that showed him the brutal dictator he tr
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