All Chapters of Alphas’ Little Brat: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
144 Chapters
Karyna’s POVI sighed contently, taking in the fresh air and the sunshine on my skin. Today was a very beautiful day. Not too sunny either, which was perfect.My eyes transferred from the sky, over to Henri who was slightly bent over, adjusting the tripod and the camera set on it.Currently, we were outside, a bit away from the vacation home, and out on a small field. Dandelions and wild flowers grew around it, giving it a mythical glow. I was quite surprised to discover such a scenery like this exists, but it was a pleasant shock.We came out here to film a scene for my film project. It was a date scene, of the two werewolves lovers enjoying and spending time with each other. So, Henri and I set up a picnic. I was seated on a red and white checkered material, and there was a picnic basket that we conveniently found at the house— by the end of the cloth.Henri wanted us to use it as a prop, but I wanted to go for the real thing, so I made some sandwiches and placed some snacks in the
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Julian’s POVI heard a knock on my door and went to check through the peephole. It was Uncle Venom. I raised a brow, wondering what he was doing here so early, but I really didn’t question it further than that.I mean, "Henri" was back after all, and he wasn't available to receive him. That was a big deal already. I swung open the door, staring down at the pudgy man in silence. He was a bit startled by the sudden opening, but he replaced the expression with a forced grin.“Good morning, Henri!” He greeted me too enthusiastically for my liking. I didn't know if it was because I was playing the role of my brother a little bit too well, but I was noticing things that I wouldn’t have noticed if I had been myself.“What is it?” I asked curtly, not bothering to utter a greeting.“W-well, I apologize for not welcoming you. You see I just wanted to let you know about the um…how the pack has been doing under Alpha Julian’s reign,” he explained, stumbling over his words.It was then I took no
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Henri’s POVMy phone rang in my pocket and I brought it out to check who it was. Karyna and I were having a light meal of macaroni and cheese, something we found in Victor’s kitchen drawers and fridge.I frowned when I looked at my screen, only to discover that it was an unknown number calling me. Karyna was observing me as our eyes met. She raised a questioning brow at me over her meal, but she didn’t say anything.“Someone’s calling me, but it’s a strange number,” I said to her, contemplating between letting it ring out, or answering it.“Answer it,” she replied simply. “I mean, what’s the worst that can happen?”“Someone can be tracking my number,” I deadpanned and her lips curled up in a smile.“Yes, there’s that, but you can just answer it and hear who it is first, before jumping into conclusions. Or else, you’re just going to continue living in ignorance,” she hummed, stabbing into the creamy meal.As much as I didn’t like to admit it, she was right. I shouldn’t just judge base
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Karyna’s POVI watched Henri idly as he worked on the laptop, immersed in his usual editing tasks. The filmmaking process had become increasingly fascinating to me, sparking a newfound interest in the concept of werewolves.In my free time, when Henri wasn’t using the laptop, I would do my research on them. I haven’t been curious enough to know more about mythical creatures, so it was quite an experience.There were numerous sources, each offering their own definitions of what a werewolf was and how they interacted with the world. In the process of studying them, I also discovered Lycans, very similar to werewolves, but they didn't transform into wolves.Some things I can say that are common throughout my research are the concept of mates and packs. They worshiped a Moon goddess, called Luna. There were some other similarities as well, but these are the major things.Like that, I had fallen into the werewolf rabbit hole and I was more invested than I was in the project. And it was all
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Julian’s POVI woke up to a knock on my door. I frowned deeply, wondering who it could be. By the looks of it, it was still so early in the morning. I grabbed the glasses from the nightstand, slipping it on my face. I didn’t bother to put on a shirt as I made my way to the front door, checking the peephole to see Venom standing there.My stomach bubbled upon seeing him. After my recent discoveries and all that he has been doing behind my back, I found it very hard to trust him.I mean, yes I have been away for a few weeks, way before I joined Henri in New York, but would it hurt to inform me on the recent developments in Chappaqua?The reason I pushed back calling him this whole time was because I thought he had things under control, not running shit into the ground. I groaned, but opened the door anyway, let the sleaze bag enter.“Good morning, Henri,” he chirped as he entered, oblivious to the glares I was shooting behind his back. “What do you want?” I replied curtly. I realize
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Karyna’s POVI was woken up to the sound of my phone ringing and it startled me so much that I sat up abruptly, causing my head to ring.“What the fuck…? Ugh,” I groaned, clutching my head at the annoying sound.Henri stirred beside me, waking up as well and looking very confused and uncomfortable. “Karyna…? What the—”“I know, I’m sorry. I’ll put it off,” I whispered, grabbing my phone. I ceased the sound, allowing it to ring soundlessly. Two things appeared when I glanced at my phone. First off, was the time. It was six thirty in the morning, to my dismay and annoyance.And the second, was my mother’s name written on the Caller ID. I frowned, feeling frustrated. Why was my mother calling me again? And so early at that?I groaned. It had better be something important, I thought, as I picked up the call at the last ring. “Yes, mom?”“Karyna! How are you, my dear,” she chirped behind the phone and it just made my headache even worse.“What do you want? Why are you calling at…six in th
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Henri’s POVAs I tapped away at the keys of the keyboard on my laptop, I found myself spacing out in between, unable to concentrate on what I was doing. I cursed silently as I belatedly realized what I was supposed to do, only to discover that I was messing it all up.I sighed, pinching my brows together with my index and thumb. “Can you start all over again? It’s not yet to my taste,” I said to Karyna, looking over the screen of my laptop.She frowned, turning to look at me. “What? Why? What did I do wrong now?”“Your acting is not as good enough. I want you to recreate that emotion again,” I told her simply, timing up the camera again.She exhaled with a pout but still went back to her position to do as she was instructed. I strolled over to her, right in front of the backdrop of the studio, so that we could reshoot the scene again.It was the funeral scene and it was fucking with my brain because I kept envisioning the past.. Where Sara blamed me and hit me repeatedly, blaming me f
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Karyna’s POVI woke up with hunger pangs gnawing at my stomach. After the intense acting session earlier, it dawned on me that I hadn't eaten a thing.I slipped off the bed and went to the kitchen to get myself something to eat. I scanned the area briefly, taking note of the food items in the pantry and in the fridge.Since arriving here, Onyx and Henri had been the ones preparing meals. I hadn't really had the chance to contribute much. I think I should repay the favor today.Not like I was a great cook, but well, I mean, Henri has been working hard, editing my project, so it would be fair that I take care of him, right? The food items here were limited, but I could make do with what I had. There was a loaf of bread in the pantry, so I grabbed a bottle of olive oil, garlic, basil, and Parmesan cheese to make some Pesto to go with it.I grabbed some frozen ravioli from the freezer and put some water in the pot, with a little bit of olive oil, before adding the ravioli.Fresh tomatoes
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Julian’s POV“Well…I’m not really sure about this, and I wouldn’t like to assume, but…” Karyna trailed off, her voice sounding uncertain across the phone.My brows furrowed in thought as I rummaged through the cupboards, grabbing the bag of Cheetos and Pringles I had discovered earlier.“But what?” I replied, urging her to continue as I made my way to the living room and settled onto the couch, trying to get comfortable.“I think your friend, Onyx, is gay,” she finally said.I frowned immediately at the news. Onyx was homosexual? It had never crossed my mind that he could be gay since every male werewolf I knew was not, and neither did I expect Karyna to be the one who would reveal this news to me.“Wh-What makes you think so?” I asked rather curiously. She couldn't just jump to conclusions like that, right? There must have been something that caught her attention for her to make such accusations.“I mean, he has been acting kinda strange when he was here, showing signs and all,” Sh
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Henri’s POVMy phone rang beside me, lighting up with Julian’s name written in bold as the Caller ID.I picked up after a few rings. “Yes?”“Onyx has been kidnapped,” was the first thing he told me as soon as I answered the call. I blinked, trying to process the statement, but he continued speaking, his voice filled with worry.“I just found out about it, and apparently he was kidnapped the same day that he left for his motel. You could have let him stay longer.” I felt my stomach churn slightly, knowing that I was the cause that he went back that day, but it disappeared as soon as it came.“I’m still here in Chappaqua. I can’t go and rescue him,” Julian lamented in a sore tone.I waited for him to finish before I decided to speak. “So? What do you want me to do about it now?” “You’re over there in New York, closer to him than I am, and it’s way more convenient for you to help him,” he said, and I let out a mirthless chuckle.“Why would I put myself in danger because of your friend
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