All Chapters of I Paid A Billionaire For A Hook Up: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
280 Chapters
Chapter 0101
"Dr. Abby, you never changed" The old vendor has a wide smile on his lips, displaying a lot of missing teeth while holding Abigail's hand. "Even after you become a distinguished doctor, you still visit us here and eat our food" he continued. "I love the food here, Grandpa. This is the best ramen
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Chapter 0102
"Good day to all of you" Politely, he bows to the seniors. "Such a fine man" murmurs of approval erupted while Lam remained gracious. "Eat your food before it turns cold, Doctor Abby. We will not disturb you for now" They all get settled on their respective chairs while Abby and Lam start to e
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Chapter 0103
"Do you trust me, Abigail Marie?" Lam asked after halting their steps outside the door of the conference room. "With my life" Though confused, she promptly replies. "I compel you to it, Abigail Marie. Hence, bear in mind, that I will do everything for you" With his earnest gaze boring her, he se
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Chapter 0104
"I can't allow you to insult our leadership, Chairman Cartagena. You've been here for just several months. Know where to put your arrogance. You still haven't brought F&D anywhere" Justin voiced the insult he had been trying to hold back since the meeting started. "Maybe" Unaffected, Lam just shru
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Chapter 0105
"I've once told you, President Del Castillo. It's just a choice I did not take part in the company not because I'm incapable" she added. Justin has nothing to counter her. Abigail's ingenuity paired with her exemplary proficiency is undeniable. There's nothing her intelligent brain could not do.
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Chapter 0106
The night she went home, Lam had already left. No trace of him inside their new apartment. If Kara is not with her, she could have mistaken him for a dream. But he can never be just a dream, his marks are vividly printed on her body. The tenderness between her legs is still nagging her every movem
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Chapter 0107
"Whoever did this will pay dearly. Keep that in mind, Abigail. No one messes with me like this?" Gritting his words he gave her a deadly glare before heading to the door. But before he went out, he scanned the room with his earnest narrowed eyes. "I'll find out who did this" He left a warning befo
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Chapter 0108
"The larger one will be yours but it has connecting doors" Kara turns to her. "Kara..." She was getting annoyed at being ignored. "This is the only room left. The convention is an international event and every prominent figure in the world has arrived in the city three days prior. We won't find a
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Chapter 0109
"Are you sure about this, Kara? Will I not go to prison if I lose this jewelry? I don't feel good about this" Abby anxiously mumbles while checking the necklace around her neck for the nth time. She got no response but a chuckle. Still anxious, she moved to check the matching pair of dangling earr
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Chapter 0110
After a while of staring at her from head to toe, most of the guests turned away and returned to their respective engagements. It relieved her though. All she needs right now is scrutinizing attention, especially from women. Casually, she walks to the side but a figure stands next to her, startlin
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