All Chapters of I Paid A Billionaire For A Hook Up: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
280 Chapters
Chapter 0141
"Urgh!" *Whack* *Thud* What happened next was too fast and before anyone realized what happened, Justin was sprawled on the floor with a bloody nose and painfully clutching his stomach. "Justin!" Three women's voices chorused. Alice, from out of nowhere came out and ran to his side. "What a
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Chapter 0142
"He wanted to meet you, Dr. Abigail Marie Sandoval" Mr. Carlos' words put a sour taste in Justin's mouth. Nonetheless, he is looking forward to the man he has been secretly hearing to be a ferocious beast of the underworld. He hasn't dug much since information about him is so limited. But Mr. Carlo
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Chapter 0143
Murmurs resonated from the background after some of the local guests had started to realize the resemblance. "Welcome to Santocildes, CEO Alek Vasili Wright" Timothy Steel comes forward, offering his hand. The murmur from the crowd becomes louder after hearing the confirmation. Indeed, the man re
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Chapter 0144
Upon the announcement, the Wright Patriarch and Matriarch take their spot and walk towards the front table prepared for them. Eyes turn to CEO Alek Vasili Wright who was expected to follow his parents. However, to everyone's surprise, the waiter, Lam Cartagena with Dr. Abigail Marie Fuebtebella Sa
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Chapter 0145
As Alek Vasili towers over the two figures who are trying to regain their breath, silence rules among the crowd. "Let's behave in a civilized manner. Let's enjoy this night without any further affray. I will only say this once" calmly, Alek Vasili speaks. His earnest gaze alternately stared at t
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Chapter 0146
"What's happening?" Truly confused, Karen asked no one in particular while discreetly watching the particular table from afar. No one has the answer to her query and all they have ever done since earlier is be confused like the rest of the guests. Simone is still rubbing Arnold's back to comfort
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Chapter 0147
While some are dreading the announcement, Abigail watches the man walking closer to her with pure love and pride. It's the first time they will come out together, him as a Wright heir. Her heart is getting anxious but she will thrive as long as she is with him. For a fleeting moment, their eyes me
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Chapter 0148
Kiera is the most composed of them all. She watches her friend while wearing a fond and proud smile. "Ahm..." She was trying to speak but she got nothing out of her brain. "Will you stand next to me in the crowd and spend the rest of your life being a Wright, Abigail Marie?" Kneeling on one knee,
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Chapter 0149
"I love you so much" Abby tiptoed and snuggled against Lucy's neck. "I love you so much, my moppet" Squeezing her into his embrace, he nozzled her cheek. Showering her with kisses, she relishes his lips against her skin. The two have been inseparable while whispering sweet nothings in front of
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Chapter 0150
"Ahm...well. I might have remembered some, Kiera" Sheepishly grinning, she scratched her head. "You must remember them, Abby. It will help you a lot" Kiera chuckled. "I will be ready. Actually, I've been ready since I knew who Lam was" She pensively smiled after taking a deep breath. "I won't
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