All Chapters of ASHLEY'S REBIRTH: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
81 Chapters
Chapter 41
Ashley/Olivia's POVI swallowed hard I had just attracted trouble for myself. The two figure sitting before me, sat there, waiting for an answer an, explanation to what I meant by saying I was not Olivia. "Uh.. Well..."I gulped, wondering what to tell Lance and Eloise. A part of me was telling me to just walk away without trying to defend myself and that they would not take it seriously. I wanted to walk out because I just yelled at him and so why would I bring myself to stammering and apologizing? I decided to just walk away but not without some words, " please let me be." the please sounded like an instruction given to ones subject. "I've lost my appetite. Excuse me. " I said and stood up to leave. Lance hesitated a moment but then nodded slowly in response. I don't know why he nodded. Was he giving me the permission to leave when I already give myself one? His face was sullen. Eloise who was sitting beside him also had the same look on her face. I smiled triumphantly an
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Chapter 42
Ashley/Olivia's POV"Thank you, brother-in-law." I called him informally. The alpha was seated in the central seat in the living room with Eloise and Lance by the right hand side I was sitting on a couch by the left hand. "Thank you for coming your, your Highness. I am fully recovered now and I would not want to sit Idle at home doing nothing. Just like I said in my letter, I'll be grateful if I can resume immediately " I said, bowing slightly. "Of course, you can start this night or tomorrow morning. The position has always been yours. Who else would fit into the category other than you? " he said, smiling broadly. The duo was now clear with what was happening. I had written to Alpha Greg for him to give me the order to resume my position as the captain of the Warriors of Silver Tail Pack. I took this decision because it will provide a space for me to train. The pack had great trainers and strong Warriors in the army and I could learn and flex my energy there. This was the plan
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Chapter 43
Lance's POV My wife's situation was out of hand. She made me feel like a total stranger. I would have made a fool of myself if I had not pretended to know about it before Greg. It is not that I don't want her to resume her position but this all came up out of the blue. We had agreed she wasn't going to take up the position until she was ready. I was more than shocked tonight. "She made a fool of me and I had no say. What's wrong with you Lance? Get a hold of yourself." I said to myself, admist trying to close up the hurt spot in my heart."Aren't you a man? Why are you sulking over a mate you possess? Just give it to her the way she wants it. Avoid her, act cold and I am sure she would come back to her senses." a voice said in my head. But I wasn't the type to do such kind of thing especially to the most dearest person to me. I may be able to act cold to my enemies outside but I can't you so in my home. I shook off the thought."Since she would be resuming her duty tomorrow, th
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Chapter 44
Lance POV"Did I put something inside? Why would I do such?" I questioned myself rhetorically because I wasn't expecting any answer from my wife who was already walking away from me.I just shrugged my shoulders, not taking the near false accusation Olivia was placing on me. I had noticed she had become extremely conscious of what she ate and drank. She would scrutinize the food during meals and sometimes ask the Butler or chef to have a bite before she would lift the food to her mouth. This was the new Olivia I had to live with. I would have been glad if she cared a little but she seemed not to care at all. Little Adrian, our baby was safe from knowing this side of his mother as he was either in the care of the maid or Eloise. Despite Olivia's emotionless state, I yearned to show her all the love bustling inside my heart for her. I grew to overlook all her strange and bizzare acts and embrace the way she was. I showed her all the love I have got and did not mind if she was givin
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Chapter 45
Ashley/ Olivia's POV I felt chills from that kiss. I could not control it. I would say it just happened. I was probably in a trance and I need to get my acts together.I heaved a heavy sigh, feeling the spark I had felt ignite, vanish."Well, what did you find?" Lola's question helped me push the last thought of the kiss I was having out of my head."Nothing much. They aren't much secret there. Just a vast layout of books on the shelf and important pack materials." I replied her, a little bit frustrated I wasn't making any significant progress on this aspect. My body has been getting sufficient training but getting information was not easy. I was a lone woman standing with no aide. I had asked for Lance permission to use in study because I thought I could gather any information even if it was something minute."I wish I could do this openly, it would have been easier.""How about the Second Plan?" Lola asked."What plan? Oh no! Don't bring that up again Lola. I don't even kn
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Chapter 46
Eloise POV"Yes, Greg is not supposed to be the Alpha. For me, Lance was too soft to give up the position for him. Tsk tsk." I explained with disgust on my face, clicking my tongue at the end."Why not Greg? Why do you say he is not fit?" Olivia asked, picking interest."You know they are step brothers, right? Lance is more responsible than Greg and everyone believed he would be the alpha after their father.""I still do not get it. Lance is the younger while Greg is the older so automatically, Greg is supposed to be the Alpha." Olivia commented."Still supporting him even now?" my brow squeezed into a frown as I questioned her.""Stop being sentimental. I am only confused that is why I'm asking." She retorted. I realize that I've been a little bit overboard with my emotions. "I'll be objective." I told myself."It's very much different in our pack. Ones birthright or seniority does not determine if he would be the next alpha in Silvertail. It depends on the strength, competence and
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Chapter 47
Ashley/ Olivia's POV I saw a thin line spread across Eloise lips, it parted and then a sound came out. She was laughing. I looked at her bewildered. Why was she laughing? I know the question came to her unexpectedly but I didn't think she would burst out laughing that way."I am so so..rry sorry." she said, still trying to control her torrent of laughter. She finally got a grip of herself and inhaled a lot of air before she spoke up."I am sorry I laughed so much. I did not know what to do. You know, it's funny for you to think that way darling. Why would I betray our relationship as friends and then hook up with Lance?""Betray? An incoming betrayal from a friend doesn't need to be announced publicly. With what I have gone through, it's hard to trust anyone especially a best friend. They are ones worst enemy." I scoffed and thought aloud in my head."Let me clear this darling, I'm not in a secret relationship with your husband. Neither do I have a thing for him. He's definitely n
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Chapter 48
Lance POV I rushed over to Olivia whose arm was dripping blood. Anger coursed through every corner of my body. I was thorn apart from whether to jump on the bastard who had skillfully aimed a knife at my wife, ending his wretched life. But I had to attend to Olivia first."Hold him down." I roared as I made my way like a flash of light to where she was standing.I had lost her before due to my carelessness and I was not willing to go through such pain or trauma again. Anyone who dared touch an hair on her body would go down immediately, much more, let her blood drip. I was going to tear the bastard down with my own hands. I crossed over and held her hand out, pressing down on the spot to reduce the pressure of pain and stop the continuous bleeding."Ouch!" she winced in pain."Sorry. Hold up, darling. It's going to heal soon." I checked the fresh cut on her arm to make sure there was no sign of poisoning. That was what I dreaded the most. The knife could have been laced with an
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Chapter 49
Ashley/Olivia's POV"Damn! Why does this thing have to come this time?" I cursed silently under my breath."Are you okay, dear? What's wrong with your stomach?" He asked, looking at me in a way that made my stomach flutter from another kind of excitement and not pain."Is it a poisonous pain? I am worried it may the poison. The knife may have been laced with a kind of poison I could b I t detect.""Poison?" I shot him a funny look at his quick conclusion on the cause of the pain.How could I tell him it was the thing with women every month? My monthly flow came easier than expected and in this situation of all times."I am okay. It's not any poison. It's just a sharp pain I felt but it's okay now." I lied through my teeth.The lie did not hold up long as the pain came up again, this time much stronger than the last. I clutched at my abdomen tightly, beads of sweat forming on my forehead. My face grew pale.I could not walk or even stand on my own.Lance shot me a grin and lifted me up
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 Chapter 50
Ashley/ Olivia's POV"Are you falling for him? Don't tell me you are!"" Arrgh! Keep quiet. I am not falling except you want me to fall into a pit again. It is probably another side effect of the pill I took.""Is the hotness and coldness you are feeling at the same time part of the side effects? Stop being delusional.""Just keep quiet. Shut up!" I shouted aloud. Lance look at me wondering who I was talking to. He pointed his index finger to himself and ask skeptically, "me?" I shook my head and averted my gaze from his."Why don't you want to look at me? Are you scared? I'm not a monster who wants to harm you. I really care about you. I will keep saying this until you accept my heart again. I Love You Olivia."My face flushed red and I hid my face with my palm. Why was he taunting me with those words? He has said this more than enough for a single day. I could hear the sound of my heartbeat. It sounded like thunder. We sat so close. I was just an inch away from him. His hands t
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