All Chapters of Betrothed To The Alpha: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
81 Chapters
Graduation arrives faster than I can imagine, and the sense of relief and joy that washes over me is indescribable. After taking pictures with Bee to commemorate the moment, I make my way to the car, eager to begin the next chapter of my life. As I approach, I feel a gentle tug on my hand, and to my surprise, I find Alex standing there, his hand outstretched towards me. Without hesitation, I intertwine my fingers with his, feeling a rush of warmth and excitement coursing through me. It's a simple gesture, yet it holds so much significance, especially in front of people we both know. The sight of us walking hand in hand fills me with a sense of happiness and contentment I haven't felt in a long time.Arriving at the parking lot, I spot Alice and Alex’s brother standing by two cars. It's evident that they were waiting for us so we could all leave together to attend the party at the Sky Packhouse to celebrate the graduation of werewolves. Despite Alice
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Alex isn't joking as he sucks, licks, and thrusts his tongue into my core. Pleasure courses through me, causing my nipples to harden and more wetness to pool between my legs. I arch my back as he adds a finger into me, intensifying the sensations rippling through my body. His mouth expertly sucks on my clit, sending waves of ecstasy crashing over me while his hand thrusts into me with a speed I didn't even know was possible. My toes curl into the ground as Alex takes me beyond imaginable heights of pleasure. This isn't the first time he's pleasured me like this, but there's something about the way he does it now that heightens the experience. And that comment he made about wanting to worship me... Oh, moon goddess! It does something to me, igniting a fire within that burns hotter than."Alex," I moan, unable to contain the overwhelming sensations coursing through me as I grab onto his hair. He adds another finger and thrusts harder, h
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ALEX I console Alice as she cries, her tear-streaked face a heartbreaking sight. She just begged me to reject Hannah and take her back, but I couldn't comply, and she knew why already. Plus, I've accepted what our relationship has become. “Please reconsider, Alex. Please, I love you,” she pleads, her grip tightening on my wrist as she gazes at me through her wet lashes. “Alice,” I say softly, placing my hand on her shoulders. “I love you, but I can't. I have obligations to my pack, and I've already explained the other reasons.” “It's so sad. This is something I've always admired about you. Your dedication to your pack, and now it's being used against me,” she says, her voice tinged with bitterness as she lets out a hollow laugh. “Ironic,” she adds, shaking her head. I offer her a tight smile, though inside, my heart aches at the sorrow in her eyes. “Hannah is one lucky she-wolf,” she mutters before turning away, tears streaming down her face. My shoulders slump as I watch her go.
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ALEX In the passing days, our packs are swept up in a whirlwind of activity as we immerse ourselves in training and the gradual process of building camaraderie. Hannah's once-resentful demeanor softens, bringing me immense relief and gratitude. Silently, I offer thanks to the Moon goddess for restoring harmony between us.Our training sessions transcend mere physical exertion; they evolve into a melding of minds and spirits, showcasing the growing bond between Hannah and me. Side by side, we navigate the intricacies of combat, our movements synchronized with uncanny precision.Today, as the sun sinks below the horizon and twilight descends, we find ourselves locked in a spirited training session against Cameron and Lorenzo. As we face our opponents, the air crackles with energy, our instincts sharpened by the challenge ahead.Despite Cameron and Lorenzo's formidable skills, Hannah and I move as a united force, our actions flowing seamlessly.
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My eyes flutter open, and I find myself in a dimly lit room, the heavy scent of rouge wolf permeating the air like a suffocating fog, sending a shiver down my spine. The walls are made of rough-hewn stone, damp and cold to the touch, with patches of moss clinging to the crevices. Confusion grips me as I struggle to piece together how I ended up here. I sit up from the cold, unforgiving floor and scan my surroundings. My eyes widen as I catch sight of Alice in the next cell over, her face swollen and tear-stained. Fear tightens its grip around my chest as realization dawns on me: we've been kidnapped by rogues. They must have used Alice as bait to lure me to the lake, making our capture easier. The sinking feeling in my stomach deepens as I recall the dangers that come with being in the hands of rogues. It's not uncommon for them to use kidnapped pack members as bargaining chips, demanding ransom or making other demands that often lead to dir
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My eyes flutter open for the second time, and I find myself in an unfamiliar surroundings, greeted by bright white lights that pierce through the haze of confusion. The sterile scent of antiseptic fills the air, carrying with it the distant echoes of hurried footsteps and muffled voices. Sitting up on the bed, I take in my surroundings, my brows furrowing as I realize I'm in what appears to be a hospital room. The walls are a muted shade of blue, adorned with framed landscapes that seem to try and inject a sense of calm into the clinical atmosphere. The faint hum of machinery provides a constant backdrop to the scene, punctuated by occasional beeps and whirs. The sight of the hospital gown draped over me confirms my suspicions, its fabric thin. But it's the heart monitor beside my bed that drives home the reality of my situation, its rhythmic blips and spikes serving as a tangible link to the fragility of life. "You're finally awake," a voic
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"You want me to sign a contract agreeing to divorce you when the two packs have stabilized and that our divorce won’t affect it. This is some kind of joke, right?" Alex’s voice drips with sarcasm as he enters my room in the silver pack. I spin around, meeting his gaze head-on. "No, it’s not."Alex stared at me in disbelief. "You can't be serious. After everything we've been through, you will just walk away?" I fold my arms, holding firm. "The contract is for the good of both packs. Once they're stabilized, it's best we go our separate ways.""Best for who?" Alex shouts. "Did you ever stop to consider if I would also want this?"I turn away, bitterness welling up inside. I picture Alex picking Alice instead of me. "Please sign the contract," I said coldly. “Our engagement ceremony is barely days away. No, I won’t."I release a deep breath, my gaze locked onto Alex. The weight of my request hangs heavy between us, the tensi
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ALEX   Sitting alone in my room, I take a sip of whiskey and sink back into the couch. The memories of my interactions with Hannah over the past few hours play on a loop in my head, each moment etched with a pang of guilt and regret.   I know that choosing Alice over Hannah must have hurt her deeply, but she needs to understand that it wasn't a decision I made lightly. It wasn't because I wanted to hurt her or because I didn't care about her. It was a choice forced upon me by the circumstances.   Alice is the mate of my younger brothers, and their bond is just as sacred as mine with Hannah. When faced with the ultimatum from my brothers, I had no choice but to choose Alice. They argued that she was weaker and less capable of protecting herself, whereas Hannah had the skills to fend for herself.   But it's not like I abandoned Hannah to fend for herself. I had every intention of going back for her, of
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She glides out of bed with a deliberate, tantalizing sway in her step, each movement stirring an inferno of desire within me. Her touch ignites a wildfire as she stands before me, her nails tracing a scorching path down my chest until they halt at my waist. In an electrifying surge of boldness, she slips her hand into my pants, sending a jolt of pleasure coursing through me. "Someone's hard already," she purrs, her teasing words laced with a potent allure as she teases me through my boxers. I seize her hands, locking eyes with her in a desperate attempt to halt her actions before we do something she will regret tomorrow morning. "Wait..." I manage to choke out, my voice thick with longing, but she silences my protest with a seductive stroke, sending waves of ecstasy crashing over me. "Don't worry, mate. I will take care of you tonight," she reassures me, her voice a sultry whisper as she lowers herself to her knees, her
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ALEX Seated in my room, a glass of brandy in hand, I reflect on the days that have passed since Hannah left me in that hotel room without forgiving me. I thought saying sorry, as Eden advised, would make things better between us again, but it didn't work. Tonight, I texted her about our engagement ceremony tomorrow, but she hasn’t replied for hours.I take another sip of my drink, a knot of worry tightens in my chest. The possibility of Hannah backing out of our engagement crosses my mind, though I know her well enough to believe she wouldn't do such a thing. Still, the lack of response leaves me unsettled, my thoughts consumed by what might be keeping her from replying. Before I can dwell on it further, a knock at the door interrupts my reverie. Inviting the person in, I find myself sighing as Alice enters the room. Since her rescue, Alice has been a constant presence, her belief that I chose her over Hannah in a moment of cris
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