All Chapters of Unbidden awakening : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
38 Chapters
The one where he finds me
I stand there dumbstruck. In front of me, Max holds Greg's hand. Max has a very relaxed stance that would have fooled the casual observer, but the tense set of his shoulders and the ticking in his temple suggests otherwise. In that moment, i understood what Stacy and Neela were saying about Max's aura. It was pretty much a sign floating around his head, saying danger. Keep off.Greg's stupid hand is fisted, and I vaguely come to the realisation that the fucker was about to punch me."What is it to you, the lady and I were just having a little fun?" "From the looks of it, the lady doesn't seem to be having fun." Max turns towards me and the intensity in his gaze makes my breath catch."Were you having fun, Calista?" He asks me, his voice deceptively calm, before I can answer him, stupid Greg interrupts."It seems that you guys know each other, so I think I'm going to go back to the club where the party is happening."The more he talks, the more I feel like slapping the living daylight
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The one where he becomes familiar
We walk for a while , side by side, fingers still interlaced. We left the busy part of the street a while back, I think the club is what brings this area to life at night. Otherwise, it's just a few houses and a few restaurants. We make a turn, and i instantly notice a difference. Here, it's quieter, and there are more houses around than businesses. It looks like a housing neighbourhood. I'm convinced Max has an ulterior motive for bringing me out to talk, but I remember that I was the one who actually wanted to talk. I practically pushed him out here. I don't know where we are, but I'm trusting Max to know where we are going and not to do anything nefarious to me. That is probably not a smart move on my part considering I don't know him at all, and I've only seen him a few times , but I am choosing to trust him anyway because he just saved me from stupid Greg. It's not the brightest idea I've had, but I've followed him all the way out here, so right now, it'll have to do.I look
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The one where I wish to be someone else
"It was you," He stills, and for a split second, he looks striken, but his expression shifts. "I was still in high school then, and it was in the parking lot, I was running. You were there. You caught me when I was about to fall. ""Sweetheart, I don't know what you're talking about.""You don't?" I ask. He shrugs "I don't." He releases me, and we start walking again.I don't say anything else. I'm too preoccupied with my thoughts. Really, what is up with this? I take a peek at him from the corner of my eye. He looked so familiar, I thought maybe, I might have seen him before. I was so sure before, but now, not so much. I mean, it is possible it isn't him, after all that was a few years ago. I might be mistaken. I don't remember that day well, but I know I remember his eyes. That stranger had the same striking blue eyes as Max.I decide to let the matter go. If he isn't the one, fine. If he is the one but he doesn’t want to talk about it, that's also fine.Max takes a turn, and I
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The one where I have a realisation.
I flush. Mortification fills me. I just let out a gasp like this is the first time I'm seeing someone's arm. An incredibly attractive arm, but an arm nonetheless. Luckily, Max doesn't react. Either he didn't hear, or he just decided to ignore me. Anyone works for me. He walks over to my shoes and picks them up. He walks back to me, but I walk past him to go look in the lake.He watches me silently, but when I attempt to put my hand in the water, he stops me. "Calista, that's not a good idea," he says"Why?" I ask"You're cold," He replies to me matter of factly."Oh yeah, that's right." I sigh with regret but put my hand down. Max helps me to my feet. We walk away from the lake and sit in a patch of grass that I don't recognise. Max grabs my shoes and makes to go help me put it on. But I stop him"I can do that." He raises his head and gives me what I have come to term."The brow" "Fine," I say and roll my eyes. I try very hard not to think about the fact that he is helping me with my
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The one where I fall apart in his hands.
With my phone pressed to my ear. I sneak a glance at Max. His hands are in his pockets, and even though he stands casually, no one with all their senses intact can ever mistake him for casual. I inspected him further. Stacy was spot on in her observation. The man had a dangerous air about him, and it's a testament to my viceral reaction to him that I didn't notice it earlier on. No matter how many times I've seen him, I honestly don't think I'll ever get used to his beauty. When I look at him, I know that God truly has his favourites. His hair, so black it seems to absorb the dark of the night, highlights the blue of his eye, and as for his bone structure,two words, My my. "Callie, you there?" I'd totally forgotten I was still on a call with Neela"Yeah, I'm here." Max takes his phone out, and I guess he gets a call because he walks a few feet away and starts speaking to someone on the phone. As I'm staring at him, I feel a wave of determination descend upon me. Ever since the accid
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The one where I have a premonition
It's crazy how hope works. One minute, it's there, another minute, it's gone. I was doing really well so far. I had a few moments where I envisioned happiness, but before I could grab it for myself, it was ripped away brutally. After we left the club, Max took me to his car. A car, which I must say, matches the owner to the tee. I am totally unknowledgable about cars, so I don't recognise what make or model it is, but for one thing, the exterior is black, and the interior is pristine and weirdly, but unsurprisingly blue. Right now, the weather is mirroring my mood. What started as a slight drizzle has since turned into a full-on downpour. Neela's head is on my shoulder. Right now, I envy her. She's sleeping without a care in the world. I wish I could do that. I'm brought out of my reverie when a crack of thunder and a flash of lightning illumines the car, bringing Max's face in the rear view mirror into focus. His eyes are on the road, so thankfully, he doesn't see me, but occasion
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The part where I am the prey.
"You were dreaming about Max turning into a wolf?""Yes.""During a sex dream?" "Yes, Neela," I say, exasperated. We are walking to the coffee shop, and our shift begins in a few minutes. We are raking a shortcut to the cafe. A dirt path snaking out of the back of Neela's faculty building. Someone bumps into me."Umpfh" What hits me first is the stench that emanates from him. This one is unlike anything I've ever smelt. The smell is cold and is so pungent, my eyes water. I imagine that if death had a smell, this would be it. Something else about the stranger puts me on edge, I can't really place my finger on it, but this time, it's less of a smell and more of a feeling. I turn to look over at him, and my blood freezes in my veins. Every single instinct I have screams at me to run, but my my body doesn't cooperate. My shock holds me in place. My foot is stuck to the ground, and my heart feels like it's stopped beating.He has a greasy mousy brown hair that makes the ext
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The one where I'm mauled
What seem like million things happen at once. The wolf leaps at me and time slows down. My senses sharpen, bringing the world into sharp focus. My sense of self-preservation kicks in and I'm regretting my vulnerable position right now, too late. I stretch my right hand out and try to grab on to something, anything at all that I can use for a weapon.The wolf lands on me and all breath vanishes from my lungs. I barely manage to keep my eyes on it. My heart pounds like mad drums and bood rushes to my head. The wolf lets out a growl, thick pools of saliva falls on my shirt. Faster than my eye can track he bends his head and bites my arm. It's teeth sinking into my skin feels like a thousand sharp needles piercing me. I let out an ear splitting scream. The wolf savagely rips out a chunk of flesh leaving my hand a mangled mess, I can't help the whimper that escapes me. The pain almost makes me black out. I feel the blood oozing out. It's hot and cold at the same time, like in some twiste
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The one where her wolf awakens
Max's Pov.It was a mess. Everything was one big horrible mess. She just lay there, so still. Her eyes closed, and the skin on her chest was so mauled that it looked like ground beef, and her blood was everywhere.Only years of training kept my control from fracturing. I turn to Natalie"Hurry," I growl out. She looks up at me, and her expression tells me more than she can say. "She's losing too much blood,""There isn't much that I can do, Max." Her calm demeanour contrasts with the urgency of the situation. It pushes my control. I let out a growl, but her hands keep on moving without stopping even as she adds, "She isn't a Wolf, and there isn't much I can do for her here, She needs a doctor,""You're a doctor," she gives me an arched look." She needs a human doctor and a human hospital.""Can we move her?" "Yes, quickly she's still losing a lot of blood." Panic roars through me threatening to fracture my control, but I wrench it back, regaining mastery over myself."The car
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The part where someone calls his bluff.
I get out of the car and walk away to clear my head."Well, that was interesting," Luke says from behind me as other pack members trickle out from the woods with the body of a rogue wolf carried by two pack soldiers. "Guard her." I order Luke, and then i walk towards the soldiers holding the wolf. As soon as I walk over, the soldiers incline their head with respect. I ignore it. I notice absently that I tower over them. I stare at the rogue wolf, not quite comprehending how it is that he managed to escape Calista's protective detail. I tilt my head studying the mouse brown of his fur. He had all the indications of a rogue wolf. His fur was patchy and discoloured. Even dead, his stench was still revolting. But what I could not quite grasp was why he was after Calista."Report"Joel, the golden haired, Amber eyed one that gives off surfer vibes, speaks up."Somehow, he got past our guards and came after her. After we got to the site of the attack, we engaged him and finished him off
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