All Chapters of The Alpha's Abandoned Luna And The Twin Flames: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
91 Chapters
Ch. 60 Who are You?
Aspen Walking away from Elena and Mason is the hardest thing I’ve ever done besides leaving my brother. In both cases, I did what I thought was right at the time. But it had gotten me fuck all so far and already I’m keen to give up. Splitting up was a waste of time. I’m no closer to finding my mother than I was before I left Crimson Moon. The next logical place to look was North Winds, the only other pack where we had family, but they hadn’t seen my mother in years. All I want to do now is rejoin my mates. My mates, as in plural. When we first found Elena, I was over the moon and that will never change. She’s everything I could ever want and so much more. Then Mason showed up looking like a blond haired, blue-eyed adonis and the attraction was instant. I never dreamed he’d want me as a chosen mate but now that he’s put it on the table, I realize I can’t live without him any more than I can her. Just one more stop and then I’m going back to them. It’s probably another dead end bu
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Ch. 61 So Much Worse
Elena “It feels like forever since it’s been just the two of us.” Mason reaches over from the driver’s seat to squeeze my hand. “It really does, doesn’t it? We were apart for so long and I was already with the twins when you came back. When everything settles down, I’d like to have some one-on-one time with each of my mates.” I squeeze back, willing myself not to think about whether Asher will be in the picture I’m painting of our future together. “If that’s what you want, you know we’ll make it happen.” He agrees. “But I imagine once we’re all back together, it will be a while before you want to be separated again. I was kind of hoping we could take advantage of some alone time now. How would you feel about a date night?” “I’d love that, Mace!” I lean in to kiss his cheek in appreciation for his thoughtfulness. “With all the craziness happening around us, some down time to just focus on our bond sounds perfect.” We settle into companionable silence. Mason leaving me alone
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Ch. 62 Finally Mine
Mason “When you said you wanted to have a date night, this isn’t quite what I’d envisioned.” Ellie looks at our crowded surroundings pointedly. “I was hoping for something much more . . . intimate.” “Oh really? Why don’t you describe what you had in mind? Every ‘intimate’ detail.” I murmur huskily, lifting her into my lap and leaving a trail of kisses down her neck. “Now, Alpha,” She purrs back, making my cock spring to life under her soft ass, “given present company, I don’t think that would be appropriate. But I’d be happy to give you a full demonstration once we’re alone.” “I’ll hold you to that, little one.” I growl softly, nipping at her ear playfully. She isn’t wrong. I definitely saw our date night going much differently too. We’re currently in the theater room of the Glass Lake packhouse watching a movie along with a bunch of other pack members. Some not even old enough to have their wolves yet. But after Luna Kat’s reaction to the mystery item Ellie found, they
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Ch. 63 Right To Be Scared
Elena I can’t remember the last time I’ve been this exhausted. I’d blame it on the sleepless night, but the truth is, there have been too many of those to count recently. I really should try to sleep but my racing thoughts won’t quiet down. Instead, I’m staring at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, the towel twisted around my wet hair leaving my neck bare and Mason’s mark on full display. I run my fingers over it, eliciting a frisson of need that leaves my nipples tightening and slick leaking from my core. A contented smile spreads across my face, knowing he’s mine forever. We may have taken a few detours and I may have lost myself a bit along the way, but looking back on it now, it’s obvious we were always going to end up here. Mason and I were fated long before we shared a mate bond. I only wish the same were true of my other two mates. Shaking that thought away before it can pull me under, I go in search of something to wear. I’m not ready to share my mark with the world
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Ch. 64 Where To Start
Asher Since when is my life the plot for a really bad horror movie? And that’s part of the problem. Maybe it’s always been this way but I can’t fucking remember. First, some guy comes to my home and tries to convince me we’re long lost twins, separated at birth or some shit, I don't know. Then my gentle, soft-spoken mate shows up and knocks him out. It’s like a bad dream I can’t wake up from. Her actions in that moment and all that have followed since seem so unlike the woman I know. I’m racking my brain trying to recall anything from the past that would indicate she’s capable of such behavior but I’m coming up empty. And I mean completely empty. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Nissa asks when she notices the frown I’m wearing. “I feel like I’m losing my mind. I can’t even remember how we met.” I admit, shaking my head to clear the fog. “Oh, sweetheart, you’re just overtired. You were meant to be resting when that crazy man invaded our home. Let’s get you back to bed.” She
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Author's Note
Hello Wonderful Readers! My apologies for not having an update for you this evening. I'm fighting a migraine that just hasn't allowed me to give the story the attention it deserves. Hopefully tomorrow will be better and I will have some content for you. In the meantime, I want to thank you all for the support and love you've shown Elena and her men! I love sharing this hourney with each of you! Things are precarious for Mason, Elena and the twins right now but we are very close to the pinnacle of their story. Hang in there with me for a few more chapters as we see how the story unfolds. Much Love, Cara
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Ch. 65 Run
Mason “Breakfast, courtesy of your wonderful mate!” My sister announces cheerfully, handing me the bag of food. “I helped stuff the tortillas so, you’re welcome.” “That was so sweet of you girls. Thank you sweetheart!” My mom pulls her in for a hug but my eyes are still fixed on the door, waiting for Ellie to walk through it. “Liv, where’s El? Why isn’t she with you?” I ask when she doesn’t appear. “Oh, she said to tell you she’d meet you here, later.” Her eyes flit around, looking anywhere but at me. “Olivia, what aren’t you telling me?” I growl, an intimidation tactic I know won’t work with her since she knows I’d never harm a hair on her head. “Damn it, Mace! Are you really gonna force me to break girl code?” She deflects. But she must see the desperation in my eyes because her face softens and she groans in defeat. “Fine, I’ll tell you what I know because I’m a little worried too. “We were packing up the food and she was planning to come with me to deliver it when a
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Ch. 66 Crushing Blow
Mason “Mason, run!” Ellie screams, just before the whole house begins to shake and the wind roars through like thunder but she;s lost her mind if she thinks I'm leaving here without her. I barely have time to duck as pieces of wood siding fly from the walls. Jagged planks and splinters whiz by like shrapnel, embedding themselves with deafening thuds into every available surface. I crawl under the cheap formica and metal dining table for refuge but even the floor beneath me rattles in a bid to break free. “Ellie!” I shout over the uproar but my voice doesn’t carry above the din. I have to get to her. I have no idea what’s happening but we’ll be ripped to shreds if we don’t find someplace to take cover. She may have told me to run, but there is no way I’d ever leave her behind. I army crawl in the direction of her furious screams, keeping my head low, but I still feel the fragments tearing at my skin. Knowing my mate is likely suffering the same only makes me move faster. I’m
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Ch. 67 Nothing Is Okay
Kaden “This can’t be the right fucking address.” I mumble to myself as I pull up to the run down shack sitting on the lot Mason directed me to. His car is here as well as a pack vehicle my sister probably ‘borrowed’ and neither of them are in sight so I can only assume they’re inside. Whatever trouble Mason thought Ellie was in, I hope to fuck he got it wrong. But I’m not stupid. There’s nothing good to be found in a dilapidated shithole in the middle of nowhere. If she’s inside, Goddess only knows what she walked into. “What have you gotten yourself into now, little sis?” I grumble, but the truth is, I’m scared to fucking death for her. I hop out of the cab of my truck, waving at the cavalcade of warriors to pull in beside me. With several units still in Sacred Moon keeping the peace in Mason’s absence and a killer still on the loose, it took me a while to round up the few men we could spare. “What’s the plan here, Alpha?” One of the squad leaders hurries over for instr
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Ch. 68 Chaos
Aspen “When the fuck is she going to wake up?” I bark at the doctor, continuing to pace at the foot of Elena’s bed. When Kaden told me what happened, I raced my ass here at record speed, dumped my very confused twin brother in a nearby hotel and rushed to the hospital. That was hours ago and my mate still hasn’t opened her eyes. My wolf is about to tear through my skin if we don’t get some answers and that isn’t a sight any of these humans are prepared for. “Sir, I know this must be very difficult for you and I’m sorry I don’t have the answer you’re looking for. As I told you’re, uh . . . . partner,” his eyes dart to Mason shamelessly snuggled up to our mate in her hospital bed. When I introduced myself as her husband after he’d already claimed the title, I thought the man’s head would explode. “We managed to stop the bleeding and successfully repaired the wound. “Thankfully, her twin was here to donate blood. We replaced what she lost so her vital signs are stable now and w
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