All Chapters of A Secret Crush On My Step-Uncle: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
96 Chapters
Broken Promises
Elise's POV. The live video got up to two hundred thousand views in a few minutes and I decided to remove my mask. "You will be seeing my real face in a few seconds and I hope that some of you will be considerate enough to not hate me…" I said, tears streaming down my cheeks. I slowly took my trembling hand back to my mask and as I removed it, my real face was revealed to everyone. Within a few seconds, people began commenting about me. They recognized me and without wasting time, they began filling the comment section with hate. I quickly stopped the video and switched off my phone. I broke into a loud cry, feeling so much anguish in my heart. I knew that I was doing this for my daughter but it didn't hurt less."Elise…"Jones called softly, walked to me, and pulled me into his arms. "I've lost everything," I cried. "It's going to be okay. Some people might understand," Jones said, trying to encourage me. "There are so many comments popping up in the video. The comments went
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Nicola's Deceit
Elise's POV. I was so stunned and shaken by her words. I knew that Nicola was cunning and wicked, but this was extreme. 'Nicola, don't do this to me,' I pleaded, my voice breaking in pain. 'I've done what you asked me to do and all that is left is for me to disappear with my daughter. I have fulfilled my part of the deal, now do yours,' I insisted, hoping that she would stop her craziness. 'Nicola, I beg you to not punish me this way.' I implored, tears streaming down my cheeks. 'It's so nice to hear you beg and not act all high and mighty. I wish I could see those tears flowing down your cheeks, it would have been the most delightful scene ever,' Nicola uttered, heartlessly. 'When you first got involved with Damien, I didn't see you as a threat. I thought that he wouldn't feel something for a naive girl like you, but then he started having an interest in you…' 'Then he began helping you and you both started a little romance. It was cute but not to me! I was angered by the thou
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Elise's POV. I wasn't thinking about the risks of being with him, the first thing that came to my mind when I saw him was to hug him.I felt this solace in his arms, there was this comfort that Damien was able to give me that no one else could offer. When he wrapped his hands around me, I felt somewhat relieved.As he planted a kiss on my hair, my weary heart skipped a beat."I know that this isn't the right question to ask but are you okay?" He inquired, his voice full of care and softness.I desired to hold back my loud cries but I let them out. I couldn't act tough anymore. I allowed myself to show every vulnerability I could."I'm not okay," I cried."I have never felt this helpless in my life...I have never felt this sort of hurt before, it's so painful,""I'm here now, everything is going to be alright," Damien muttered, rubbing his hands on my back.His hands went circularly, soothing me."I know that my presence isn't enough but I will do all I can to help you. I promise," Da
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Two Men, One Heart
Damien's POV. "What have you been hiding?" I asked, staring intensely at her."Damien, I have a..."The doorbell suddenly rang, interrupting her words. The servant rushed to the door and when she opened it, a man slightly pushed her out of his way and entered."Annabel, what is he doing here?" the man asked, walking closer to us.He seemed to be in the same age group as me, his physique was average and with the tone of his voice, I already knew his identity."It's that Roman guy, right?" I asked Elise.Elise slowly nodded and faced him."What are you doing here?""What kind of a question is that? I'm here to support the woman I harbor feelings for and despite your constant rejections, I will always be here for you," Roman said, stepping closer to her."Hold it right there," I shunned him. "Can't you see that I'm already here with her? Does it look like she needs any more support?"Roman looked at me with pure disdain in his eyes."Aren't you the one who ruined her life? If you hadn't
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The Sinclair's Conflict
Damien's POV. I stared at Roman and laughed briefly. "Why don't you use this same energy and take care of your breath? Instead of coming here to see a woman who doesn't give a fuck about you, why don't you use that time to meet a dentist for help," I taunted him. He clenched his fists angrily, looking like was going to pounce on me at any moment. "You're going to pay for this…" He growled and stormed off before he would do something to cost his life. "Damien, you didn't have to be so mean" My princess sighed and had her seat. I closed the door and sauntered to her. I sat by her side and shrugged my shoulders. "He started it. Didn't you hear all the threats that he gave me? What if he goes ahead to fulfill them" I said, despite knowing that he was just barking. "He's my friend and he has helped me more than once. I know that he can be annoying at times but please don't treat him that badly again," Elise defended him and looked away from me. I squinted my eyes at her and
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A Difficult Sacrifice
Damien's POV. "Why do you look so surprised? Did you think that I would never find her?" My Dad asked, letting out another wicked laugh. "Your men might work for you but there's nothing they do that isn't reported to me," "Dad, tell your men to leave Elise alone!" I raised my voice, furiously. "Why should I do that? Why won't I punish her for her evil deeds?" My dad thundered. "But my name has been cleared and things are getting back to normal. I'm recovering all my losses and I think she's the one that sent that evidence of Nicola's treachery to me. She discovered her mistakes and she rectified them, doesn't that count as well," I reminded him. "No, it doesn't count. She would have done the right thing from the beginning, which was to stay away from you. She almost sent you to jail without any remorse, so I'm going to send her to a land of no return, without feeling an iota of remorse either," I had never seen my father looking this angry before and once he was hotheaded, it wa
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Weakest Points
Elise's POV. I called Damien multiple times yesterday but he didn't answer any of my calls. I thought today would be different but as I tried calling him again, there was still no response. I became worried about him. It was quite unusual for him to avoid my calls when he had been coming after me for such a long time. "I'm worried about my daughter, I don't want to worry about you as well…why aren't you picking up my calls?" I asked, weakly. "Has something bad happened to you? But if it did then it would be all over the news," Fear seized my heart and I checked the internet for some news about him. I checked his Instagram profile and I saw his post which was three days ago. There was also nothing on his status or the internet that could prove that he was hurt or sick. "If you are alright then why aren't you answering my calls?" I asked and tears brimmed in my eyes. I stared down at my phone and called him again. The call abruptly ended but I didn't want to believe that he was
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Welcome Back, Natalie
Elise's POV. No one was going to come to my aid, especially not Damien. He hadn't answered any of my calls in days and it seemed like he had completely forsaken me.It was time for me to rise again like I was once I did. I went from rags to riches but now, I am going to survive.I gathered all the strength I could and stood to my feet. I resumed running and I got further away from the reporters.I finally reached my gate and I stormed into it. I locked the gate and had my guards looking at me like I had gone crazy."Miss Annabel, are you okay?" one of them asked.I sort of regretted going out without them but I simply wanted some time alone without anyone disturbing my peace or coercing me to do one lively activity or the other."I'm not okay," I responded, panting. "I want you to keep an eye on this gate. Don't let any of those insane reporters into my house. And if they try to do anything unreasonable, I want you to deal with them accordingly," I instructed and received nods from t
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Misery From The Past
Elise's POV.I gently scooped my daughter into my arms and stood up from the floor. I turned and looked at my bodyguards who were standing behind me.They had smiles on their faces as they saw her."Should I help you, ma'am?" one of them asked.I shook my head and smiled at him. "No, thank you. I just want to be close to her,"He nodded and went to open the door to me. I showed gratitude for his gesture and walked into the compound."Baby, you are back home," I muttered and she raised her head from my breasts.She looked around her and looked up at me with a weak smile on her lips. I missed that smile so much, it meant a lot to me.Tears of happiness slipped down my cheeks as I walked towards the mansion. I finally got to the door and struggled a little to open it.As I walked in, I saw Adaline in the sitting room. It seemed like she was going somewhere but when she saw me with my daughter, she stopped in her tracks."Is that Natalie?" Adaline asked, probably shocked and overwhelmed.
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Elise's POV. "My parents?" I gasped in shock.I haven't seen my so-called parents since the day they threw me out of the house without thinking twice. Why would they suddenly appear out of nowhere? Were they here to ask for my forgiveness?"Ma'am, should I tell them to leave?" Adaline asked.I should have said yes because they had disowned me so heartlessly and didn't deserve to see me, but on second thought I wanted to see them as well."You can let them in, just tell them to wait in the sitting room. I will be down in a few minutes," I instructed and received a nod from her."Mommy," Natalie sniffed."Yes baby," I answered and looked down at her."Are my grandparents here?" Natalie asked, clearing her throat a little."Yes, they are here but they are not on good terms with me. I also don't want them to know about you, just stay here while I see them," I said and kissed her forehead."I love you," I whispered and laid her gently on the bed."I love you too, Mommy," Natalie muttered.
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