All Chapters of The Billionaire's Toy: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
150 Chapters
Ever again
That’s right,” Tracy added.Becca opened her mouth to say something when a nurse walked in.“I was sent to inform you all that Miss Wilson is awake.”The heavy black clouds that hung overhead parted and gave way to the first sunshine Lucien had ever known. It seemed everyone else also felt the same as the tone in the room lightened.“Let’s go see her!” Becca called out.“Oh no, Miss Becca,” the nurse said. “You need to stay in bed.”“Listen here. I can be a great patient, or I can make your life miserable. Get me a wheelchair and take me to see my friend, now. Please,” Becca flashed a devilish smile. She looked towards Damian and winked.Damian stifled a laugh. The few minutes he’d known her were interesting. Rebecca was interesting, indeed.“There she is!” Tracy cheered. “Miss, it would do her a world of good to see that Audrey is okay.”The nurse smiled and nodded. After a few moments, she helped Becca into a wheelchair along with her IV bags, and the group walked the short distance
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Knows what’s important
“I was rooting for you,” she smiled. He looked up at her and couldn’t help but laugh. It was a sad sound.“Thanks. I appreciate that, but I think we all knew it was a lost cause from the start. It was always going to be him.”“You know, the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else,” she teased. “I said that to Audrey once about you.”Damian blushed. Audrey’s friends were so different from her. They were bold and brash. But in all the best ways. When things calmed down and they were able to restart their lives, he hoped he’d still be a part of the group.“That’s… nice of you.”“Becca likes you. She said, and I quote, ‘that man is so fine. When I’m all healed up, I’d like for him to break me again’,” she wiggled her eyebrows.“Oh my God,” Damian’s face was bright red. “You girls are too much.”“You have no idea. Listen, I know it hurts now. But it will pass, and she’ll always be your friend. And me too now. And Mark. You were there for her when I couldn’t be.”“Thanks,”
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I miss her.
“You realize she’d going to confront you about this,” Captain Whitlock said.“No thanks to you!”“Hey! I didn’t jump back into your life of my own volition. Lucien called me, remember? He knew the consequences. It’s not like I’m that innocent either.”“You know I’m not that deep anymore.”“Oh yeah. You’re only the damn Prince of a crime Family.”“Hey! Watch it! We don’t do that anymore. We’re straight now.”“Yeah. And that is thanks to me,” the captain smirked. “Load of good it did me though. I ended up neck deep in trouble with the force.”“Lucien and I got you out of that trouble.”“Which is why I even agreed to help. But I’ve spent way too much time with you both. Unfortunately, everyone knows I’m involved with this investigation. You know that isn’t good for either of us.”Mark frowned. Part of their arrangement years ago was that they limited their contact. They had to do whatever they could to make sure no one ever found out that Mark used underground connections to have Captain
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“What?”“From what I heard about you before, you seemed like a total asshole. Just another rich, playboy jerk that thought he could do whatever he wanted. I heard all about those run-ins at the club when Megan was still around.”“I was,” Lucien said with a sad smile. That seemed like an entire lifetime ago. Who even was that guy? “I was all those things.”“I used to daydream about running you over with my car.”“Maybe you should have. I would have sued you though.”Becca laughed.“I’m glad I was wrong,” she smiled at him. “There is something I wanted to talk to you about too.”“Sure.” Lucien pulled up and chair and sat beside her bed.“There was a point while we were captive when your… when the woman involved was attacking Audrey. I think she wanted Audrey to say she didn’t love you.”“I understand,”Lucien hung his head. “She said whatever she needed to say to keep herself safe.”“No, you don’t understand. She wouldn’t say it. Even though she was terrified, she said it out loud. She s
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Under his spell.
“Ensure that everyone is safely inside their homes! I need a team to search the woods nearby!”Several officers broke off to their assigned tasks. The scene outside the mansion was mayhem. Red and blue lights flashed for miles. They bounced off the nearby homes and cars, casting everything in their urgent hue.“This is the police! We have a search warrant!” He could feel his heartbeat in his ears.No answer. Fine, he had expected that. What criminal would happily open their door to a squadron of police? Good, he thought. Makes the game more fun.“Surround it!” he commanded. His forces circled the home, guns pointed at windows. He kicked the door open, and they poured into his home. It was barren. No movement, no lights, no noises. This is bad. “Fan out and search! He’s in here somewhere!” Checkpoints had been established all over the city, so there was no way Eugene could be anywhere.Heavy footsteps filled the house, rattling crystal vases and gilded chandeliers. Captain Whitlock mad
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I love you.
“I… I don’t want you to stop.”He’d never heard a sweeter melody. His mouth descended on hers, capturing her lips in a searing kiss. Their bodies were alight with passion as the kiss deepened. Their lips mashed against each other, as if trying they were trying to destroy each other. It was hungry and desperate and spoke of months of closeted longing. Her hands wound his hair, reveling at the familiar feel of his thick strands. Lucien’s arms looped around her back, pressing her body into his.An urgent beeping filled the room, forcing them apart. Audrey’s heart rate was through the roof, and any minute and a gaggle of medical personnel would rush into the room if she didn’t calm down. Their foreheads touched as they caught their breath.“Sorry,” he said, not sounding sorry at all. “That was building up for a while.”“Yeah,” she panted. “I had almost forgotten what that felt like.”“Forgot?” Lucien pulled back, affronted. “Well, I guess I’ll just have to remind you.”Audrey giggled as h
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You better stop.
“This city is in for a wild ride. Some crazy shit is going to go down. I feel bad for anyone involved.” She walked away to continue her sweep of the house.Captain Whitlock wanted to punch a hole in the wall.“This is some bullshit!” he yelled, startling a couple of the CSI techs nearby. He went into an empty room and called Mark. That was the only other person that could know what was going on.“I’m just saying, you had people watching this house at all times. How did none of them see anything?”“I don’t know. I ran hard surveillance. People were sending me reports by the hour. Everyone that walked in and out had been accounted for.”“So, how did this happen?” Captain Whitlock growled. “How did someone slip in, murder a man who was the focus of a city wide man hunt, and then slip out without leaving a shred of evidence? Are you sure you can trust all your people?”“Yes,” Mark paused. “But I’ll look into it. If there is a traitor, you’ll have him within the hour.”“You need to know. T
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At the top.
“Who is at the damn top?” The more he read, the more disturbing things got. Eugene had committed some horrific crimes all to appease whoever had loaned him the money to pay off his gambling debts.“Rest is distress, you vile sack of shit.”The journal described robberies, hostile takeovers, more kidnappings, murders. Each entry more monstrous than the last. One particular entry stood out.‘I’m not stupid. Lucien has figured out by now that I’m behind the kidnapping of his precious woman. It would have gone by less messy if I had paid attention. The last time I saw him he was dating Mia. Imagine my surprise when I kidnapped her first and she told me that Lucien had essentially kicked her out of his life. Sad for her, but fortuitous for me. A woman scorned is an amazing weapon. Mia has turned out to be an invaluable ally. While spouting words of undying love for Lucien, she was more than willing to assist me by planting the drugs in his car. A drastic distraction, but a necessary one.M
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Without any conditions.
Becca sat up and stared at him. Her eyes were soft, her heart full of warmth from his words.“Hmm,” she mused. “Hot, smart, and sensitive? How are you real?”Damian looked down at his lap and chuckled.“You’re going to have to stop complimenting me like that. You’re going to make me blush.”“I could do a lot more to make you blush,” she wiggled her eyebrows.“Seriously, though,” he looked back at her. “We’re just getting to know each other. I don’t want to overstep any boundaries. But… there is a way I think I can help you.”“Yeah? What’s that?”“I hear your father is a building contractor.”“He is… or was. He’s too sick now to run the business. Once I’m recovered, I plan to try and save it. Why are you bringing that up?”“I want to add your business as a preferred vendor for my firm.”Becca’s eyes lit up. She practically sprang up from the bed.“Damian…”“Don’t try to say I shouldn’t. I want to. I, um… researched your family’s business and I was impressed with the work. It won’t guar
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Some learning to do
His grounding personality along with Becca’s fire would mesh greatly. It was a perfect match in her eyes, and it was her fervent hope that Becca and Damian would be able to find happiness in each other.“You two sound like you’re having a great time,” Lucien teased as he walked back into the room.“Just plotting against you,” Becca answered.“Should I run now?”“Not yet,” Becca looked him up and down, as though she was scanning him. “You don’t have anything to be afraid of.” She made her way out of the room. Before she left, she turned back and looked at them. “…for now.”“I thought Tracy was bad,” Lucien shuddered after Becca left. “She is terrifying.”“You have no idea,” Audrey smiled fondly. “So, where did you go?”“I was taking care of a few things for work.” There was a sort of melancholy in his voice that made Audrey pause.“You mentioned you wanted to talk to me about something last night?” she prodded.“Yeah. I was wondering where you were going to go. You know, after leaving
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