All Chapters of The Billionaire's Toy: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
150 Chapters
Got to him herself.
Audrey spent the next day moving her things from her old room into her father’s room. She was going to sleep in there now in case her father needed her at night. The room was large enough for her old twin bed.Going through her old things was hard. Among her things were many mementos of her childhood. Photos of her mother, of the three of them together, and some of her mother’s jewelry and clothes, her old toys and baby clothes, and some of her father’s old things from before he let the alcohol take him. Her mother was beautiful.But Audrey felt she didn’t take after her in looks.She looked more like her father.​ Pieces of a life, long gone and forgotten, were scattered around her.Audrey sobbed for a long time, with the remnants of her happiness strewn about.​ She set a framed photo of the three of them on a nightstand next to her father’s bed. It was taken on her fourth birthday. Doting parents stood on other side of an happy child with a cake covered face.​ “Here’s something for y
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Stupid text.
The world had frozen around her. Everything around her faded away, and the only thing she could see was Megan’shands rubbing all over Lucien.And she had no idea why it affected her so much. She wanted nothing to do with him,and even less to do with Megan.Yet,a vile mixture of anger, hatred and jealously swirled around within her.Audrey’s heart slammed against her ribs, and it felt like there wasn’t enough air in the club.​ “I need to leave,”She said, turning around to get out. All she could think of was how she needed to escape for her own sanity. Nothing good would come out of any conversation with those two.​ “Audrey!” Megan called in feigned enthusiasm. “Why on Earth are you leaving? Come over,bring your friends and join us for a drink!”​ “Counterfeit bitch,” Tracy muttered. “Don’t run from her. It’s what she wants.”​Tracy was right, and Audrey had promised her father that she wouldn’t let anyone bully her anymore. She plastered on a fake smile, and turned back around.Trac
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Enough of him.
Megan still wasn’t ready to back off.For some reason,she liked belittling Audrey.​ “Oh, poor Aud. Dealing with your emotions the way you were taught to. Taught how to drink the pain away by your good-for-nothing alcoholic—”​ Tracy slapped Megan with full force. She would not sit there and let this piece of shit demean her friend like this.​ “You fucking bitch!” Megan screamed. She jumped up and lunged at Tracy.Tracy was ready to fight her, but Mark jumped in between them.​ “Don’t you dare touch my girl,” Mark warned. “Sit the fuck down.”​ Megan pretended to be hurt, and pouted to Lucien.​ “Why are they all ganging up on me? I haven’t done anything!”​ “Oh, shut up, Meg,”Audrey snapped, feeling brave from her buzz. “Maybe you need a glass of ‘mind your damn business’. Stop worrying about me. Or at least stop pretending to. That one right there,” she pointed at Lucien. “You think he’ll be good to you? He’s only looking out for himself. When he’s tired of you, he’ll just move on t
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Audrey was more baffled than ever. Lucien had spent most of the night insulting her and letting Megan paw all over him. He had even alluded to the fact that he had slept with her. It genuinely seemed like he was enjoying her company.Then he just abandoned Megan,followed Audrey out of the club, and gave her a new apartment.Lucien’s mind was a maze that no one would ever know how to escape from. What did he want from her? This day just wouldn’t end.​ Lucien glowered at her, wondering why she hadn’t moved a muscle.​ “What are you waiting for?”Lucien asked waving his hand in her face.Audrey snapped out of her trance. “Do you want me to go in there with you?” He suggested with a smirk.Audrey’s face went bright red, she mumbled something incoherent and dashed into the bathroom. She could hear Lucien laugh as she shut the door.​ The bathroom was as lovely as the rest of the apartment. It wasn’t as lavish at the one in the hotel, but it was still grander than any she’d ever had. There wa
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Young and beautiful.
I’m not drunk,” Tracy declared her words slurring together. “But Meg is blacked out. She tried to fool everyone, but she’s back there so drunk. Ha! Tried to lie, talking about how she doesn’t drink. I don’t think she’ll bully you anymore. I won’t allow it!” She stepped forward and pulled Audrey in for a giant hug. “I have avenged you!” She shouted with a triumphant smile.​ “Friends don’t get much better than you,” Audrey said. Her friends were the only good thing she had in her life.​ “They sure don’t!” Tracy yelled, throwing her hands in the air. “Best friends forever!”​ “Babe,” Mark said, turning Tracy around to face him. “Drink some water. Don’t want you feeling sick tomorrow.” He brought a glass of ice water to Tracy’s lips. He dabbed the corners of her mouth when she was done, and kissed her. Audrey had noticed it earlier that night when Tracy had punched him. They were together for such a short a time, but it was clear that Mark was love-struck. He looked at Tracy like she wa
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Pretty serious.
Audrey looked away. She was getting tired of these games he was trying to play with her, but she wouldn’t give in to him. The bus would come soon, and she could get away from them. She turned her face away from them refusing to give them the satisfaction of her attention.Can’t he just be with Megan without shoving it in her face?It felt as if he was purposely trying to torture her.Lucien looked up to try and intimidate Audrey some more, but saw that she was looking away. He looked at her profile, and saw a face he wished he could forget.​ “This is annoying,” he said, backing off of Megan.​ “Lucien, baby,” Megan whined trying to get him to resume. “I thought we were going to give them a show.​ “Get off of me,” he shrugged her off. “I am not your ‘baby’,” he hissed at her. “Besides, you’re drunk.”​ “But Lucien,” Megan reached over to touch him.​ “I said, get off.”​Audrey was so thrown off by his behavior. Not ten seconds ago he was trying to put on some kind of show for her. A
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To run to him.
Audrey did not want to hear this but she was halfway through with her food and that meant she will continue hearing Megan’s pesky voice.She wished she was with an earphone or something.“Most of my things won’t fit in with my new lifestyle,” Megan continued.“So, what? Are you just going to throw out your old things?” The girl asked.“Yes. Lucien is going to buy all new clothes, more elegant and stylish. He’s from a wealthy family,you know.Like super wealthy.Josh’s family had money, but not like this.Lucien is the only heir to his family’s entire fortune,” Megan bragged. “He’s got much better taste than Josh did. And he’s hotter, and so much better in bed.”The girls laughed.Audrey tried to eat faster. She really didn’t want to hear this. The last people she wanted in her life were Josh and Megan. And she’d gotten both of them on the same day.“Oh, Audrey!” Megan gushed.Damn it.She had taken notice of her.“I was just thinking about you. I’m moving in with Lucien, and some old clot
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Bad for her.
“First of all, I dumped you. I thought I had made it clear that I want nothing to do with you. Second of all, the rumors are a bit exaggerated but they are somewhat true.”Josh’s face changed. He went from dopey, groveling ex-boyfriend, to angry and disbelieving.“You mean you and that jerk…”“Yes. Me and him,” Audrey finished. “Not that what I do and who I did it with is any of your business.”“How could you? You bitch…” Josh mumbled.“Don’t be such a hypocrite. You cheated on me. Please just go away. We’re not getting back together. Ever.” She stood up to get to class but a pair of rough hands held her back.Audrey yelped as Josh turned her around and slammed her back into a wall.“What are you doing?”“So, you held out on me, but you fucked some random stranger?” Josh’s eyes burned with rage and jealously. His fingers dug into her shoulders.“Let go! You’re hurting me!” Fresh panic exploded in Audrey’s veins as Josh tried to force a kiss on her. “No! Get off of me!” She tried to fig
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Diego Hudson.
​ “I’m going home. My dad needs me,” she turned around to face him, and regretted it. His wild, turbulent gaze set her soul alight. In those eyes, were words he couldn’t, or wouldn’t, say. It’s better this way, Audrey tried to convince herself.​ “I’ll be at your service when you need me…Mr Reynolds.”Audrey pulled her hand from his.Lucien was struck dumb, and was stunned into speechlessness and surprise.​***************Audrey cried most of the way home.Lucien was egotistical, narcissistic, and possessive. How did these feelings for him arise?Audrey refused to acknowledge them. And Lucien could never know. He would use it against her, she just knew it. Denying that she felt anything for him at all was the only way she knew to protect herself.​ And the fact that he didn’t run after her was all the proof she needed.​ Audrey got off the bus, and wiped her tears. Her father didn’t need to see her like this.​ “There you are,” Matilda said as Audrey walked inside. She sat in the livi
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The kind of life.
“I’m going to get you out of here,”He whispered.“My dad,” she mumbled.“He’ll be fine”Lucien answered. He stepped over Diego, taking Audrey to his car. Before he left, he looked at his two bodyguards. They held up Diego, who had the audacity to look angry.“What shall we do with the offender, sir?” One of them asked.“What hand did you touch her with?”Lucien asked him again. When Diego didn’t answer, Lucien looked at his men and said, “Chop both of his hands off.”Audrey couldn’t stop shaking. Tremors shuddered through her as she recalled Diego’s grimy, sticky hands grope all over her. His sweaty, greasy flesh pressed on hers, his sour, musty breath, the fetid scent of his skin,they enveloped her and she wanted to throw up. He was disgusting, inside and out.​Lucien sat her in the passenger seat of his car. His suit jacket wrapped around her and she clung to it like a shield. She was still quite exposed. Lucien scowled as he noticed.​ “Wait here,” he muttered. “I’ll be right back.”
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