All Chapters of The Lycans' Obsession: Chasing Our Rogue Queens: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
140 Chapters
CHAPTER 71- Not Again
Alpha Eugne's POV Once More When I wake up hours later, it takes me a moment to familiarize myself with my surroundings.This isn't my bedroom, everything around me is foreign to me. Groggily sitting upright, I realize that I am alone here. Through the curtains I see the twilight, it must be early evening now. That means I slept for hours on end. I place my hand on my chest, the agony of rejection has vanished completely.It's as if there is a deep, hollow hole where my heart should be. My thoughts go back to the last hour of my consciousness. Shiri, she betrayed me. She has put her family above all else. Once again I have been deceived, this mating formula doesn't seem to work for me. Why Selene insists on pairing me with mates who are so much younger than myself and have different expectations of life is beyond me. What is important now is that I inform the King of my discovery.If the pain hadn't consumed me so much, I would have done that rig
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CHAPTER 72- Hear Him Out
Alpha Female Ciciane's POV It is the eve of our eighteenth anniversary, Xanne and my mating ceremony.Every detail for the grand ball has been perfectly handled by Harad, who spared no effort in hiring top-notch event planners to ensure a flawless occasion. The large hall designated for our official engagement ceremony has been lavishly decorated and the preliminary rituals have already taken place. With everything set in motion, all of us know exactly what must be done next. Herod and Xanne precede us, their mating will be the first to be inaugurated by the Sages.Herod has also planned an unforgettable ceremony for his mate. The upcoming night will be great, everything points to an incredible experience. With the moon shining in its full glory, pleasant and crisp weather conditions prevail, the Lycans can hardly contain their joy at our mating. I stand on the balcony, my eyes settled on the main street adorned with vibrant
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CHAPTER 73- All Four Of Us
Alpha Female Ciciane's POV StillA piercing silence fell over the conference room.All eyes are fixated on Herod, mouths agape in stunned disbelief. But the King exudes anger, he cannot appreciate this remark. Although I haven’t known him for too long, I have never witnessed such an intense display of emotions from him, Herod has clearly hit upon a very sensitive nerve. “Herod, explain yourself!” King Jasper roared. “What do you know about this matter?”Walter intervenes, his face a canvas of guilt. He is suffering from this commotion created by his son. “Let's keep a cool head, Jasper,” he tried to soothe the mounting tension. "On several occasions, I have asked Eon why he is behaving this way. I explained to him in detail our relationship with the Royal family. He acknowledges the bloodline but insists that he is destined to be included among those who are destined to ascend to the throne, that this is his place. However, when pressed fur
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CHAPTER 74- My Rescuer
Alpha Female Ciciane's POV Still I stand there transfixed as I try to process Herod and Xanne's words. The puzzle slowly fell into place as all the clues became crystal clear. However, my subconscious stubbornly refused to accept the irrefutable truth. Xanne who couldn't take her eyes off Harad when we lived in the cave in the forest, that nagging feeling that something vital was missing in the relationship between Harad and me, his insecurity about my lukewarm attitude towards him, Herod who initially showed mild affection for Xanne. There were signs, I just don't know if I'm the only one who didn't pay attention to them. The King and Queen's unrelenting gaze is fixed upon us while Herod and Xanne sport villainous smirks. My bewilderment mounts at the sight of my best friend, for never have I witnessed this aspect of her personality before. She was always indulgent and protective towards me but the Xanne standing here is unapproachable and has a cruel expression on her
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CHAPTER 75- She Is Gone
Prince Harad's POV Herod's blood still drips down my fangs as I stare at my prey with fiery red eyes. Never did I think this day would come where I had to prove my power and domination over my very own twin sibling. Prior to today, we have never had disagreements of this nature that we had to fight each other. Herod's insistent pursuit of my mate has cost him dearly. The King's Lycan wolf had to intervene to prevent me from killing this fool. Sebad, the strongest wolf in the Lycanthrope species, stood between Xin and my primal rage and narrowly saved his head from being ripped off. Herod should have known better than to spit his nonsense about multiple mating, knowing how fiercely territorial I am when it comes to Cissy but still thought he could challenge me. Well, after today he knows how it will end if he repeats this stunt. I watch Walter and the King try to speed his recovery while my mother pats my back in an attempt to calm me down. Of cours
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 CHAPTER 76- The Golden Rule Stands
Prince Harad's POV Again A loud, anguished howl ripples through the vast territory of the Lycan Kingdom. The magnificent Royal Lycan wolf stands tall on its powerful hind legs, with its head turned towards the full moon in the clear sky. Xan can hardly accept the loss of his beloved mate. As he bounces back onto all fours, he starts sniffing around before sprinting after Cissy's faint scent which leads us into the dense forest not far from The Palace. But then he abruptly halts halfway through. Cissy's scent stops here but she is no longer alone. Someone met her at this spot, a Lycan. Eon! Walter's son was here with Cissy! Do they know each other? Did they agree that he would wait for her here? What exactly is going on here? I need answers and soon! Xan charges towards the nearest gate and there we find two warriors standing guard. Eon and Cissy left through this gate and the two here must have encount
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CHAPTER 77- A Business Deal
Alpha Female Ciciane's POV Looking out the window, my eyes are fixed on him. Harad, my Prince! He pursued me relentlessly, found me and was standing there on the balcony of the suite opposite mine, eagerly waiting for me. This is the night Era was supposed to confirm that we are fated mates. We would have a lavish mating ceremony before retiring to his exclusively decorated quarters, all conveniently arranged just for me. However, our dream was shattered into a million pieces. The Moon Goddess! She is the one to blame for the current mess we find ourselves in. The choices she made have stripped me of the long-awaited happiness that I once experienced within my parents' loving arms. With Harad, my life would have a new meaning again, he is the promise of an endless abundance of love and happiness. All those uncertainties that were raging through me, the feeling that our relationship was incomplete, came to a head when Herod and
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CHAPTER 78-  Make It Memorable
Alpha Female Ciciane's POV Still“Hey, girl, why are you hiding here?”I turn from the tall windows where I had been gazing out over this bustling city in South America that has been my home for four months now.Amira, my colleague and friend, enters the room where I have retreated from the busy party that is going on. It was organized especially for me to celebrate my recent contract with Gosu Media Network, a media company that offered me a two-year deal following an impressive three-month probationary period. The management was so impressed with my work ethic and production skills that they offered me a two-year contract.Almost the entire company is present here in the dance hall of the exquisite hotel where the party is being held. They are enjoying themselves exuberantly on the crowded dance floor or at a stylish bar located to one side. Of course, no one turns down free cocktails and snacks in the most prestigious club in the city. I really needed these minutes to myself, since
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CHAPTER 79- Going Home
Prince Harad's POV“Harad, you really need to go back to the Palace, the Kingdom is in turmoil over your departure.”My mother is on the phone trying to persuade me to return home. Over the past four months, she has called and sent messages to my phone almost a million times, but I consistently ignored them. Of course, I knew what she wanted to say.“Mother, I have to find Cissy,” I explained, defeated. “She is alone in this wide world without any family and friends. Who knows what will happen to her. I will never forgive myself if something happens to her, I have to find her.”On the other end of the line, it remains silent for a moment.“Come home, let's talk about this,” she offered again. "Herod can assist you in the search as he shares a bond with Cissy too. He desires to have her return so that we may resolve this matter appropriately." “He's not Cissy's mate!” I vehemently declare into the phone. "Once I find her, we'll reject thos
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CHAPTER 80- He Knows
Prince Harad's POV Still With much fanfare, a lineup of impressive Maserati's came to a halt in front of the hotel where I am currently staying.The display immediately catches the eye of passersby, exactly what I wanted to avoid. But I believe that His Majesty organized this spectacle as a means of emphasizing how important my return is for him and alerting the Kingdom about it.Eon gets out and walks towards me with an outstretched hand while some warriors load my luggage. “Harad,” he greeted me. “I understand that you were absent for some time. It's good to see you again." We exchanged a strong handshake, it felt a bit awkward. “Thank you, man. Yes, I was looking for my mate,” I informed him while entering the vehicle.He sits behind the wheel and when we buckle our seat belts, he drives out of the parking lot. On several occasions, I catch him stealing glances at me through the rearview mi
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