All Chapters of Puck Love Reunited - Book 2 in the Minnesota Ice Series : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
114 Chapters
Chapter 31
Chapter 31 Cody She takes my breath away and the taste of her on my lips and gushing into my mouth is too much. My dick is straining in my jeans, I want to tear them off and release my manhood. Immi kisses my neck as I carry her into the bedroom where I manage to kick the door open, thankfully it wasn’t closed properly, with my left foot I kick it closed behind me and take six strides to the bed where I place her gently on it and begin to slip out of my sneakers. She wriggles out of her clothes as I strip my shirt over my head then unbutton my fly. My dick springs forward, I take it in my hand and give it a few much needed strokes, fuck me the head is so swollen I hope I’m not going to hurt her. “Fuck you’re huge.” She says her eyes wide. I chuckle. “You’d know darlin’.” And she does, the amount of times I’ve fucked her before, she sure does know how much I can fill her up. “Let me get a condom ready.” I reach down to the side table by the bed and open the drawer and pull out a s
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Chapter 32
Imogen I’m snuggled into Cody, sated from three orgasms and it’s the early hours of the morning, I am betting my folks are wondering what on earth is going on since I am not home yet. I should really have sent them a text especially since my dad would worry. My legs are thrown over Cody’s, his arm is holding me into his side and my hand rests on his chest. His skin is soft like velvet. “I should go.” I say. He murmurs, the poor guy must be exhausted and I’m not just on about because he was having sex with me for the last four hours non-stop. I’m tired and I wasn’t the one who played a hockey game, got on a jet then cooked a meal. Plus, he has to be up in three hours to be on the rink for practice. It's no wonder these guys are the best of the best, NHL players do not have it easy. Sure, they get to do something they love, live and breathe but it comes at a high price. They need to practice most every day, hit the gym, the pool and Cody also has to do Yoga and Pilates, it’s his coach
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Chapter 33
Cody “Hey, Man how was your night?” Calli asks as I step out of my vehicle at the rink car park. He’s looking like he could do with a few more hours sleep. “It was good to be with Immi. Hated leaving her this morning though and since we travel to Toronto tomorrow, I’m going to hang out with her tonight.” “Yeah, I get that.” He says as he slings his sports bag over his shoulder. “You look tired, Bro. What’s going on? Did you end up going out after you left me?” “No way, not with practice this early. We did all our celebrating the other night. Nolan came over to mine and we stayed up for hours playing Battlefield X.” I chuckle. Those two are serious games, Calli has a whole room set up in his house as a gaming room with more screens than Nasa, I swear. “That’ll teach you.” I get my own sports bag out, it’s so early I could honestly have done with a few more hours sleep especially having been sexing Immi all night. Man, I am knackered. You can bet I am. “Yep, don’t I know it.” We
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Chapter 34
Chapter 34ImogenI ache between my legs and they feel weak, four orgasms that must be a record, no wonder I am so tired. The entire blissful moment and euphoria, however, has now evaporated since I couldn’t help myself but check on social media and head over to Luna’s page to see what she is spouting on about today.Cody did say I shouldn’t pay any attention, that I ought to stop looking and checking only I can’t. It’s a compulsion do you know what I mean? We’ve all been there right, checking out or stalking someone. Shit, is that what I’m doing? Stalking Luna? Fuck’s sake.I need coffee and coffee in my coffee. My head is woozy from lack of sleep, I have no idea how Cody manages it and he’s got a full day of practice ahead of him and then a flight to Toronto tomorrow. I wish I was going to fly with him. Still, I have stuff to do for the restaurant the opening is now in just over a week. That frightens me and also makes me fizz with excitement when I allow myself to think about it, w
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Chapter 35
Cody“Ladies, ladies, ladies. You need to put your backs into it.” Coach blows his whistle. Man, he is pushing us hard today. I am already sweating my balls off and it’s only been thirty minutes since we all stepped on the ice.“What is it with him today?” Atlas asks as he skates over to me. I shrug my shoulders, who knows what goes on with coach.“Maybe his wife didn’t give him any last night.” Calli says as he comes over and leans forward panting. The drills have killed us.“I want more foot work; I want more contact with the puck. Cones.” He shouts out. One of the rink attendants gives him a nod from the sidelines. He’s a rookie for the high school team and comes to the ice on most practice days, for him it’s a huge deal to see us on the ice during practice, he can pick up plenty of tips from us and see what being in NHL is really like. I always forget his name but think it’s Samuel.The kid leaves the ice and goes towards a fireproof door and opens it from where he starts bringing
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Chapter 36
Imogen“Hey there little lady. Not seen you for a couple of days?” Becky who works at the diner says. I like Becky she’s always been super friendly to me and is the niece of the owner, one day Becky will run it as her aunt doesn’t have any kids of her own. Her brown hair is pulled into a high ponytail today. “Hey yourself. I’ve been busy with the opening and all.”“I bet you’re excited, right?”“Oh my gosh, excited doesn’t even cover it. I cannot wait but I’m nervous as hell too.”“I can see that. I would be. Do you want coffee and pancakes or something else?”“I’ll take a coffee please and waffles this morning with lashings of maple syrup.”“You got it. Go take a seat unless you want to sit at the counter.”“I’ll hang here. Besides, Mr Judders will be in soon, he’ll keep me company.” Mr Judders is one of elderly residents, he always comes in for his morning brew and to shoot the breeze with us. His son has recently moved to Florida with his wife and family and now Mr Judders is pre
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Chapter 37
CodyI can’t help feeling like we’re sneaking around and to be honest I kind of don’t like it. For a start, I want the whole world to know that Immi is mine and that we’re an item and dating again.After the pool I sent her a message to check in with her and how her day was going, I know she would let Luna’s post play on her mind some.She said she was busy and had started painting the bedroom upstairs above the restaurant. I’ve had my shower after the pool which was gruelling, especially since Calli and Nolan decided they wanted to do relay races against Atlas and myself. Needless to say, being the strongest swimmer followed by the second fasted, we won the race. I don’t honestly know why Calli bothers to try, I mean he is good as is Nolan, but they don’t touch Atlas or I. But he is fiercely competitive, and I thought I was bad, Man that guy is the top of the competitive league.“Where you headed?” Atlas asks as we make our way out of the rink building and to our vehicles parked outs
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Chapter 38
ImogenJust having Cody by me is a feeling I don’t think I can ever truly get used to. We work together well; he has finished painting the walls for me and I do have to say the room now looks so sunny and fresh. Even though we’re deep into fall right now, the sun is shining, and the room is bright and cheery. I’m already looking forward to snuggling up reading at night in bed. I want to wrap my arms around me that’s how content and happy I feel.Cody is putting up the shelves, I watch as he drills into the wall seeing how the veins pop in his forearms, did I ever tell you just how sexy they are? In fact, there isn’t anything not sexy about Cody Brannigan. He makes me tingle from head to toe.“Are you watching me work, woman?”I giggle, “of course, you’re a work of art.”“Go and put the kettle on, I need coffee, would you darlin’?”“Can’t I watch some more.”“I’m not an object, darlin’. I feel like you’re getting off just looking at my ass.”“I might be and what if I am? You are my obj
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Chapter 39
CodyDammit, I hate leaving her, she looked so adorable in those dungarees and all I could think about was stripping them off her and checking out what lingerie she had on underneath.Duty calls and I need to get back to the rink for this damn photoshoot and the brief interview. Hell, being drafted is a ball ache. Not only because I’ll be leaving Minnesota but now Immi and I are back on dating, I’ll be miles away from her. I sure hope we can survive a long distance; I’ll be in Dallas for two years. It seems like a life-sentence, but I don’t have a choice. My management team have signed and sealed the deal and that’s the way it goes. Did I get asked? You bet I didn’t.I pull up outside the rink and can see Atlas’ car is already here, I clock the time and see I’m already a few minutes late. Great, now coach will be giving me the evil eye, he’s gotten pretty good at that look lately towards me.So, I had a few punch ups on the ice when Immi left me a month ago and maybe I did lose it a b
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Chapter 40
ImogenThe rest of the day passed quicker than I could even have imagined. By the time Cody left and I’d gotten over the mini attack of my dad dropping on by and checking in with me, whilst Cody was upstairs, I took a look around upstairs and hugged myself. I loved the sunny yellow color I’d chosen for the bedroom and am considering asking our local carpenter, Mo if he’ll be able to make some of those cute shutters for me that I’ve seen on some of the cabins around here. I love them, they’ll give it a real cozy vibe not to mention keep the sun out in the summer and the heat in during the freezing cold winters we get here in Minnesota.Happy with everything upstairs I’d gone back down to the office space out the back of the restaurant area to start on the flyers. I love creating and the time whizzed by as I hashed a few designs around until I was happy with the grand opening final design. They’re all printed for the local businesses and I’m hoping I can get my mom to place some in the
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