All Chapters of Demanding All Of You: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
138 Chapters
The Future
AlexOliver meandered out onto the dock, Damion’s watchful eye on him. The fishing hadn’t been quite as exciting as Oliver had obviously thought it was going to be. He’d grown bored after thirty minutes and began throwing rocks into the lake. That wasn’t exactly conducive to actual fishing.“He’s a really good boy,” I commented.“Yes, he is.”“I guess the fishing thing isn’t for him.”He laughed. “It’s probably going to be one of those things that he has to warm up to.”Oliver sat down on the dock, swinging his legs back and forth. Where he was sitting was over the dry land. “He needs more stimulation. He’s smart.”Damion nodded. “Yes. He loves constant input. He likes to read and watch television at the same time. Fishing is probably something he will appreciate when he gets older and needs to shut off his brain.”“I agree. Fishing is one of those things that you can do and not think about it. Then again, that can be a bad thing because your brain thinks about everything else.”“You
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First Catch
AlexHe turned his head, his mouth quirked at the corners. “The future? Like tomorrow? Like what do I want to be when I grow up?”I picked up a weed and threw it at him. “No, ass. Do you think this little town is enough for you?”He shrugged a shoulder, his grin fading. “I don’t know.”“You don’t know if you’re staying?” I asked.“I don’t know. I like the idea, but I’m not sure this could be it for me. I like that Oliver’s happy. That makes me happy, but what if he isn’t happy? What if the novelty of being in a tiny town wears off? What if he wants to go to a school that caters to his intellectual level? There are too many variables in play for me to make a firm decision just now.”“That’s a lot of what-ifs,” I said, trying to hide my frustration.I wasn’t necessarily frustrated with him, but I was irritated that he didn’t know if he was going to stick around. I was falling for him and there was a good chance he could be gone in a few months. It was hard not to think he was using me.
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Call From the Past
DamionI had to get a load of laundry in before I headed back out to work on a portion of the fence that had blown down in a windstorm the other night. It was always something. I had planned to run up to town while Oliver was in school, but that wasn’t going to happen.Being a single parent had been a learning curve but being a single parent and trying to run a farm in the middle of nowhere was proving especially challenging. It wouldn’t have been so bad if the grocery store was closer than thirty miles or if there was a fast-food joint for those nights I was so damn tired I didn’t want to cook. I kept telling myself my grandpa managed, but holy shit, it was hard.Every day felt like a struggle. I had to admit, at the end of the day and all the challenges I overcame, I did have a feeling of accomplishment. I just wasn’t sure it was enough. Would it be enough for me in a year, two years? I couldn’t shake the feeling of being pulled away.I started a load of laundry before grabbing a so
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She Left You
DamionIt wasn’t long before I saw a vehicle coming down my long driveway. It wasn’t Alex’s truck. I squinted, shielding the sun from my eyes with my hand. I grinned when I recognized the old Chevy truck. It was Justin. I couldn’t imagine he was back to mow already.He pulled to a stop. The back of his truck was loaded down with bales of hay. I was certainly not in need of any more hay and hoped it wasn’t for me. I wasn’t up for unloading it, either. Staring at the hay took me back to the time Alex and I had bucked hay and did a whole lot more.“Hey,” I greeted, getting to my feet when he got out of the truck.“I see you’re working hard today,” he said with a laugh.I shrugged. “I’m thinking about working hard. Does that count?”He laughed, stepping onto the porch. “It’s a hot one today,” he commented.I nodded. “It is. I’m psyching myself up to do some fence work.”“I’ve got to take this load of hay out to a guy. Want to tag along?”I looked at the pile of hay, then back at him. “You
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His Birthright
AlexI sipped my soda, letting the sugar infuse my bloodstream with a jolt of energy. I had been dragging ass and needed a little boost. I had wandered into the diner after picking up some stuff at the hardware store that doubled as the grocery store and UPS drop-off. I took a big bite of the BLT and slowly chewed while spacing out and looking out the window. I was bored. I needed to find a job, but I was reluctant to do so.I didn’t want to find a job that would hog all my time and pull me away from Damion. I knew it was wrong and knew I couldn’t just stop working and make my world revolve around him, but I didn’t want to take a job in another town or another state. The last time had been brutal. Things had been good between us and I didn’t want to ruin it.I also feared that leaving again would be the thing that pushed him all the way over to the leaving side of the fence he’d been walking on. I knew he wasn’t committed to staying. I shouldn’t be so invested in what he decided to do
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A Thousand Questions
AlexHarvey shrugged one of his beefy shoulders clad in a suit that was probably at least ten years old. “But what if he doesn’t want it?”“He wants it,” I assured him.Harvey smirked. “I suppose he does, at least for the time being. He’s got a lot riding on it.”“What do you mean by that?” I asked. I sensed Harvey didn’t care for Damion. I wanted to know why. I knew it was me being nosey, but I had been spending a lot of time with Damion and felt I needed to know if he was a shady character.He shook his head, waving a hand through the air. “Nothing,” he muttered.“Harvey, obviously it’s something. What does Damion have riding on the farm?”“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything. I truly cannot say anything more. It’s privileged information.”“Harvey, you already said enough to make me curious. I won’t tell a soul. I have a lot invested in that farm. I feel I have a right to know if Damion is planning to do something with it or to it.”He looked pained. “I wish I could explain it
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Something Bigger
DamionI had my earbuds in, listening to one of my favorite podcasts from back home while I rode around on the tractor taking care of the fence. It was mildly relaxing to be completely alone, working without anyone expecting anything of me. I didn’t have a deadline. I didn’t have twenty people depending on me to tell them what to do and how to do it. I tried to tell myself it was a lifestyle I could get used to with some time.Something in my peripheral vision caught my eye. I turned my head to see Alex’s truck headed toward the house. I smiled, happy to see her. I checked the time and decided there was enough time for some afternoon delight before I had to go pick up Oliver. I lifted the neckline of my T-shirt and gave it a good sniff. I didn’t stink.I hadn’t been doing anything especially strenuous and hadn’t broken a sweat. I turned the tractor, steering it back to the house to meet her. I was looking forward to a steamy kiss and hopefully a little bit of hot sex. It had been too
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Life Changing
Damion“I don’t get it,” she said, shaking her head. “Oliver was a simple man. He lived simply, splurged on nothing, and only had the land to claim as his own. Besides the truck outside and that stupid tractor. What could be riding on all that?”I shrugged. “I’m not sure.” I hated lying. I felt like such an asshole for lying. “Maybe he was referring to me being here and reconnecting with my past.”“How so?”“I don’t know for sure. I got the impression my grandfather and Harvey were pretty close. I’m sure my grandfather filled him in on all the horrors of me living in the city. He wanted me back here.”She smiled. “Possibly. You never accepted his offer to come home before. Why now? What changed?”“He died,” I answered honestly. “He died and left me the farm.”She took a drink. “Were you two on the outs? Did you have a falling out? I guess that would explain why you stayed away for so long.”“We didn’t have a falling out in a sense of a big explosive argument. It was just—I don’t know.
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His Wife
AlexWatching him ride a horse was doing something for my libido that wasn’t healthy. I had seen plenty of men riding a horse, but watching Damion do it was making me feel very wet. Despite his initial awkwardness, he rode with grace and ease. He looked like he had been riding all his life. Technically, he had ridden the first half of his life.“Did you and Oliver ride a lot?” I asked him as our horses enjoyed a lazy trot along a trail that would lead us out to public lands.“We did when I was younger. Usually on the weekends, we’d go for a nice, long ride. Sundays, really. Sundays were the day he kind of took a step back. We had to get up early and get chores done, but then the rest of the day we kind of took it easy.”I smiled, picturing the two of them riding and spending time together. “I think this is something Oliver would really enjoy.”“I think so too,” he replied. “I’m not ready to take him on any trails. He needs to learn to ride first.”“I’m happy to help,” I offered.He lo
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AlexHe slowly nodded. “It was terrible. It was absolutely some of the worst days in my life. It took a lot for me to pull my shit together. Oliver was depending on me. Talk about a fish out of water. I was absolutely clueless. Ann and I had just kind of assumed she would be doing the majority of the heavy lifting. I hadn’t bothered to learn much of anything about taking care of a baby. I was counting on her to show me.”I couldn’t begin to imagine what he had gone through. “You learned.”“Trial by fire. Poor Oliver was a bit of a guinea pig. I can’t tell you how many times he was given a cold bottle or had his diaper put on too loose or too tight. I made so many mistakes in those early months. I was convinced I would end up killing the kid. It was my grandfather who talked me off the ledge several times. He didn’t necessarily give me advice about child-rearing, but just reminded me I could do it.”“That sounds like Oliver. I’m glad you had him.”“So am I. When Ann died, he assumed I
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