All Chapters of Teach Me New Tricks: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
139 Chapters
What If He Doesn't Like Me?
Christopher“Not so much,” I argued. “When you kick off a new semester, it’s all new faces. You don’t know anyone, and yet you get up there and deliver some of the best lectures I’ve ever heard. I’m old. Trust me, I’ve heard a lot.”She giggled, her cheeks turning a little red. “It’s different because I love Greek mythology. I feel comfortable talking about the subject because I know it so well.”“I suppose, but I have to tell you, your life experience has given you insight into other things as well. I find you an absolute fountain of comfort and reason. You’ve helped me more in the last month than any of the professional therapists I’ve paid a lot of money to. They always had some canned, generic responses to my questions. You have genuine, heartfelt advice that resonates deep inside me.”“Compliments and flattery will get you everywhere,” she quipped.“I’m only speaking the truth.”“Thank you. It means a lot coming from you. I’m glad I could be there for you and say the right things
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Meeting Him
LeilaMy palms were sweaty, and my stomach was churning. I was mulling over the many reasons why I had to go home. We’d gone to my house and now were in Christopher’s truck heading to his. He had checked in with Olin one last time to make sure he was comfortable with meeting me. I had almost hoped he would say no. I wasn’t sure I was.When he pulled into his driveway, my nerves nearly got the best of me. He reached over and put his hand on my leg. “It’s going to be okay,” he said, instinctively knowing and sensing my nervousness.“I swear to you, I will do my best to make him like me, but if he doesn’t, I apologize to you now.”“Baby, I’m not worried so don’t you worry. You just be you. You are perfect.”I inhaled, letting his words sink in. He pulled into the garage. As the door slid closed, the feeling of being locked in threatened to send me into a panic. I took a few more deep breaths and let go of the panic. I followed him down the hall. It wasn’t hard to find his son. The sound
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LeilaOlin shrugged. “I’m thinking about it.”“What do you want to study?” I asked. “Or,” I said with a silly grin. “What do you want to be when you grow up?”“He used to want to be an astronaut,” Christopher joked. “I guess we’re in the right place for it.”Olin laughed. “I don’t want to be an astronaut.”“What are you interested in?” I pressed.He looked thoughtful. “I don’t know. I kind of want to be a cop but I also want to be a lawyer or maybe a game designer.”I smiled, remembering the days when I had been young and trying to decide what to do with my life. “I would advise to imagine yourself in the job and then pick it apart. Which one makes you smile the most? Do you see yourself in a business suit and working long hours defending people?”He grimaced. “I don’t like suits.”Christopher laughed. “That’s for sure. Why don’t we do one of those aptitude tests to see if we can help you narrow it down?”“I don’t know. I’m still thinking about it.”I didn’t say it, but I wanted to te
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Why Her?
ChristopherI got up early, hoping to accidentally on purpose get Olin up early as well. When I had gotten home last night, he’d already gone to his room with the door closed. I didn’t want to push my luck and bug him. I had left it alone, but now I was anxious to know what he thought about Leila.I was seeking his approval. I knew it. I knew it was probably not necessary, but I wanted to know that he was okay with me continuing to see her. If he didn’t like her or wasn’t comfortable with me having a relationship, it would make it very difficult for me to see her without suffering some kind of guilty conscience.It would tear me apart to lose her, but it would kill me to lose him and his respect. I wanted to buy into the idea that I had to be happy to make him happy. I could fake it. I was confident I could put on a smile and pretend I was okay to make sure Olin was okay, even though I felt a physical pain in my heart at the thought of living the next few years alone.If he didn’t lik
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ChristopherIt took me less than a second to come up with an answer. “Because she is all those things you said and beautiful. I like that I can talk to her. I know you might not understand it now, but as you get older, you come to realize people can be very shallow. You’ll have a lot of relationships in your life, but they are the kind of relationships that are all on the surface. There’s no real deep connection. Leila is different. She’s the first person in a very long time that I felt like I could actually talk to. It isn’t just an acquaintance.”Olin seemed to be listening. “I get it. Maybe not like a wise old man understanding, but I get it. She’s a good friend.”I smiled, relieved to know he understood where I was coming from. “She’s a very good friend.”“Maybe you should bring her around more often,” he suggested. “She seems to make you happy.”I nodded. “She does make me happy. I’d like to have her come over more often. Maybe we can do something together this weekend. Her job k
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Caught On Video
LeilaI wondered if I was having an out of body experience. It felt unreal. Christopher had mentioned a roller coaster. I was convinced he had pulled me along for the ride. Yesterday had definitely been an up. The whole weekend was up.And this morning, I felt like the car dumped me out from the highest point of the ride and I had fallen face-first onto the ground. I could almost feel the skinned knees and palms from my fall to the hard pavement. The moment the dean had hollered at me from across the courtyard, I had started tumbling.I had seen the look on his face and knew it wasn’t good. It was like a sixth sense. I felt like a dead man walking, except I was a fired professor walking. As if to draw out my suffering, he refused to tell me what he so urgently needed to talk to me about. Then, there was some emergency he had to take care of when we got to his office. I was convinced it was a ploy. He was trying to make me sweat.I lifted one arm and sniffed, making sure my sweat didn’
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They Know
LeilaI had to choose my words carefully. At the moment, I still had a job. I knew it wouldn’t be long before my identity was exposed. I had to decide just how big of a hole I wanted to dig for myself. “I’m saying, I think there could be exceptions.”He shook his head. “No exceptions.”“Is it somewhere in the handbook?” I questioned.“Is what in the handbook?”“That students, assuming that man is a student, are not allowed to have sex on campus?”His face turned lobster-red. “Well, no, but that is not the point. Do I really have to explicitly tell people not to have sex in the library?”I sighed. “No, probably not.”“You’re free to go back to class,” he said. “I expect the identity will be revealed by the end of the day.”I got the impression he was enjoying the search a little too much. He looked downright giddy. I dreaded the moment he realized it was me in the video. “Good luck,” I said getting to my feet.“I’m sorry to have brought you in on this.”“Why did you bring me in?” I ask
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ChristopherI felt the phone vibrating, letting me know there was a voicemail after the three phone calls. I hated when people called and didn’t leave a message. I hadn’t dared pull the phone from my pocket to check to see who was calling. I kept it tucked in my pocket, as it always was when I was in class. The professor was a stickler on the no phone rule. The first day I had witnessed the professor snatch a phone and read the text messages aloud. I did not want to suffer the same humiliation. I didn’t want to make a name for myself as a rebel.An old rebel was not quite as sexy as a young rebel. I would look desperate and old. I wasn’t necessarily trying to impress any of them, but I also didn’t want to look like a total loser either. I had some pride. I shifted, reaching my hand in my pocket to push the button on the phone that would stop the vibrating. I was worried everyone would hear the damn thing and call me out.The lecture was underway when someone dared to break the rule of
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Wrong About Her
ChristopherI grinned. “I suppose I’ll just have to go fishing more often.”“Excuse me?” he snapped.“Fishing. You put a worm on a hook and toss it in the water with the hopes of catching a fish. You’ve heard of it, right?”“Do not get smart with me young man.”I leaned forward. “No offense, but I’m guessing you might be ten years older than I am. I appreciate the compliment, but I haven’t been called a young man in a very long time.”“This isn’t a game. I will ruin you.”“I don’t think you understand, your threats are empty.”He leaned back. “You think because you are wealthy, rules don’t apply to you.”“I never said that.”“Look, I can see you care about furthering your education. It’s important to me everyone has access to higher learning. I’m willing to make you a deal.”“A deal? You’ll let me finish the semester?”He nodded. “In exchange for a donation to the school and the name of your partner in crime, I won’t put this on your permanent record.”“A donation?” I questioned, skep
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LeilaI sat at the table, sipping my coffee and staring out the window. My eyes burned from lack of sleep. I could hardly think straight. The cup in my hand was my third. I was going to need a dozen more to concentrate.“All right,” Kami said sliding into the seat. “Sorry about that. That was a crazy rush.”“It’s fine,” I said, not pulling my eyes from the window. I was spacing out, staring at nothing and seeing nothing but my own thoughts.“What’s going on? You look horrible.”I sighed and pulled my eyes away from the window to look at her. “I feel horrible.”“Did you and Hot Stuff break up again?”I groaned. “I don’t know. I think so.”She looked confused. “How do you not know?”“Remember when I told you about the thing in the library?” I asked.She grinned, nodding her head. “How could I forget? I’m pretty sure that’s the wildest thing you’ve ever done.”“The dean has it on video.”Her mouth fell open. She slapped her hand over it, her eyes laughing. “Oh my god!”“It isn’t funny,”
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