All Chapters of All Grown Up: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
139 Chapters
More Than Dancing
AudreyWhen I first leased this place, planning to use it as my dance training studio while I was stuck here in Aberdeen, I had thought about getting rid of the couch. After all, the thing wasn’t very appealing, with its worn-out leather and dust. It looked like it had been there since before I was born. Not only that, but it was just going to get in the way as I was dancing.I had wanted a proper dance studio, with all the trimmings. Floor-length mirrors and good lighting and everything. A place like I had back in France. At the very least, I wanted a good rectangular room that was large enough to move around in. A place where I didn’t have to worry about some couch that the previous owners hadn’t taken with them when they moved on. Because I was sure that I was never, ever going to need that couch.Now, I had to admit that I was pretty dang glad that I had kept the stupid thing around, in spite of the time that I had stubbed my toes on the leg.I smiled up at Jesse as he trailed his
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Losing Her Already
JesseI knew that, eventually, I was going to have to let go of Audrey. This night had cemented that fact in my mind more than anything else. Of course, she had flat-out told me, right from the start, that she was only here for six months, and only because her director had told her that she had to take six months off from her dance academy. I had never even expected her to actually be here for six months.Her impending departure was nothing new, but at the same time, it up to now had just been some nebulous thing off in the future. Something that I dreaded, sure, and something that we probably needed to talk about at some point. But it was something that I knew I still had time to tackle.Tonight, I wasn’t so sure. Tonight, it felt like I was losing her already.It was all to do with that dance of hers.First of all, it had shown me that her ankle, although not fully healed yet, was definitely on the mend. She hadn’t wrapped it before dancing, and even though I knew it was a workout s
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It's All an Act
Jesse“You’re so sappy,” Audrey said, but I could tell that she wasn’t unhappy with that.We lay there quietly for a while longer, until I felt like I could doze off right there on the couch, uncomfortable as it was since I couldn’t stretch out and since it wasn’t really meant to fit both of us like this.I finally sighed. “I guess I’d better get you home, huh?” I asked her.“I guess,” Audrey agreed with a small sigh of her own. “I kind of wish I had my own place so that I wouldn’t have to worry about getting home. But I don’t want Mom to wonder where I am or if I’m all right. Nor do I really want to tell her that I’m, you know, sleeping with you. I’m sure she already knows, but it’s not the conversation that I want to have with her.”“Yeah, but if you had your own place here in Aberdeen, then you’d have to stay,” I pointed out, trying not to sound too wistful as I teased her about it.She was quiet for a moment, and I knew that she was considering how to answer that.“Just a joke,” I
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Unexpected Phone Call
AudreyI woke up early Tuesday morning to the sound of my phone ringing on the nightstand. I frowned as I groped for it. I had just peered at the screen when Annabelle’s pillow hit me from the other side of the room. “Seriously, put that thing on silent before you go to bed,” she grumbled before rolling over and curling toward the wall.“Sorry,” I whispered, getting up and bringing the phone out into the hall with me. It was still early, but I felt surprisingly awake. And there was no way I wasn’t taking this call. The name that I’d seen on the screen? The director of the Global Travelling Dance Academy of Performing Arts.My heart thumped in my chest. Was he calling to tell me that they had found a replacement for me? That they no longer needed me in Paris, and that I should start making other plans?Of course, when I thought about the other plans that I might make, my mind immediately leaped to Jesse. I tried to remind myself that that wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted to go back to Pa
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Three Weeks
AudreyThe director continued, “Of course, this will all be up to the doctors and the trainers. You’ll be required to check in with them after every training before you ever set foot on stage for a show. But if your ankle really is doing as well as you say it is, then I think it’s about time that you took one of the lead roles.”“Thank you,” I said breathlessly. In my head, I was already thinking about all the training that I would need to do here over the next three weeks so that I wasn’t an embarrassment when I returned to Paris. At least I hadn’t been out for the full six months. Things would come back quickly, I was sure. I would just have to make sure that I stuck to my diet and kept working out at my studio during the day.It would give me something to do, and I was grateful for that. Things would finally start to feel normal again.“Is three weeks enough time?” the director asked. “I don’t want you to rush your recovery. But we could really use you. The next round of shows star
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Running Out of Time
JesseI smiled at Audrey as she made her way through the crowded bar to get to me. Gabby’s was packed tonight. Something to do with the drink specials. It still wasn’t my favorite place, especially not when it was this busy, but Audrey had asked if I wanted to join her, and there was no way I was saying no to that.Besides, it was about time that we went out in public again. Things had been great between us lately. We saw one another nearly every night. Most of our time together was spent either back at my place or at her dance studio, though, and although that lent itself to a certain other sort of fun, it was also nice to see her dressed to the nines and grinning at me across the crowded space.“Hey,” she said, hopping up on the stool next to mine. She looked around. “Man, it’s busy in here. I mean, Annabelle said that it might be for a Friday night, but I kind of thought that she was kidding. Who are all these people?”I laughed and shrugged, happiness welling up in me just from se
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JesseNot only that, but I liked seeing how relaxed she got the longer she was here in North Carolina. Every day she seemed to smile a little more and laugh a little more easily. I wondered if anyone in Paris ever got to see her like this, and I liked to imagine that they didn’t. I liked to imagine that Audrey reserved this for me, that it was the culmination of our long friendship and our current intimacy.Maybe I only wanted to know that she was going to miss me as much as I was going to miss her. I knew that was pretty foolish in and of itself, though. She was going to be busy when she went back to Paris. She would have new dances to learn, friends to catch up with, a dozen things vying for her attention. If she got bored, she was there in a bustling, cultural metropolis with a dozen types of entertainment right there at her fingertips.Unlike here in Aberdeen, where it would just be me, myself, and I. I couldn’t work hard enough at the hardware store to forget about her now, let a
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Get A Room
JesseI exhaled, imagining the expressions on the stiff faces of some ballet directors. Yeah, I couldn’t imagine that going over very well. At best, they would probably be confused. At worst, they would think she was mocking them or something. Wasting their time.She definitely wasn’t wasting my time. I couldn’t get enough of her.We danced and sang until we were breathless, then headed back to the bar, where Annabelle was just wiping her hands on a rag. “Hey,” she said brightly. “You guys having fun out there?”Audrey collapsed dramatically on a stool. “Water,” she requested, and her sister laughed, filling the order and then pulling a beer for me.“Thanks,” I said, taking a healthy sip of it. I was hot and sweaty, but I felt stupidly alive, a grin on my face as I looked over at Audrey, who grinned right back at me.“Ugh, get a room, you two,” Annabelle joked. She glanced over at her coworker. “Hey, I’m going to go on my break, okay?”“Sure thing,” Mark said, nodding at her.Annabell
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He Doesn't Know
AudreyI couldn’t help feeling nervous about the fact that Jesse was coming over. I had been on the fence about actually inviting him. I didn’t like lying to Mom, though, and she had told me that I should ask him. As for picking a date for him to come over, well, it wasn’t like I had that many days left. My flight was already booked, and I would be back to Paris in less than two weeks.I still could barely believe that. Of course, I was ecstatic about the fact that the director not only wanted me back far sooner than the six months that he had originally given me, but that he also wanted to give me a lead role, to boot.The more I thought about it, though, the more nervous I made myself. It wasn’t just about losing Jesse, either. Had I been training enough? Did I still look enough like a ballerina, in spite of the few pounds that I had put on while I was back here? Would I be able to work all of that off? Would I be able to handle the role that the director wanted to give me? What wou
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Audrey“It was your favorite, wasn’t it?” Annabelle asked, shrugging. “It always reminded me of you. I was surprised you didn’t take it with you, actually.”“I didn’t think it would be cool enough to wear in Philadelphia,” I admitted. “And then I didn’t think it would be sophisticated enough for Paris.”Annabelle rolled her eyes. “Screw sophistication,” she said succinctly.I grinned and pulled on the light blue dress, lacing it up at the back. I smoothed my hands over the soft daisies that dotted the front pockets. “How do I look?” I asked, again unable to help the nervousness that crept into my voice.Annabelle smiled softly at me. “Just like yourself,” she assured me. “Only, wait.” She grabbed a flower from the bouquet that was sitting on my desk, one that Jesse had brought to my studio the previous day at lunchtime. “There,” she said, tucking it into my braided crown. “Perfect.”I looked in the mirror and smiled at myself. Perfect, indeed.“Have you told him yet?” Annabelle asked,
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