All Chapters of Rejected by Them, Loved by Their Father: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
116 Chapters
60-Ari’s Ride
Finch’s POVAri is walking with her girls as they chat about gender reveals and the wedding. Me and my boys are carrying all the gear for her horse. Kale is behind us, holding an umbrella for the vamps. Their girlfriend, as they call her, is completely ignoring them.“Carl, Jacob, the barn has a loft if you two would like to actually watch the horse riding,” I tell them.Duke- Yeah, away from our girl, Blood Suckers.“Thank you, Alpha,” they say and go up to the loft.Ari’s first reaction to the horse was to approach with caution. She held out her hand and let him approach her.“Damn,” I hear Anderson whisper as Ari leans her forehead to the horse. He turns away and takes deep breaths.“Yeah, I'm going back to the house,” Carter takes a deep breath and walks away.Duke- Bad enough the fuck buddy is here. We have to worry about Anderson and Carter too.Me- What about Finley?“What am I missing?” Finley asks Everly.Everly giggles and kisses him.Duke- Finley is my favorite.I roll my e
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61-Caleb’s Mate part 2
Caleb’s POV“Like that?” Lewis asks me as he moves inside me again.I marked him and he branded me. We are bond to each other forever.He is pumping into me while griping my dick in his hand.“Fuck, Baby,” I groan and cum in ribbons.Lewis hisses and I feel him cum inside my ass again.We lay on our backs, heads turned toward each other.Rex- We have a handsome mate. I like him.“I can’t believe we have gone three times already,” Lewis laughs. “I’ve had men but never like this.”I reach over and move his hair behind his ear.“I’ve had men but never as good as you,” I tell him.“The bond helps,” he laughs.I laugh as well.My phone goes off and it’s Ari.ARI- CAN WE HAVE DINNER WITH YOU AND LEWIS?“Dinner at the packhouse with Ari and Finch?” I ask.“Sure,” he answers lazily. “I didn’t get to enjoy her day with her. I had better plans.”Rex- Oh yes, we did. One more time.I text back with 7pm and I turn over to face Lewis.I lean over and we start kissing.After we both shoot cum again
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62- Packing Day
Ari POV“Hey, guys,” I smile, joining my friends to pack Lewis up.Caleb comes out of the bedroom in just a tee shirt and athletic shorts.“Great, you are here!” Caleb smiles. “Any way at all you would be willing to make breakfast, please?”“Damn, I do miss your pancakes,” Kale smiles.I inhale deeply.“Why is your scent off?” I ask surprised.“Oh, I must smell like the girl I was with last night. I didn’t have a chance to shower, she lives in Scruggs Hall, so community bathrooms,” Kale lies. He is a terrible liar. He doesn’t smell like sex.Juliet- Him lying makes me nervous.Me- Me too. I’ll ask Finch to come help us today.Juliet- We can’t do that; he has those meetings today.Me- Everly?Juliet- Good idea.Me- Everly?Everly- Yes, Luna?Me- Seriously, Ari. You are mated and marked by the Alpha’s son, we are basically equals.Everly- Sorry, yes Ari.Me- I know I said you could stay downstairs, but I think I need you up here.Everly- On my way.I make my way to the kitchen and start
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63-Finch’s Day
Finch’s POV“We can secure the pack best if we tighten the border. I think bringing it in 20 feet all the way around will help. We can have outlying patrols in a wider layer,” Turk explains, showing me our map.“There will be sensors in the outer layer to warn us?” I ask, looking at the plans.“Yeah, twice as many as we have now. And cameras too. I think, Everly, Romana and few other keen-eyed warriors should take over watching the cameras,” Turk suggests.“You and Finley come up with that plan?” I ask smirking.“Hey, just because you let Ari fight, we are expected to as well,” He huffs and looks almost angry.Duke- See, we are causing problems by allowing Mate to fight.Me- I dare you to tell her she can’t.Duke- Never mind.Me- Chicken.Duke- Bawk! Bawk!I chuckle, making Turk look at me with side eye.“Duke and I agree, there is no way in hell we are changing our stance. If the Luna choses to fight, she fights,” I tell him.“You are just making life harder on the rest of us,” Turk
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64-A Taste of Freedom
Ari POVThe snow fell last night but I’m not giving up my ride on Clink.Juliet- If we weren’t growing a pup, I would want a run myself.Me- But we are growing a pup.I get him ready and mount.“Hey,” Anderson smiles as I trout out to the field.“Hi there,” I stop because I remember what Finch said about Anderson.“Taking Clink out?” He asks, looking in my eyes.“Yes,” I tell him with a nod.“Am I stopping you?” He asks.“Anderson, yes, you are. Your father has informed me of your issues,” I tell him.Anderson’s face falls.“It’s not issues, it’s I realize now what I lost,” he blinks at me. “I’ll leave you alone.”Juliet- My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.Me- Are you serious?Juliet- Kale and Anderson, most likely Carter. Our milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.Me- Stop, please, stop.Juliet keeps singing the song over and over. I try to block her, but she keeps breaking through.Finally, I think she tired herself out and I was able to concentrate of Clink, the fore
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65-The Scary Truth
Ari’s POVThe walk to the command center was silent. Finch kept my hand in his, rubbing circles on the back of my hand. The packhouse was on high alert, several packmembers sighed in relief to see me.Juliet- I think we scared everyone pretty bad.Me- Did everyone know about the danger but me?Juliet- More like when the pack alert went out that the Luna was missing everyone freaked out.Me- I need to apologize to everyone at dinner.“Hey, tonight at dinner I want to apologize to the pack for scaring everyone. Can you make sure everyone is there?” I ask Finch.He mindlinks.“Yes,” he tells me.I mindlink the kitchen and ask if they can change to spaghetti tonight with bread and salad. Easy to feed everyone.The cooks were happy to make the change.“Thank you, Babe,” I tell him and kiss his cheek.“Are you crazy?’ Anderson thunders toward me and wraps me in a hug, lifting me off the ground. “What the fuck were you thinking?”“Anderson, put her down,” Finch tells him.“Shut up for a minu
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66-And the Walls Crumble
Finch’s POVI see the panic on Ari’s face as she sees the images.“One of the letters was found while he was with us,” I tell her. “It’s not Kale.”Ari starts to breath heavily.Duke- She and Juliet are destressed. They don’t believe you.“Sweetheart, look at me,” I tell her, trying to calm her. I rub her arms and help her sit down. “Look at me.”“Finch, I know him better than you do. I know his body, his movements, his hair. His scent has been altered. I’m telling you, that is Kale.”Duke- Juliet is convinced as well. She is crying in pain and betrayal.“Sweetheart,” I say, still rubbing her arms. “He was standing there watching you ride Clink. He stayed there the whole time. The note was found while Melissa was riding. He was there. There is no way for him to write about what you were wearing or riding Clink. It could not have been him.”Ari is breathing heavy.“It’s Kale. He has magic. He could have planted the notes in Alicia’s handwriting. While still standing right next to us,”
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67-Confronting the Enemy
Ari’s POVWe are walking to the dorms to arrest Kale. I am walking next to Finch, and we are flanked by the triplets and Everly. Behind them, Peter’s handpicked team of thirty.“You okay?” Anderson asks in hushed tones.“Anderson, don’t,” I tell him, shaking my head.Juliet- I am so foolish. I’m sorry for failing you.Me- You didn’t fail me. We were tricked. That makes us normal, not foolish.Juliet- I feel foolish.Me- Me too, but I won’t let that feeling take over.Juliet- I wish my pride hurt less.Me- I do too, but we are made of stronger stuff. You have to pull yourself up now, Juliet. Romeo and I need you.Juliet- Low blow.Me- Whatever works.“Ari, what the hell?” Melissa asks, seeing the large guard we brought with us.“Long story. Call Lewis,” I tell her, and she runs off.Kale is sitting in the common room with Carl and Jacob.“What happened?” Carl asks, standing up.Juliet- We don’t have time.“Call Lewis,” I say as Kale stands up. “How could you?”“What?” Kale feigns ignora
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68-Ari Fights Back.
Finch’s POV"Let’s go pack your stuff,” Anderson tells Kale.“Is he safe?” I ask.“We are under Royal Command not to hurt him,” Carter rolls his eyes. “So, Jack should come too.”Jack smirks and follows the boys and Kale. Finley is on the detail with Ari, but Anderson and Carter can at least defend themselves, right?I jog over to where Ari is being comforted by her detail.“Hey, Sweetheart, can you release the boys from their command to not hurt Kale?” I ask her.She looks at me with blinking eyes.“Yes,” She whimpers. “I, Ariella Zillard, Princess of the Royal Wolfpack, release Anderson Conrad, Carter Conrad and Finley Conrad from the command to not hurt Kale.”Suddenly, Finley smirks.“Everly, I love you, but I need just a little revenge. Please?” Finley asks, pouting at his mate.“Don’t kill him,” Everly points her finger at him.“Death, no; pain, oh yes,” Finley kisses Everly and runs, actually, runs away.“I hope they do kill him,” Ari let’s out.“No, you don’t,” I tell her.Duk
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69-Flying to Germany
Finch’s POV“Cooper,” Finley offers as we sit on a private plane to Germany.“Lexington, we can call him Lex,” Carter offers.“Montgomery,” I offer.Duke- She hates them all.Ariella is shaking her head at every suggestion.We have been at this for 5 weeks and she has shot every name down. Nothing is working.“I’m just gonna grab an internet list of last names and start reading,” Anderson rolls his eyes.Ari closes her eyes and leans back.Duke- It’s a simple question, asshole, so ask already.“Talk to me, Sweetheart. What is going on in your head?” I ask.“You and Roseline made the decision to name your sons last names. Never once have you asked me how I feel about continuing that idea,” She answers me in a low voice.Duke- And you are wearing the cufflinks again.Me- She hasn’t asked me not to.Duke- She shouldn’t have to ask, asshole.Me- Stop calling me that.Duke- Stop being one.“Fair,” Everly says, taking us all by surprise.“Baby,” Finley looks at her shocked.“Well, you and I
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