All Chapters of Forced Marriage To The Bilionaire Chef: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
133 Chapters
Chapter 111
Ally waits patiently. Ronald should come back any moment to tell her that Eric is here. She never locked the door again when she closed it. Hopefully Ronald will just come in and see Benson and he will be able to do something about this situation.Ally closes her eyes and listens for any sounds coming from the hallway. Nothing.“Do you know what is going to happen now?” Benson asks her.“How could I?” Ally opens her eyes and looks at Benson. If any of the hatred she feels towards him is visible in her eyes, he should see it without effort. “It is not like I am in control of my own life. You have been making decisions on my behalf for quite some time now.”Benson glares at Ally.“That attitude will get you nowhere.” He tells her.“I don’t think any kind of attitude will get me anywhere. I will forever be your prisoner. Kept against my will in a place that is not my home. That is what you want. What I want does not matter.” Ally says, the hatred evident in her tone.“If that is how you
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Chapter 112
The key did in fact open the other box.Ally could not quite figure out what the contents of that box meant. It was mostly recipes. What made Ally sure that whatever these recipes represented, was most surely very important. If it was not, it made no sense that Eunice would have kept the key between such valuable items as all the other things that was stored in the smaller wooden box.Ally closed both boxes and got up from the floor. She followed Max to the door and he made sure that she was able to take the two wooden boxes with her when they left. At first the security guard was not happy with them removing anything from the premises but Max somehow convinced him that it was necessary. Max took Ally home and she took her time packing out the large box and finding out what the contents meant to Eunice.She eventually found that Eunice had registered a restaurant in Ally’s name when she was still a child. The recipes in the box were exquisite formulations of dishes Eunice invented. Al
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Chapter 113
“Well, whatever I did, it was with pure intentions. I didn’t have to lie or steal to get to where I am. I worked hard, I had help, but I did all the hard work.” Ally tells him. She finds the more she says, the angrier Benson becomes with her. She could not care less. At this point it feels like Ally is goading Benson. She is trying to make him so angry that he would leave the room. Ally rolls her eyes and looks out of the window again. She turned back just in time to see Eric turning into the underground parking area.“If you will excuse me. The husband I am legally married to just arrived.” Ally tells Benson and heads to the door. Ally can hear how Benson’s breathing just got more laboured. She cannot help thinking that he is about to have a heart attack. She walks to the door but before she is even half way, she is pulled to a stop by Benson grabbing onto her elbow again. Ally turns and glares at him.“Do not touch me. If there is one thing I remember about the Symons family, it is
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Chapter 114
Ally stares at the two embracing in front of her. Even though Ronald told her about Megan undergoing surgery to look exactly like her Alex is dumb struck when looking at this woman. never in her life, would she have thought that it was possible for a plastic surgeon to replicate someone else's features so perfectly.Ally wants to scream at Eric to let go of the woman. She wants to scream that it is not her and that he is being lied to. Benson said the room is sound proof. It would not help for her to scream at all.Ally turns around and looks at Benson. He is pretending to read the menu still, but Ally can see his shoulders shaking as he laughs silently.Ally rushes to the door and tries to open it. She pushes and pulls at the know. Ally hammers on the door with her fist.“Please let me out!” she yells while hitting the door with both her fists. Ally turns around and rushes to the window. She slams with her fist against the window pane. She can hear the window shudder in its frame
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Chapter 115
Eric opens the car door for Megan. He takes her hand and helps her out of the car. Eric never thought he would go back to the mansion but since Ally went missing, he has been working with his father to find her. He never thought that his father would help him with anything. He despised the man, but he had to give him credit for the support he gave while his wife was missing.Eric takes Megan’s hand and walks with her to the front door. The house staff, waiting for them, smile at the sight of Ally. Megan looks at them and smiles back. It is a bit of a stab in the heart to her that the staff is smiling to see her. When she looked like Megan, they never smiled at her. Megan forces herself to keep the smile on her face. She looks at them each, individually, as she knows Ally would have done.Ally is a people’s person. She likes to make everyone around her feel special. She likes to ask questions about their lives and to hear what their worries are. Megan couldn’t care less. She has no int
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Chapter 116
Eric knocks softly on the door. Megan opens her eyes lazily and sees him staring at the floor. He looks at her and smiles slightly.“You were always a shower girl. Do we have a little mermaid now?” Eric asks her. Megan sits up in the bath, letting her breasts rise out of the water.“Not at all. Just felt like a relaxing bath today. Do you want to join?” Megan says using her most seductive voice. Eric looks at the water on the floor and then back at Megan.“I think if I get in there, the house will be flooded. We will be ready to eat in fifteen minutes. Would you like your dinner to be brought to the room?” Eric asks her. Megan looks at him and cocks her head to the side. She was sure he would grab the opportunity to get into the bath with her.“I will be ready in fifteen.” Megan says and gets ready to stand up out of the water. Showing Eric a full frontal should hold his attention. When Megan straightens up and focuses on the door, she is surprised to see that Eric has left. She stare
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Chapter 117
Eric switches the lights on in his office. He takes a seat behind his desk and stares at his laptop screen for a long time. The events from the day that Ally went missing keeps playing out in his head. He reaches for his phone and searches for Ronald’s number. He hesitates to call Ronald. Does he really want to ask a stranger about what is going on with his wife? Should he just go and talk to Ally?He wipes the screen and puts his phone away. After what feels like forever, Eric gets up and leaves the room. He heads to the bedroom, hoping to find Ally still awake. As he enters the room, he can only see her form laying in the bed. The lights are off, all but the bathroom light. He goes to switch off the light and looks into the bathroom as he does. The bathroom has already been cleaned. He doubts that Ally did anything to clean it. The staff in this house is extremely adequate.Eric gets ready for bed. He pulls the covers open and slides into bed. Laying next to Ally who has her back tu
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Chapter 118
Eric speaks to Ronald for a few minutes. Ronald does not elaborate on any specific event that occurred when Ally was away. He tells Eric that she was one of his patients and that he saw that something was wrong at that house. He helped her to get away when Doctor White contacted him.Eric asks about Doctor White and Ronald only tells him that she is a psychologist and that she treated Ally. Ronald gives Eric contact details for Doctor White.“One last thing Ronald. When we left the hotel, you gave Ally a strange look as we did. What was that about?” Eric asks the question that has been burning in his mind for a while now.There is a moment of silence on the phone line.“I thought she was acting a little strange. We used to talk about a lot of things during the sessions. Even the night before you came to pick her up, we had a good conversation. She is not shy around me. When you greeted to leave, she didn’t even want to make eye contact with me.” Ronald tells Eric. “I found the behavio
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Chapter 119
Eric is stunned. He looks at Ally across the room. She is standing with her arms crossed and she has an angry expression on her face. Eric looks at the other staff members. Each of them has the same shocked expression on their faces.The one lady takes off her apron and places it softly on the counter.“I am sorry. I will not be able to work here without Dirk.” She says before leaving the kitchen. One after the other, everyone in the kitchen takes their aprons off and walk out of the kitchen.Eric waits until the last staff member is out of the kitchen.“What the hell happened in here?” Eric asks Megan. Megan drops her arms from being folded over her chest but the angry frown stays on her forehead.“I cannot eat this shit!” she tells Eric. Eric takes a few steps closer to the plate of food she is referring to. He looks at it for a few seconds before lifting his gaze back to Megan.“But this is the way that you asked him to make it. He used to make it differently but when you moved in
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Chapter 120
Eric sits in his office at the restaurant. He finishes up his paperwork and puts the papers in the desk shelf where his secretary will take it to be filed.He sits back in his chair and looks across the street at Ally’s office. Ally is laying on the sofa with her phone in her hand. Surely, she must have a lot of things that need to be sorted out. She has good staff members at her restaurant but they cannot do the things she does. There should be things that need her attention.Eric gets up and takes his personal elevator to the ground floor. His restaurant is busy and everything is running smoothly. He walks out of the restaurant and across the street to Ally’s restaurant. The vibe is immediately different when he walks into the restaurant. When he walked out of his own restaurant he experienced a sense of happiness. The waiters were smiling and the patrons were chatting happily to each other.In here the waiters are all tensed up. They do not look friendly at all. The restaurant is a
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