All Chapters of His Regret: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
146 Chapters
Chapter 21 ~ “Hehe.”
{Isla’s POV}“Tea, my Princess?”“No.”“What about some—”“I’m not hungry Andrea!” I yelled“I’m sorry.” Sometimes, you just can’t resist a cute tiny voice and can’t just yell at the owner.Argh!“Andrea, I’m sorry.” I sat up on the bed. She was seated at the edge. “I’m not exactly in the best of moods. I’m sorry for yelling at you.” I apologized.She smiled and crept closer. “But what’s wrong?” Her voice was lined with concern.I didn’t feel like talking about it but Andrea seemed so concerned that refusing her might be considered a crime.“It’s Cayden.”Her concerned expression switched to shock. “The dishy General?”“Andrea!” Okay, this was a bad idea. A very bad one. I shouldn’t have said anything.“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” She tied my hands in hers. “He’s not dishy. I promise!”Okay, that was cute. I smiled.“He’s evil!” I continued.“Evil? Wh… what do you—”“I mean, he’s evil! He’s not the peaceful General he pretends to be.” I mouthed, clenching my fists tightly together. “He
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Chapter 22 ~ I Need Popcorn
{Isla’s POV} I was in my room now. Staring at my reflection in my makeup mirror. Styling my hair. Preparing to go for another meeting in the Court Hall. Oh, and I had a big smile on. I had a big smile on my face because yesterday went well. Too well In Fact. Everything had gone sweetly as planned. Mr. Untruee had acted his role perfectly. The fake report had claimed my Dad’s belief. My Dad had called off the setting of the Surveillance camp in the North. Cayden had grown angry at this falsity, and he had objected to his majesty’s decree. He, a general, had yelled in the Lord Alpha’s court. This had made my Dad seethe with rage. Cayden had committed two offenses yesterday. One, speaking without being called upon. Two, speaking in the first place. Generals don’t speak in the Lord Alpha’s Court, only Court wolves do. My Dad had censured Cayden and in his annoyance had adjourned the Council meeting. Cayden was required to come over to today’s Council meeting to apologize to the
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Chapter 23 ~ Who The Fuck Is ‘Him’?
{Isla’s POV} Cayden had attacked the man? Okay, cool move. But why? Cayden got up to his feet while the man rolled and groaned on the ground, but apparently, Cayden wasn’t done. He paced over to the man and with a swing and a clenched fist, he hung the man in the air. Fingers wrapped— tied around the Chap’s throat. Instinctively, guards had surrounded Cayden and the hanging hapless. Apparently, they didn’t fancy the recent surprises and were ready to attack the next one. “Who sent you?!” Cayden bawled at the man still hovering on his strong arms. The Hall was now noisy with gasps and murmurs of disbelief and shock, and everyone was thinking the same thing I was thinking. Had Cayden gone mad? This was so self-implicating, even for me who, by the way, wanted to implicate him! I mean, the Lord Alpha was addressing a subject and you come bashing him away like a multicolored Pinyatta. Cayden must really want a death sentence! I turned to my Dad and surprisingly, my Dad did seem ups
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Chapter 24 ~ I Still Love You
{Isla’s POV} “Not when you have a really beautiful sister.” Cayden mouthed and left me with my mouth slightly open with my shock plastered all over my expression. He was more cruel than I had thought. Once again, he had told me his plans, making me feel like I could do nothing to stop him. His confession only meant one thing. Kayla was all over him and he knew he could get her with placid ease no matter what I could do to stop him. It’s scary. Even though I was mad at Kayla And I think she is really foolish, I didn’t want her to go through the hurt I had suffered. Falling for Cayden was the worst decision any girl could ever make. Let’s ignore the fact that she’d be betraying me if she falls for him… Cayden was a heartless walking Greek god statue and he didn’t know the word “devotion” or “Love”. His dictionary was only labeled with words like, “casual sex” “no strings” or “I’m the best there is.” He’s so self-absorbed that he doesn’t realize how evil he has become. Back th
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Chapter 25 ~ Time To Pay Mama A Visit!
{Isla’s POV} It has already been one week now and I still haven't forgotten about it. I’m not talking about Cayden’s heinous threat. Although I still remember that one very well. It’s hard to forget when your ex-mate threatens to take advantage of your sister. But I’m talking about Ralph’s confession. Those four chilling words. “I still love you.” He had said to me, and he hadn’t been joking. I’ve been avoiding him for days now. Because, let me come plain, I’m scared. I’m scared of falling in love again. Scared of being too attached to someone. And he should be too. I mean, I broke his heart too. But somehow he isn’t. He wants me back instead, and that is scary. Don’t misunderstand me, I like him. But I don’t think I… I love him. Not anymore. I had given Cayden all my love but had lost my capability of loving anyone when Cayden spilled all that love on the grill of his Cruelty. But none— There was a knock on my Door and I flew to my feet out of shock, even though the rap w
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Chapter 26 ~ Hello, Ivanka
{Isla’s POV} “I still love you and would do anything to protect you.” Those were the words Ralph Tinter had left me with the last time we had met. And now the very same guy was seated comfortably beside me. But I wasn’t really panicking. He didn’t seem like he wanted to say much now. Maybe the nose bashing still hurts and he couldn’t talk much due to the pain? His expression was squeezed into a frown now. He looked offended. Should I apologize? I should apologize. The car was in a smooth rove now towards Kraken Pack so I cleared my throat and turned to him. “Uhm, Ralph.” He turned to look at me. “I’m sorry.” I said. He didn’t reply. Geez! Was the blow really that painful? I mean, I barely— “What are you sorry for?” I heard him ask and I veered my surprised gaze to him. Uh.. I punched your nose? Or did I also kick him in the process?! I motioned to ask but Ralph beat me to it. “What are you apologizing for? The punch? Or you ignoring me for days?” He quizzed and I nerv
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Chapter 27 ~ That’s Princess To You!
{Isla’s POV} “Hello, Ivanka.” I smiled at the gawping she-wolf statue before. She hadn’t said a word for like a minute now. Well, I get bored easily, so I walked in. “Ivanka. Consider closing your mouth. I might have just walked into it instead of the door.” I said, sliding past her while Ralph trailed quietly behind me. “Home sweet home!” I said, spreading my arms apart as I welcomed the feeling. I didn’t want to seem or sound proud. I’m not like that. But I couldn’t help the feeling. I turned to face Ivanka while Ralph just took his seat on one of the leather couches. He looked interested in the drama as he now had a gentle smile on. Ivanka? Still gawping. But the size of the gape had reduced now. “Not going to offer me anything to drink?” I mouthed and she surprisingly panicked. She quickly scampered away while her uneasiness made me chortle. Ralph joined me too. “Is that the lassie that shit bag left you for?” He asked, still looking amused. “Yep. That’s Ivanka. The all
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Chapter 28 ~ Flaming Kaleidoscopes
{Isla’s POV} The entrance door suddenly flew open and one of my guards was panting against the door frame. “My Princess, Rogues!” .. Rogues? It felt like my brain wasn’t in the mood to process words as I just stood there and stared. How did we switch from tantalizing drama to Rogue infestation? Everyone else had either taken their battle poses or ran towards safety… while I just stood and stared! “Isla! What are you doing?!” Ralph had gotten to me and was shaking me to my senses. “We have to leave!” He bawled and I finally claimed my concentration back. “How many are there? “Anybody hurt?” “Rogues in GreyHill?” Those were the questions I blurted out as I trailed behind Ralph as we made our way out of the Mansion. “I don’t know.” Ralph was yelling. There were cries and shouts from every corner of my vision. We had gotten out of the Mansion and blood and werewolves littered the land. “But from the look of it, they are more than a hundred!” “What! A hun—” There was a huge
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Chapter 29 ~ He.. Uh- I ran.. Told.. He
{Isla’s POV} I blinked. I blinked once. I blinked twice, and I realized I was now in my room. I wasn’t dead! Right? I tried getting up but pain shot through me in vehement waves so I settled my attempt. “My Princess.” Some fingers clutched my hand gently. “You’re awake.” Andrea keened with happiness and relief. “Andrea.” I painfully muttered with a whizzing in my voice but then Andrea immediately bolted out of the room. Maybe my whizzing had scared her? I drove my gaze weakly around my room before there was a sudden racket that hauled my gaze toward the door. My mum, my Dad, Carlot, Ralph, and someone else I couldn’t immediately recognize was scampering into my room. “Isla.” My mother was the first to get to me. She collapsed her hugging self on me and I fought to restrain my groaning but then she noticed and released me immediately. My father sat gently at the opposite side while the remaining audience just stood, arching around me like I was performing a magic trick and t
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Chapter 30 ~ Tunnel Flip
{Isla’s POV} “So there was this many casualties?” I was in the Court Hall with my Dad, Carlot, and Ralph. We were going through the reports of the Rogue assault on GreyHill and the values were alarming. “Sadly, yes Princess. Precisely, we lost forty-three Palace guards to upheaval.” Carlot replied to me. “And a lot more GreyHill dwellers.” “But where did such a gang come from?” I quizzed on. “We’ve never had such a threatening Rogues number before.” “I don’t know.” It was my Dad talking, his deep tone lined with anger. “But something is definitely off somewhere.” He mouthed, his expression crushed into a frown. “Yes, Lord Alpha. I totally agree.” Ralph started with a slight bow. “I noticed something odd during the attack.” He said. “What do you mean?” Carlot asked, taking a seat. Carlot loved standing and only took to sitting when he needed to focus on something important or interesting. To him, Ralph’s exposition was both. “Well, firstly, apart from their threatening number, t
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