All Chapters of The Rejected Omega's Lost Baby: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
79 Chapters
Chapter 61
Lara I follow Ashton out of the bathroom, staring at his wide back and beautiful muscles. Are we really about to share a bed? I know it’s not the most intimate thing we have done - he has given me head - yet this feels like the most romantic setting we have been in. “Do your friends know that we are mates?” Ashton asks as he opens a drawer on the side of the bed to take out a pair of gray boxers. I try not to stare at his butt when he takes off the towel wrapped around his slim waist. It’s hard, yet I somehow manage to focus my eyes on the window. “No, I…I haven’t told anyone.” Will that anger him? I look up at Ashton when he turns around. His face is expressionless. “I don’t blame you. If I were you, I wouldn’t want my friends to know I was your fated mate, either. I’m probably not popular in their eyes.” “N-no, that’s not it,” I breathe a laugh. “I’m just a bit concerned about…” I trail off, but Ashton isn’t an idiot. He gives a slow nod. “You’re worried that Sally is going to
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Chapter 62
LaraMy lips form a smile. “Just shut up and kiss me already. Also, get rid of those clothes!”He lifts a questioning eyebrow. “Excuse me, but you’re the one still wearing my towel robe.”I blink at him. The audacity! I glare at him before I realize I must admit my defeat if I want his wiener deep inside of me. “Fair enough.”With a seductive glint in my eye, I bend forward in the bed, letting the robe that was barely covering my body fall to my feet. It feels unsexy to kick it away, but Ashton’s sharp intake of breath doesn’t go unnoticed by me. My confidence blooms as his eyes roam over my body, taking in every curve and every edge of my lithe body.So, the Alpha likes me, huh?A subtle heat creeps onto my cheeks, but I can’t help but love the way his gaze makes me feel. In his eyes, I’m a desired woman, not just a ‘friend with certain benefits.’ No, I’m an object of his desire.Finally finding it in me to break the silence, I place a hand on my hip. “Your turn,” I purr, gesturing to
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Chapter 63
Lara Hours later, I wake up to my alarm blasting music from Ashton’s bedside table. It’s daylight, and I oink like a pig before my breathing returns to normal after snoring all night. Gosh, how embarrassing. Did I bother Ashton? I look at him, sleeping peacefully, his face relaxed. His strong arms are still wrapped around me, holding me tightly to his chest. A soft snore escapes his lips, and I can’t help but giggle softly. He is so cute—a total catch. I wonder if Ashton was popular back in high school. Probably. He was presumably involved with some sport since he is built like an Alpha. His face is also incredibly beautiful, almost feminine, since his eyelashes are so long. I keep daydreaming about him until I realize that I should be getting dressed. My alarm goes off at eight—I have to hurry and wake up Ashton so we aren’t late for the early combat training he holds every morning. “Hey!” I shake him awake, or at least I try. “We must get up, or we will be late for the combat t
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Chapter 64
LaraEven though I’m nervous about what Lydia has to say, I can’t fight off the smile that curls my lips when I slip behind the wheel of my brand-new car. I still can’t believe this car is mine. I’m almost scared to destroy it while Lydia has no problem slamming the door as she sits down beside me. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me Ashton was your mate! I’m just so…shocked! Your mate is our freaking Alpha and Sally’s ex-mate. Oh my god. No wonder he brought you this brand-new car as a birthday present!” she exclaims, throwing her hands up in the air dramatically.My cheeks flush with heat, and I glance over at her, unable to hide my embarrassment. “I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it,” I mumble, focusing my attention back on the road ahead.“Are you kidding? This is huge, Lara!” Lydia shakes her head, disbelief etched across her features. “What did Sally say when she found out?”And there it is. Yikes. I bite my lip and hope Lydia will get distracted by the scenery outside t
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Chapter 65
Lara As much as I want to bang Ashton, I am aware that I must be the one to bring reason into this situation. He is on the verge of crossing a line, and it is up to me to prevent it from happening. “Ashton—” I try to sound strict as I push at his chest, but my voice betrays me when he kisses my neck. A whimper slips out, and I curse the good-looking Alpha for being so skillful with his lips. If he gets any better at finding my weak spots, I will die one day. “Mmm?” Ashton hums while pressing small kisses to my collarbone, his hand sliding up my back to rest on the nape of my neck. His touch is hot and rough - a stark reminder of the primal strength hidden beneath his polished exterior. He is incredibly alluring, yet I have to fight my slutty, inner desires. “We shouldn’t have sex,” I tell him. He stops what he is doing to stare down at me. “What do you mean?” “What I mean is that there needs to be more to this relationship than just sex.” He grins. “But sex with you is so wond
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Chapter 66
LaraI nervously walk up to the SUV that’s going to be my home for the next couple of days while I’m traveling with Ashton. Ryan is going to take care of the pack while we are gone. And Sally? She thinks Ashton is going to train me up in the mountains. It makes me feel bad. Eventually, I need to tell her that Ashton is my mate, but…not today.Strapping my backpack over my shoulder, I check the contents again: a small med kit complete with fever pills and bandages, clothes for the cold air of the mountains, and some dry food - in case there isn’t anything we can hunt up there.Ashton, on the other hand, is packing the SUV with all sorts of equipment that looks like it’s straight out of an adventure movie. Tents, ropes, camping stoves – you name it. I can’t help but watch him as he moves around the vehicle. He looks like a man who knows his way around wild terrain, and it does strange things to my heartbeat.“All set?” He grins as he spots me watching.Almost unconsciously, my gaze flick
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Chapter 67
AshtonMy heart melts when I wake up and find Lara sleeping on my back in her human form, nestled into my fur. Her breathing is slow, and I decide not to move since I don’t want to wake her.Geez, am I falling in love already?We haven’t spent much time together, but the mate bond is sizzling hot, and I know I will eventually grow addicted to this woman. Never in a billion years did I think a woman like Lara could make me soft and affectionate, but with her by my side, I’m reverting back to the kind man I was before my father shaped me into the cruel Alpha he thought I needed to be. And I don’t hate it.I’m tired of my cold and intimidating facade when, in reality, I know that I can be...kind. Or maybe it’s too late for me? I’ve made so many mistakes—terrible ones, like choosing abortion and rejecting my first mate. But maybe there are second chances given to everyone?I believe I can be good. I just need a little help...I think?Okay, I don’t know if I can be a better man yet. For now
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Chapter 68
LaraI want Ashton to fuck me so badly that I don’t even wait for his response before I jump over him. We both tumble to the ground, a mix of laughter and gasps escaping us.“What are you doing?” he chuckles.“Wrestling you to the ground to take what I want!” I declare in a determined voice. “And guess what? You’re the one that I want, and I might also possibly want your cock.”“Only possibly, huh?” Ashton asks while watching me from below. I’m straddling him, but he doesn’t look bothered, and his hardening member tells me he really doesn’t mind. “You’re not certain?”My cheeks burn. “I admit nothing.”He keeps looking up at me with amusement dancing in his eyes, but I can also sense a hint of desire. Ashton wants me as much as I want him, but I can’t give in this easily. I won’t fall for his charm and pretty-boy eyes. Not yet. “Oh, and by the way, I caught you off guard, didn’t I?” I tease him.His lips twitch. “Or maybe I let you pounce on me?”I snort. “Please, we both know that I’
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Chapter 69
LaraAnother hiss leaves the vampire’s mouth, but before it can sink its teeth into my flesh, there is a thundering growl. Ashton, still in his beastly form, lunges at the creature with his fangs bared. He snarls and snaps at the vampire, who recoils in fear and drops me to fight the massive wolf.I scramble away from them, pressing my back against a tree as I watch the ferocious battle unfold. The vampire is fast, but Ashton is stronger. With a bitter growl, he bites down hard on the vampire’s arm. Its ripped off with ease and the creature howls in pain and recoils.But there’s no time to celebrate this small victory. More vampires are barreling towards us, fangs bared. I can’t stay frozen anymore; I know what to do.Summoning all my courage and energy, I let out a guttural cry and shape-shift into my wolf form. The transformation takes a heartbeat - one moment, I am standing human, and the next, I am on fours with fur bristling and sharp fangs.Even though I’ve never fought vampires
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Chapter 70
LaraAfter hours of running, I finally allow myself a break. It’s getting dark, and even though I’m miles away from my pack, I can’t continue running. My throat is sore, and my paws feel heavier than lead.It makes sense. Ashton and I reached our camping place by driving an entire day—a werewolf can’t run the same distance in just a few hours.And even though I’m aware the vampires could catch up to me, I don’t think they will since they want me to warn Ryan of what’s to come: a war between the werewolves and the vampires.I’m safe.But Ashton is not.He is dead.Immediate pain bursts through me. It feels like there’s a hole in my chest where my heart would be. I can't fucking breathe. I shape-shift back into a human to let my tears fall as I walk through the forest entirely naked. I’m not cold. I’m just sad and broken. How does one recover from losing their mate?Leaves crunch underneath my feet as I drag myself forward. I can hear a lake in the distance, but before I can reach it,
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