All Chapters of He Wants Me Back: Too Late, My Toxic Ex: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
118 Chapters
**VALERIE’S POV***The trick worked, I rubbed the cake icing on the side of my mouth to make him believe I was acting under a drug influence. In that case he won’t be mad at me but try to prevent me from causing any harm to me and others, because I might spill out I ate the drugged cake ruining his reputation.I smiled at myself proudly. “Let go of me,I want to kill that bitch!”I yelled as he slammed the door and looked at it.Exhausted, he put me down on the bed and ran his finger through his hair. “Where did you get the cake? Why eat the cake!”I laughed at him and got up for another attack. “Hold it tigress! Calm down tigress ”He held me back. “Calm down, I am all yours baby , trust me”.He kissed me on the lips and I smiled back. Just then someone started banging on
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"Excuse me!”A fan came and she quickly switched her mood, put on her dark shades and smiled with her teeth.I rolled my eyes and couldn't wait to get out from this psychopath.“I am a huge Noona fan”the lady said and gave her a Noona magazine cover for an autograph.“Awww, you got my latest collection”.She signed and the girl thanked her then left us.She switched back to her old mood.“Prince is everything to me, he is the only man I ever loved truly, no matter how he hurts me back then I have always loved him but this ….this I can’t let go, I was the one who left our relationship to work on myself, it benefited me and also gave him the opportunity to be great today”She smiled evilly and took a long gulp of wine down her throat then broke down in tears.“I love him, I can kill for him, you don’t know what it means to love someone for years only to watch another bitch take him away from you, I was there with him after his mother’s death, I was the one he loved before her!” She bur
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"I hate when poor men stare, don't look at me that way when driving, don’t you love your life anymore?"She snapped with a frown trying too hard not to allow the heat stirring up to her face to color her cheeks."Well I am human and I have to admire something so beautiful and precious when I see one"I replied bravely, a little compliment will make her trust me more.“I know I am pretty. I get to hear that from a very young age, now drive or you will regret ever seeing me attractive”.I cursed inside, who does this bitch think of herself as some goddess damn those spoiled brats always thinking highly of themselves. She is better off with that brat. I feel sorry for the man who will eventually settle for this whore.Lighting a cigar,she chuckled softly and shook her head drawing my attention to get."You are definitely going to lose your life, the next time you dare to look at me that way"."What way?"I smirked, pretending to be dumb inorder to look at her again, by so doing I made her
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****AUTHORESS’S POV***She bit her lower lip in anger, she swore to kill him if she got any chance to, first she had messed up her makeup struggling with him, secondly how dare he treat her as a regular person not to talk of him being a low class person.She was so disgusted with herself for making the decision of even instructing him to be her driver to this place.As soon as they got to a good position, he let go of her the same minute, slapped him hard again and walked towards the bar, her hips swaying and her handbag dangling like she was in some runaway show.Rubbing his hot cheek,Dan swallowed hard and followed her, her hips claiming his eyes with every step."Cocktail, make it fast".Noona requested getting on the stool at the bar corner.Dan came and stood beside her, secretly monitoring the whole place. She noticed him behind her."Oh God not again"she groaned and slapping her forehead, then she turned to him, "The fuck are you doing standing by my side, let me make it clear
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Just then Dan’s phone rang again and Noona’s brow arched. Silently she watched him contemplating on whether to answer the call or not, he looked worried and restless.It was from Valerie, perhaps worried after his text message.“Sorry Val this is not the right place to answer your call”.Dan said in his mind and ignored the call.Noona forced her eyes off him, but yet she couldn’t help but think about it.Could it be his girlfriend calling? well why should I care, he is just an average, an extremely hot average man, why am I suddenly getting upset to see how much that call bothered him, it's definitely a girl…maybe his girlfriend.She thought while getting done with another glass of cocktail.“Your girl is calling huh?”Dan eyed her and saw her taking another order of drink.“I have no girl, the one I had broke up with me…which is Val remember?”She laughed.”Pardon me I totally forgot”."You've had enough Ms".Dan interrupted her, taking her new order away from her.She frowned lazily
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“Ma’am let go of me or I will do what you don’t expect”.He said with a cold stare that scared her off.“It’s all that short bitch’s fault, you are still obsessed with her right, she took Prince and now I thought I did get over him yet the man I found worthy is also Inlove with her”.Dan stare at her, what did she mean by found worthy.She let go of him slowly.“You never really wanted a revenge Mr Daniel and I know Val wasn’t your ex”.She took her purse and pulled out a pistol.Dan’s eyes widened at that statement, like he just felt a presence of some horrifying character behind him, he was even too scared to look at her.“Maybe i should end this now”.She grinned and pointed the pistol at Daniel.The elevator stopped and the tattooed man who was standing next to the elevator looked like it’s normal to get people murderer in his presence.Dan stepped out of the elevator with his hands above his head.“You said you never killed anyone what are you doing with a pistol”.She laughed an
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Noona blushed and stabbed him with her big doll eyes.Dan knew it was his turn to undress, he drew a deep breath, He started with his shirt, then peeled the trousers off his legs and walked towards her unclad. She gulped again, her throat dry and her eyes fixed on his groin, the magnificent sight,she did never thought she could be moved by another man’s nakedness after Prince. “You look beautiful too,”Noona complimented.Those words had barely registered when he walked up her and kissed her, hefted her in his arms,she looked her legs around his waist and they walked blindly to the bed lips on lips. He carefully laid her in the middle of the bed, her hair messy around her,long down to her chest, she licked her lower lips seductively while Dan studied her. “I can do this, I can also use a woman and trash her, I felt absolutely nothing for this
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He started moving his hips slowly and thrusting, feeling her tight muscles shrinking him inside, he was losing his mind, it has never felt this good. He hissed and hissed, Noona opened her eyes and smiled at him. Suddenly as though he was possessed by some strange entity, maybe a spirit, a resemblance of himself that knew no mercy or gentleness.  Quickly he pulled her legs up and unleashed himself fully with an exultant shout, filling her with a single powerful movement of his body and flexible waist thrusts, fast thrusts hitting the spot that took her soul off her body, Noona eyes widened at the deep rough thrusts ,salivating she cried at the painful pleasure and her long fingers licked like flames all over him,scratching and digging painfully into his skin, but he didn’t stop, she hope he won’t stop anytime sooner.   **DANIEL’S POV**I opened my eyes slowly,
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****AUTHORESS’s POV***As soon as the door shut,Noona opened her eyes, tears streamed down her cheeks.She pressed her lips tightly and pulled the duvet off her body.She heard every conversation about her on the phone. Nevertheless she brushed off the tears off her chin and cheeks walked into the bathroom and took her bath. ****This will be the fifth time Dan has glanced at his wrist watch waiting for her at the bar. “A glass more please”.He told the bartende, who nodded and brought a glass after a few minutes. Just then he sighted Noona walking down the stairs. He forced a smile and went to her. “Good morning my Queen”. He pecked her on both cheeks and took her hand. Noona couldn’t help it, she was never good at acting, she tried so much to pretend to be happy but her face was still pale and her eyes cloud
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He said that and made a baby face,I never knew he could do cute faces.I blushed and smiled back at him. “You are being a big baby”. I stood on my toe to kiss him,while he held my waist gently and leaned over,well we got really smoochy , he lifted me, his fingers dung into the soft flesh of my behind and placed me on the desk, lips glued to mine in ecstasy. I unbuttoned my shirt down, he smiled at that view and kissed me down to my neck. “We are in the office Prince”I said in a whisper, even though I didn’t want him to stop. “You know what you did by unbuttoning it”. He kissed his lips and I gave back the same energy, after he went for the pulse in my back, then kissed me done to my opened cleavage again,searching for the nipple out of the bra cup, while his fingers crawled underneath my skirt. I bit my lips and closed my eyes
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