All Chapters of She Wows the World Post-divorce: Chapter 601 - Chapter 610
619 Chapters
Chapter 601
Holly's mind raced. "Granny is on her last breath. I'll just take it as repaying Abel's kindness."Bryce felt heartbroken. He fell silent before saying, "You should take care of yourself."Holly said, "You, too. Don't overwork yourself, and rest earlier at night. Don't drink too much when you're out socializing. Don't smoke, either. Remember to dress up warmly in the cold weather."A soft smile graced Bryce's lips. "You're just too kind-hearted. Kind people tend to suffer."Holly chuckled. "I wouldn't have taken care of you without a single complaint for two years if I wasn't nice. Didn't you like me because of my sense of loyalty? Everything happens for a reason."Bryce teased, "Oh, wow! You're talking philosophy with me now."Both of them conversed through the international call. They only ended the call reluctantly when their phones were heating up.Holly missed Bryce dearly as she lay on the spacious bed. She missed his hugs, his scent, and his kisses. She also missed the wa
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Chapter 602
Holly filled the thermos flask with her homemade oatmeal before going to the hospital.Just as she placed the thermos flask down, Abelin called her out. They walked over to a secluded corner.Abelin looked down at her tired face. He was heartbroken. "Why are you here again? Aren't you supposed to head back today?"Holly was calm when she replied, "I promised Aunt Merope to take care of Granny until her final breath."Abelin said, "There's really no need for you to repay me back. Everything I did was voluntary. I would feel indebted and sorry for you if you exhausted yourself like this."Don't listen to my mom, either. She went through some tough times when she was younger, so her mindset was somewhat twisted. Just take whatever she says with a grain of salt and don't take them to heart."Holly thought for a bit. "I'll take care of Granny for another week. Then, I'll head back. Is that fine?"Abelin said, "Just go back tomorrow."Holly replied, "I'll stay for another week."Abe
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Chapter 603
Abelin rolled the car windows up before quietly driving away.When Holly finally turned around, he was no longer there.She picked up her phone to call Abelin. As soon as she dialed his number, she hung up. Instead, she opted to send him a message. "Drive slowly."Holly then followed Bryce back into the hotel.…As soon as they entered the room, Bryce took Holly's hands and examined them carefully. Her once delicate fingers had now turned rough. There were even hangnails on the sides of her nails.Bryce pinched her fingers and said, "Were you doing manual labor here? Your hands are so rough. They weren't like this back when you were doing restoration on a daily basis."Holly pulled her hands out. "Granny has late-stage cancer. I've been taking care of her for the past few days. I'll take care of my hands once I'm back."Bryce's gaze turned cold. "You could've just put on a show. I wasn't expecting you to really do it for real."Holly said, "She's rather pitiful."Bryce said,
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Chapter 604
Moses weighed his options. Nina was a feisty woman.If he gave her his card, she would simply throw it back at him and tell him to fuck off.However, his inexperience in pursuing women didn't mean that he couldn't handle social situations.After considering things for a while, he said, "I'll give her flowers, then teddy bears, jewelry, and then my card.""Yeah. You can do whatever you deem fit. Nina's much easier to pursue than Holly. You can tell everything that Nina is thinking just by looking at her face. "Holly, on the other hand, keeps her emotions hidden. I have to read her mind."Moses felt annoyed. Bryce married Holly without even dating her. What did he have to complain about? He had it easy, but he was acting like he had it tough.But he didn't tell him that. After all, Bryce was Nina's brother. He would be his brother-in-law in the future. Thus, Moses couldn't offend him.He asked, "What does Nina like to eat?"Bryce smiled. "Well, she eats everything under the sky
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Chapter 605
After the movie, Moses drove Nina home.Nina sat in the passenger seat, holding on to the unfinished bucket of popcorn, chewing quietly.Moses glanced at her adorable face, his heart thumping. "What else would you like to eat? I'll go get them for you."Nina babbled, "I feel like having roasted beef, lamb, chicken, mashed potatoes, fries, hotdogs, sandwiches, eggs, ice cream…"She listed over a hundred types of food.Moses smiled.What Bryce said was true. Nina really loved eating. It was extraordinary that she wasn't putting on any weight at all."It's not good to have such calorie-dense stuff at night. I'll take you out to have them all tomorrow."Nina was reasonable. "Alright."The car stopped outside Gabelman Manor.Moses opened the car door and walked her to the gate.When they were almost there, Nina suddenly said, "Close your eyes, Moses. Don't open them until I tell you to."Moses closed his eyes obediently.Nina stood on her toes. She wanted to kiss his eyes, but
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Chapter 606
Arthur dragged Nina home.Once they were inside the house, he flung her onto the couch.Arthur placed a hand on his hip and said to Sherry, "Look at what your daughter has done now. She's dating Moses Cott."Sherry was wearing a yellow silk nightgown. She walked down the stairs slowly, saying indifferently, "So what if she does? Is there a law saying that she can't date him?"Arthur frowned. "Are you even her mother?"Sherry smiled coldly. "I'm more responsible than you are."Arthur sneered. "Moses had leukemia when he was younger. The treatment makes the other cells die, and it affects his fertility. How could he make Nina happy with a body like that?"Sherry raised an eyebrow. "Children are good at recovering. Moses' illness was treated a long time ago. He's pretty healthy. He just might have fertility issues. "Besides, it doesn't make him any less of a man. Even if he can't have children, they can just not have kids. It hurts so badly that it's not worth it anyway."Arthur
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Chapter 607
Arthur waited, but there was no response. He grew impatient. "Why aren't you saying anything?"Yoel said in a low voice, "Who's asking for it?"Arthur chuckled. "Don't worry about that. Just go to the official DNA center to draw your blood. I'll pay for it. I'll send someone over to escort you over. You're Holly's biological father anyway. It wouldn't matter if you did it again."Yoel's warmth disappeared. He said coldly, "I'm busy."Arthur paused. "It wouldn't take up too much of your time. It'd take an hour at most. Holly has already agreed to it. Just cooperate with us, alright?"He turned to glance at Samantha. "It'll be good to dispel other people's doubts."Yoel's grip on the phone tightened. He was expressionless. "I've done it so many times before that I'm annoyed now."Arthur softened his voice. "It'll just be one last time. You won't be doing it anymore."It sounded like he was begging Yoel to do it.Arthur rarely ever begged. This was a record for him.Yoel was unr
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Chapter 608
Holly and Yoel looked alike. They shared the same mannerisms and the same demeanors. Even their hobbies and interests aligned.He was the closest person that she could ever have in this world.No one could ever replace the bond between a father and his daughter.Holly felt like Arthur was lying to her.She held up her phone and called Yoel. "Dad, let's do a paternity test when we're free."Yoel was silent.His silence was the answer that Holly needed.Arthur was right. Yoel wasn't her father.Ache and disappointment painted her entire insides black. Emotion swirled thickly in her chest like muck.She felt cold, sad, and dejected.Yoel finally said, "Holly, I love you, regardless of whether you believe it or not. Out of everyone in this world, I love you the most. You're the one that I want to protect. "After I die, I'll leave everything in my name to you. I've written my will a long time ago, and it's already been signed by officials."Holly was stunned. She teared up.Sh
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Chapter 609
Samantha and Levi were there, too. They were talking to Arthur in the courtyard.They said something that made Arthur crack a smile.Bryce held Holly's hand and walked toward them.When Samantha saw them, she whispered to Arthur, "Uncle Arthur, Holly's here. How could she have the guts to come here after fooling you so badly? She's so shameless."Arthur's smile disappeared.He turned to look at Holly, his expression steely. His gaze expressed his conflicting emotions.Bryce and Holly approached them. When they were about ten feet away, Levi smiled and said politely, "Hello, Bryce."Bryce murmured in response, nodding at him. Then, he nodded at Arthur as a form of acknowledgment.They were a family. Although they all had differing opinions of each other, they had to keep up appearances.Samantha glanced at Holly and said coyly, "When are you going to remarry Holly, Bryce? Uncle Arthur's been looking forward to it for a very long time."Her words seemed harmless on the surface,
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Chapter 610
The sky turned dark. It was time for dinner.Everyone filed into the dining room.The maids rapidly filled up the table with dish after dish.The food looked amazing.Olivia and Richard sat at the head of the table. They glanced around at the people. Olivia caught sight of Samantha, and she frowned. "Why is she here?"Samantha's expression turned sour instantly.Arthur coughed. "Have you forgotten, Mom? Samantha and Levi are engaged."Olivia chuckled coldly. "Are the women out there really so terrible that you got Levi to marry her? She has no morals or sense of etiquette. How can she be worthy of being our granddaughter-in-law?"Arthur looked uncomfortable. "I told you about it before they got engaged."Olivia looked up at him. "And did I agree to it? I probably didn't."Richard patted her hand. "Let's not talk about this anymore, dear. Let's eat before the food turns cold. Our children are hungry."Olivia put a piece of steak on Holly's plate. "Eat up, Holly."Holly smi
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