All Chapters of CEO's Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery: Chapter 611 - Chapter 620
684 Chapters
Chapter 611
Miranda overheard the comments, knowing they were meant for her. Not wanting to lose to Nina, she smiled and said to the crew, "Nash and I are treating everyone to a meal. Order whatever you like. It’s on me!""Wow, a feast!" The crew was delighted."Thank you, Miranda. Thank you, Mr. York. You’re really generous, just like a future Mrs. York!" This flattery pleased Miranda immensely. She wanted to uphold the title of Mrs. York even more, so she said to everyone, "You’ve all worked so hard. You need to eat well to have the energy to work. Nash and I hope that our drama will be a big hit!"They all raised their glasses filled with beverages in toast.Miranda's assistant got busy taking everyone's orders. Angel watched Miranda, thinking she was already acting high and mighty without even being married yet. She could not understand why Nina divorced Nash and why he ended up with Miranda. It was all too complicated.Angel felt bad for Nina. Nash never publicly announced their marr
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Chapter 612
"Am I being sarcastic? I'm just stating the facts," Nina replied to Miranda. "A scratch is nothing to him."Miranda insisted, "Even if it's just a scratch, I still worry."She reached for the first aid kit, intending to treat his wound.Nash pulled his hand back. "No need," he said coldly, clenching his fist. "It's a small wound, it'll be fine in a couple of days.""No," Miranda said firmly. "It needs to be treated. Listen to me, I'm afraid it might get infected."Nina continued, "Let her take a look. She worries because she cares. Otherwise, she might not sleep well tonight."Nash's expression darkened even more. He was visibly uncomfortable.Seeing no reason to stay, Nina decided it was best to leave them be. Angel loved gossip and complaining. She found Miranda’s behavior so annoying that it gave her goosebumps. Because of this, Angel had complained to Nina many times about how pretentious Miranda was. Nina had interacted with Miranda many times before and knew that Miran
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Chapter 613
Scott smiled and looked deeply at Nina. "Maybe it’s faith.""Isn't there a way to avoid going?" Nina was still worried about him.Scott replied, "I have to go. Don’t worry about me. I’ve been through a lot, trust me, I’ll come back safely!"It was rare for him to speak like this. Despite the danger, why was he willing to take the risk? Nina’s expression grew heavy. She did not want him to take this risk."Can I hug you?" Scott asked. "It might be a while before we see each other again."Nina looked at him, thinking there was no reason not to hug him. She opened her arms like an old friend.Scott, always the gentleman, only wrapped his arms around her back and gently patted her shoulder. "Don’t worry, it’ll be fine.""But you said it’s dangerous. I can’t help but worry about you," Nina said."It’s enough that you care," Scott smiled more deeply and whispered, "This trip is worth it."After hugging for a while, they separated. Scott waved at her like he always did, but it felt
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Chapter 614
Nina was quite surprised by this."Director? No, no, no, I don’t know anything about directing!" Nina had not even considered it before.Nelly responded, "Don’t be modest. You’re always running around, watching, and discussing dramas. Even if you think you’re just a dabbler, you always speak insightfully. Maybe you just have a natural talent for this.""You’re flattering me," Nina said, thinking Nelly was joking.Initially, Nina had absolute confidence that this drama would be a hit. She wanted to help Penelope find a way out and benefit herself in the process.At that moment, Penelope was also resting, sitting beside her. She chimed in, "I know you see this drama as very important. After all, this is our chance for a comeback. If you're interested, you could listen to Nelly. This is part of your career, after all."Nina was in a confused phase, unsure of what she wanted or what interested her. Becoming a reporter was a way to seek justice for ordinary people. Investing in th
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Chapter 615
Scott’s mother almost fainted upon hearing this."Mrs. Scott," Yasmine quickly supported her."The Yaren tribe?" Nina asked, "What kind of place is that?"Yasmine looked at Nina with frustration. "It’s a place where people kill without batting an eye! Why would he suddenly go there, asking all these strange questions? Did you put him up to this?"Nina was utterly confused. "What strange questions did he ask you?"Yasmine’s eyes turned red with anxiety. "He asked me about the Yaren tribe and whether they could make medicine or poison. I told him everything. If I’d known, I wouldn’t have said anything. He actually went there! I thought he was just curious. Why would he go, knowing how dangerous it is?"Nina’s heart sank. Making medicine and poison… Could there be a connection?Overcome with tension and worry, Nina felt dizzy. Fortunately, Angel supported her.They must be hiding something from her!Scott’s mother broke down in tears. "I only have one son. If anything happens t
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Chapter 616
Wilfred’s expression grew complicated, then darkened. "Ivy…""Tell me," Nina clutched his sleeve, her anxiety rising. "Is there something wrong with my body? Did he go to get medicine for me?""Ivy…" Wilfred’s voice faltered, lacking confidence.He had wanted to keep it from her until she recovered. He wished for her to be carefree, but she had still found out.Nina understood from his words. She released his sleeve, her eyes reddening, and a bitter smile forming on her lips. "No wonder… No wonder I felt off and always weak. It turns out there really is something wrong with my body. No wonder you stayed by my side. No wonder…"Her voice choked up."No wonder Nash abandoned me. It’s because of my health, isn’t it?""Don’t say that," guilt flashed in Wilfred’s eyes. He reached out to touch her but let his hand fall back. "You will get better. I won’t let you die.""Die?" Nina turned to look at Wilfred. "Is it that serious? Then why do I feel fine? Tell me, what’s going to happen
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Chapter 617
Wilfred followed Nina’s gaze toward the door. Then, he walked over and opened it. The person who entered was Scarlett.Her worried eyes turned to Wilfred. "How are you?" she asked.Noticing someone behind him, she saw Nina. Scarlett looked surprised but then pressed her lips together, remaining silent.Seeing her, Nina felt a whirlwind of emotions. Nina had just learned about her poisoning, and now Scarlett appeared. The pity she had felt earlier vanished and was now replaced by anger and resentment."It’s you," Nina said, walking over.Scarlett looked up at her. "It’s been a while."Nina asked, "Was it you who poisoned me?"Scarlett’s expression changed, and she chose to remain silent.For her, this matter was also extremely complicated and troubling. But thinking of how it involved Wilfred, Scarlett felt a twinge of guilt.Nina realized she had been too naive, always hoping for the best. "Why did you do it? If you wanted to kill me, why didn’t you just push me off a cliff? T
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Chapter 618
Wilfred's brown eyes met Scarlett's gaze. Seeing the worry and fear in her eyes, he pulled his hand away from hers. "You don't need to be involved in this."Scarlett's eyes reddened, and she said hysterically, "Is it worth it? Are you insane? We’ve fought so hard to stay alive, and now you want to throw your life away for someone else. I’ve done so much for you, taken so many hits from Sawyer to protect you. Just think of it as doing this for me. I’m your partner. You can’t abandon me!"Wilfred’s hand dropped limply by his side, his voice calm. "I never asked you to do all that for me. This is my burden to bear alone.""Wilfred!" Scarlett shouted, walking over and grabbing his hand again. "Do you have a death wish?"Wilfred looked at her. "Haven’t I told you before? What’s so frightening about death?"Scarlett let go of him and stepped back, filled with disappointment. "If you’re this crazy, I should have killed her back then!"Wilfred’s eyes turned sharp, and he said coldly, "Ha
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Chapter 619
"Don’t talk like that," Wilfred said.Scarlett's tears continued to fall, but this time, they were for herself, not Wilfred."It’s true," Scarlett said, her eyes hollow as she spoke to him. "Every time I have a nightmare, I dream that no one will take care of my body. I have no family, no friends. If I die, it will be as if I were garbage."Wilfred tried to comfort her. "That day will never come."Scarlett closed her eyes, feeling a deep sadness she could not overcome. She had always been different from other girls. Others had parents while she did not. Her life was filled with killing. People said her parents sold her for two thousand dollars. The idea that no parent would sell their child was ridiculous. She was the proof that some parents did not love their children. They wanted boys, not girls, and sold her without hesitation.Since she could remember, her life was about training to kill and steal. Her childhood was filled with beatings and coldness. Sold into a life wit
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Chapter 620
At that moment, Nash was still at a social event, feigning compliance while secretly resenting it. Upon hearing the news about Nina, he immediately put down his drink."I understand," he said, hanging up the phone and quickly standing up.Miranda was busy mingling with influential directors and producers, key figures who could help her climb to the top of the industry. She did not notice Nash's departure until she saw the unfinished drink left behind. Distracted, she forced herself to smile and continue engaging with the influential guests as if nothing had happened.Boom—Thunder rumbled in the distance, signaling an impending downpour. Soon, a raindrop fell to the ground. Then another.And another...The rain began to pour more heavily.When Nash arrived, he saw Nina, looking lost and lifeless, wandering aimlessly. Frowning, he got out of the car and walked briskly through the rain toward her. He grabbed her arm and shouted, "What are you doing? It’s raining! Are you c
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