All Chapters of CEO's Tears Over Pregnancy Test Discovery: Chapter 641 - Chapter 650
684 Chapters
Chapter 641
"Got it!" Nash was waiting to find out the exact location of Seth Duncan. This man had vanished after being released from prison! His counter-surveillance skills were exceptional, and he had not surfaced on anyone's radar during this period.Even though Miranda never mentioned their connection, it was undeniable. The only person Seth could contact was his daughter. Miranda's involvement was even more obvious. Pharaoh's poison reaching her hands had to be related to Seth. Nash had to find him, and Miranda was the bait.Just then, another call came in. "Mr. York, the number is now disconnected. The last time it was used was at a phone booth."Nash expected this outcome but still hoped to catch a break. If Seth had not switched SIM cards, he might have been able to track him down. This only confirmed that Seth was meticulous and not easily fooled. They needed bait to lure him out.---In the dead of night, Seth moved in a specific direction. Fully equipped, he blended into
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Chapter 642
Seth's eyes were cold and piercing. "What about those female corpses?"Sawyer's expression stiffened as he downed a glass of wine. "How should I know? You don't think it was me, do you?"Seth replied, "Pharaoh has ordered us not to make any moves until he gives the word. You know the consequences of disobeying him.""Pharaoh isn't even in the country."Seth sensed the underlying message. "So, you're admitting it?"Sawyer smiled. "That's not what I said. There's no proof it was me. But Seth, we've been working together for years, as equals. Despite my hospitality and offer to share my territory, you show up and start accusing me. That's not very fair, is it?"Seth sneered. "Are you planning to betray the organization?"Sawyer's expression darkened. "Now you're just assigning guilt without proof!"Seth continued, "You're back to your old tricks, dealing in organ trafficking. I can't help but suspect you're trying to set yourself up as the new ruler, planning to betray the organiz
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Chapter 643
Seth did not say anything more. But seeing Sawyer's smug expression, thinking Seth was under his control, irritated Seth greatly."Equal partners? No need for that!" Seth refused, knowing well that Sawyer's words were just a façade. He had no intention of becoming complicit with him. "You can keep your crown."Sawyer, seeing Seth so compliant, did not press the issue. He knew he had Seth’s weakness firmly in his grip. No matter how loyal Seth was to Pharaoh, he had to think of a way to protect his own life and his daughter’s life too.With this understanding, Sawyer felt that Seth's release from prison posed no real threat to him.As Seth left, his face was dark with brooding thoughts. Sawyer watched him go, a sly grin playing on his lips."Are you really going to let him go? Aren’t you afraid he’ll snitch?" one of Sawyer’s men asked."He won't dare," Sawyer replied confidently. "Besides, if we move against him, Pharaoh will start asking questions."He could not afford to kill S
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Chapter 644
Miranda smiled gently. "It's settled then. Nash will be pleased.""When you're heading back, be cautious. It's not safe in the city right now with those female body cases popping up," Seth warned her.Mentioning this, Miranda asked, "Dad, has the organization mobilized again? I've overheard Nash discussing it with his men."Seth looked up, surprised. "Nash is investigating this?"Miranda nodded. "Yes, he is."A sudden idea struck Seth, and he started to smile. "In that case, give him a tip. It might help him solve the case quickly."---"I can't sit still. I'm going crazy with anxiety!" Nelly said as she paced back and forth, unable to stay seated."What's the rush? It hasn't even started yet, and you've never been this nervous before," Nina remarked."You don't understand. This is my baby. Of course, I want it to do well. The uncertainty is what's making me anxious!" Nelly replied."Sit down," Nina urged, pulling her into a chair. "Whether it succeeds or not, we'll find out
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Chapter 645
Yvonne was trying to lift everyone's spirits, but no one seemed to be able to muster any enthusiasm. The high expectations they had set for themselves had not been met, and naturally, their confidence had plummeted.Nelly was beginning to doubt herself, her eyes red with tears. "Maybe my script is just terrible. Why can’t it compete with theirs? I tried so hard!"Her confidence was severely shaken."Of course not!" Nina immediately reassured her. "We barely did any marketing. The buzz is naturally low. It’s just the beginning. Let’s give it a few days and see how it goes."Nelly choked up, "I thought it would do well right out of the gate.""This is good," Nina said, looking at the comments. "The viewers are saying the storyline is fresh and exciting and that they can’t wait for more.""But the ratings aren’t there!" Nelly said, frustrated. "We’re only in second place on the platform, and there’s a huge gap. What good are good reviews without high ratings?""It will go up," Ni
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Chapter 646
Even though they were divorced, having such a dream still left Nina terrified. With that, she completely lost any desire to sleep. She turned on the light, struggled to sit up while holding her belly. She then got out of bed to drink a glass of water. She picked up her phone and started scrolling through the news online. At this moment, it seemed to be the fastest way for her to get updates from the outside world. There was no progress on the case of the murdered women, but her worries persisted. She thought of Wilfred. Since she last saw him in his studio, she had not seen him again. Busy with work, she had not noticed if there was any movement next door. She opened the door. Now, in the dead of night, even a pin dropping could be heard. Standing at Wilfred's door, she did not know how to face him. She knew her life was hanging by a thread and she did not want to drag them down, yet she could not help but worry. These conflicted feelings were hard to manage.It was as if Wi
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Chapter 647
Nina was still a bit groggy and she asked in a hoarse voice, "What made it?""The drama," Nelly said excitedly. "We've made a comeback!"Nina was instantly wide awake. She sat up quickly and grabbed her phone to check the news about their drama. Yesterday it was ranked second, but today it had climbed to first place. The viewership had multiplied several times overnight, and the reviews were getting better and better. It was breaking real-time popularity records.Nina could not help but feel a huge surge of joy. If the popularity continued to rise and the storyline held up, things would only get better. The worry that had been weighing on her lifted, and she felt a wave of happiness. Hard work did pay off. If one put in enough effort, dreams would indeed come true.She quickly got ready to meet up with the others. She ran into Wilfred downstairs, who was driving his car. He rolled down the window. "Where are you headed? I'll give you a ride."Nina, in a good mood, did not
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Chapter 648
Nina laughed and said, "Have these been authorized?""Yes, they have!" Nelly confirmed. "I can vouch for it. This isn’t a knockoff. It's an official release. These are just samples, and they're already selling well online!""It seems like this isn’t a dream. 'Glory' is actually doing well," Nina remarked. Just that morning, everything had seemed so uncertain, but now their drama's popularity was soaring."We’ve already hit over a hundred million views! I never thought I’d see this in my lifetime," Angel exclaimed.Nina glanced at the numbers. The view count had indeed surpassed a hundred million, with comments praising the thrilling and engaging plot. The positive feedback was overwhelming."My son’s formula milk money is covered!" Nina joked."I think we can surpass 'Demon Bone!'" Angel said excitedly. "'Glory' is trending nonstop, and everyone’s calling it the dark horse that came out of nowhere with minimal marketing.""I keep seeing fan edits with hundreds of thousands of
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Chapter 649
"Then go see him," Penelope suggested, "not for him, but for yourself. Knowing he's safe will give you peace of mind."---Meanwhile, Miranda had not slept all night, worrying about Nash's safety. She had called Seth for reassurance, but he insisted there was no danger. Still, her instincts would not let her rest.Early in the morning, exhausted and anxious, she stayed alert to every sound, hoping it was Nash returning. But there was no news of him.Miranda was so preoccupied with Nash's safety that she barely cared about the ratings of 'Demon Bone'. Yesterday's ratings were good, and she knew the ratings of 'Glory' had not met expectations and might even decline. This reassured her that she was finally winning against Nina, both in fame and love.Just as she was feeling a sense of accomplishment, she heard a noise at the door. Thinking it was Nash, she eagerly ran to open it. "Nash—" she started, but it was only her assistant with breakfast.The excitement faded from Miranda's
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Chapter 650
Miranda could not sit still any longer. It was not just Nina. Nash's absence was making her anxious as well."I need to go out," Miranda said, unable to stay put any longer.Her assistant quickly prepared breakfast for her. "Where are you going, Miranda?""Nash hasn't come back yet. I need to go find him."With that, Miranda hurried to change her clothes. "You're not having breakfast?" the assistant asked."No!"Gathering her things, Miranda grabbed her bag and rushed out the door, instructing the driver to take her to Nash's place. Waiting at his place made her feel more secure. She could see him the moment he arrived.On the way, she noticed a familiar car, one that Nina used to drive. As far as she knew, Nash had given it to her. However, this car was not included in the divorce settlement, which had only specified a villa and four million dollars. Compared to Nash's assets, four million plus a villa was a mere trifle. It felt like charity, so naturally, she did not say
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