All Chapters of LOST WITHOUT YOU : Chapter 21 - Chapter 27
27 Chapters
CHAPTER TWENTY ONERosemarie’s Pov: Time seems to fly and I’ve been working all day, all week. My girls barely saw me and I hated it. My mum kept on complaining but I kept giving excuses to her even though I knew I couldn’t stop or else I’ll miss Anne and I’ll go back to depression. Weekend came and I decided to take my girls out for a picnic. I had realized I was a bad mom and I needed to create more time for them. I had packed up their favorite meal and we headed straight to the beach. I could see the joy in their faces as we drove off, I hadn’t had this amount of fun with them for a long time, I admitted. On getting to the beach they both told me that they wished Michael was there and I knew deep down I wanted him there but he had gone home to settle family matters and we awaited his return. We played a lot of games, we played hide and seek, built Sandcastles and played with other kids on the beach. At a point, I got tired and just watched them from afar as I rested on a b
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Michael’s Pov: It was all a lie , it was all a big fucking lie. If they had told me outside I wouldn’t have believed it but Marie was standing right in front of me and was telling me all the moments we shared when we were young were all a lie. She began to beg and say that our love wasn’t fake but mutual but my head couldn’t shake off the thought that woman I loved, the woman I was ready to spend my entire life with was actually a scam and had signed a contract behind my back with my mom when we were younger so she could heal me from depression. After blurting out everything ,I left her front immediately and headed for the car. I needed to breathe and think and I couldn’t do that with her in front of me. I saw an evil smirk at my mother’s face as I passed by and I shook my head with disappointment. She proceeded to say that she was right after all that she had always told me that Rosemarie was no good to me but only a walking shade of bad luck. As I got to my car, I zoomed of
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Rosemarie’s Pov: I felt a knot down my stomach when he said that statement. I couldn’t find myself to say anything so I just left quietly while closing the door behind me. As I got close to my allocated room, a tear threatened to fall off my face but I promised myself I won’t cry anymore and I’ll be fine either way with Michael’s decision. I couldn’t sleep a wink that night as I anticipated all through for the next morning. Morning came and I was being served eggs on toast for breakfast and was told to come down shortly after because the prince , Michael, had a short announcement to make. A dress was left for me by the bed and the maid left. I began to contemplate if I should go downstairs like they said or I should just lock myself all day and pretend nobody exists. The latter isn’t an option because I can’t just stay here while my girls miss me at home. I ate breakfast as fast as I could and headed downstairs slowly with anticipation to know my fate. As I climbed down the
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Michael’s POV: After the announcement, my father’s health deteriorated rapidly. Each passing day seemed to bring a new challenge, and the weight of responsibility pressed down on my shoulders with increasing force.The following week, he passed away, leaving me to bear the burden of leadership alone. In the wake of his death, my duties multiplied exponentially.Meetings, decrees, and endless administrative tasks consumed every waking moment. There was scarcely a moment to grieve, let alone to tend to my own needs or those of Rosemarie and the twins or Cara and my unborn child. I had intended to sit down with Rosemarie, to reassure her, to explain the complexities of the situation we found ourselves in.But time slipped through my fingers like grains of sand, and before I knew it, days had turned into weeks, and still, I had not found the opportunity to share my thoughts with her.The decision to publicly announce that Cara would remain my wife and that Rosemarie’s twins would be he
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Rosemarie’s POV: As Rosemarie’s heart shattered in the wake of the announcement, she found solace in the love she held for her twins.Despite the turmoil within her, she resolved to carry on with life as best she could.While the ache of longing for Michael never truly faded, she focused on cherishing the moments with her children and finding joy in their laughter and innocence.Returning home to her twins, Rosemarie was greeted with open arms and radiant smiles. The warmth of their embrace helped to ease the pain that weighed heavily on her heart.Though they asked for their father, she reassured them with a smile, promising that he would return soon. Weeks stretched into months, and still, Michael did not come back. The demands of his newfound responsibilities consumed him, leaving little time for anything else.Yet, despite his absence, he made sure to check in on Rosemarie and the twins at intervals, his messages serving as a lifeline amidst the chaos of his new life.In the qu
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Michael’s POV:Michael sat in stunned silence, the weight of the revelation crashing over him like a tidal wave. The secret he had kept buried for so long had finally come to light, and its implications were more profound than he could have ever imagined. As he absorbed the words of the letter, memories flooded back to him—memories of a summer long ago, when he was just a teenager and the forbidden romance he had shared with the maid who worked in his family’s home.He remembered the stolen glances exchanged in the hallways, the whispered promises made under the cover of night, and the reckless passion that had consumed them both. But most of all, he remembered the overwhelming guilt that had plagued him ever since, the guilt of betraying his family and the consequences of his actions. And now, all these years later, the maid had resurfaced, bearing not only the burden of their past but also the weight of a child—a child Michael had never known existed.As the truth settled in, Mi
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Rosemarie’s pov: As Rosemarie grappled with the shocking revelation about Michael’s past affair, she found herself trapped in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Each day, she struggled to maintain a façade of composure, hiding her seething resentment beneath a mask of civility. Yet, despite her efforts to distance herself, the weight of betrayal hung heavy in the air, poisoning every interaction between them.Haunted by the knowledge of Michael’s infidelity, Rosemarie couldn’t bear to look into his eyes without feeling a surge of anger and hurt. She wondered endlessly about Cara, the woman who had been wronged in ways she could scarcely imagine. What must Cara be feeling now, knowing the truth about her husband’s betrayal? Despite his attempts to bridge the growing chasm between them, Michael’s presence only served to exacerbate Rosemarie’s turmoil. Each visit he paid to see the twins became a torturous ordeal, as she struggled to maintain her façade of indifference in his p
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