Semua Bab Alpha's Silent Luna: Bab 31 - Bab 40
45 Bab
Chapter 31
StormieIf I had the time I'd take that whole bottle of whiskey and drown myself in it. Maybe after all this was done. I let the two drinks I had help numb enough of my feelings in order to focus on what needed to be done. Z, my uncle, was here to help. He wanted to save his people, our people. I looked down at the map looking at the points we'd set up. "How many fighters do you have?" I asked.It took him a minute to reply, but I knew he'd heard me. They all did and were watching me, waiting to see what I would do next. "I have 50," he replied softly.My brain had latched on to the things that I could that weren't attached to my emotions and I let myself focus on those and only those right now. "Can you get word to the pack members that still have loyalty to you? Have them secure their homes early and stay there until morning? We do not want more casualties than necessary. Your fighters, they know this land well?" I asked, the wheels in my head turning. I felt my brothe
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Chapter 32
TristanThe days seemed to pass by both way too quick and not quick enough. My mother was thrilled when I came home with a mate - until my father and I spoke to her alone and told her what was going on. Though she understood, she was still sad. Luckily, Stormie's parents made it in the next day after her father and I sent our warriors off to join the Elite. Sarah spent most of her time with my mother and her mate Aerick's mother- all three of them helping with preparing for the party.Cristella went straight home once we arrived and I hadn't seen her since. I had truly hoped she'd find her mate and settle down - far away from me. We had decided on the best way to make sure all the alphas were here and the invitations had gone out already. They'd all be arriving later this afternoon into tonight and we would have a more formal meeting. I should be thinking about how this is going to play out but all my thoughts are still with Stormie.In our call last night Arkin revealed to us
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Chapter 33
StormieThe day dawned with an overcast shadow. It was as if the sky reflected my feelings. I placed my muzzle on my brother's back and stared out the window until he began to stir. I climbed over both of them and headed for the bathroom to begin getting ready for the day.When I came out they'd both gone, most likely to get ready themselves. I braided my hair and pinned it tightly to my head before putting on my full gear. A few of us would be going in human form while the rest would be in their other form. I double checked all my knives and then threw on my sword and bow and arrow.I headed down to breakfast where all of the Elite were waiting, as well as the alpha, and the royal beta. They were already seated when I walked in but the minute my brothers spotted me they were up out of their seat headed to me, engulfing me in a big hug. I felt better today, having been able to process a little and push the rest aside for another day. Their presence though reminded me that no
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Chapter 34
Stormie Dawn was just breaking on the horizon when I threw myself into the previous alpha's chair, dressed in a large tshirt one of my brother's had thrown me. We'd all had our wounds checked and were anxious to call our dad and let him know we were good. Z walked over to the wet bar and poured us each a drink - me, my brothers and Alpha Fredrick. Our first toast went to those who didn't make it. We'd suffered 26 casualties who were currently being prepared to be sent back to their packs or prepared for burial here. I had thrown Kaden's head in a bag and then in a box to send with my uncle to the Tristan. The rest of the rogues and those from Blood Moon who had founght against us were being piled together on pyres for burning later. My uncle Z had already sent for the rest of his people and they would be here soon to help. He poured another round and this time his toast suprised us all. "To Stormie, Ella, for cementing victory on her 18th birthday. Tales of the white wolf
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Chapter 35
Arkin"Father," I answered the phone, watching Aerick lead Stormie away. I was worried about what would happen if he still turned out not to be her mate. But I had to let her go find out and I needed to handle things here. "Report," my father called out, worry lacing his voice even this early in the morning. It sounded like he'd been up for awhile, which is probably true as I doubt he even slept much last night. I could hear other voices in the background and asked him to put us on speaker phone as I did the same. I updated him on how many casualties. I let them know that we'd already prepped the bodies of all of the fallen and were sending them home already for burial. We'd all gotten our targets and would be bringing the heads tomorrow when Azaziel, Alpha Fredrick and I traveled to the royal pack. The rest of the Elite would remain here to watch over the pack temporarily. I didn't tell them that apparently Stormie had literally ripped Kaden's head off, but I'm sure they
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Chapter 36
StormieI slept the entire plane ride there and only woke when Aerick shook me. "Car's here for us. I've already talked to beta Anders, he won't talk," Aerick said helping me unbuckle my belt. I nodded in understanding and dragged myself behind my brother to the car. I dozed in the car too even thought the ride was short. The best thing though was climbing out of the car and into my mother's waiting embrace. She hugged both me and Aerick before quickly ushering us into the castle. The castle was bustling this afternoon as people moved around taking care of last minute things for the celebration tonight. Our mom stopped in front of a door and told Aerick "This is your temporary room as I'm sure once you get cleaned up you'll want to go see your mate. She's currently in the garden with the queen so you have time to clean up before seeing her. I left you some clothes in here and your suit will be delivered to your mate's room in a few hours," she said kissing his check and gri
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Chapter 37
Tristan We had been right to have the doors guarded. As soon as I began our meeting and told them that we'd attacked the rogues last night he had paled and tried to escape while the other alphas were loudly arguing. Alpha Adam had been hot on his heels and as soon as I spotted him near the door I'd called out to him, halting him in his tracks. The stiffness of his body and the look in his eyes like a wild animal caught in a trap were a dead give away. Alpha Adam had escorted him to the head of the table and stood nearby as I settled the other alphas and explained what was really going on. I could see Alpha Robert's desire to fight was begining to surface and so I quickly threw his charges out there and had them arrest him on the spot offically declaring him a traitor. While my guards were escorting him to the cells, I explained to the other alphas what had really gone on while I was tour minus all the extra stuff with Stormie. I passed around some of the proof that we'd gotte
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Chapter 38
StormieI was nervous to say the least, but something in me compelled me. I picked out a song the girls had played for me awhile back. It was from a girl group they liked and I fell in love with the song from the minute they played it. When I decided that I was going to sing I knew that this song would be perfect.I was so lucky my mom was on board with this and after helping me get ready went to go speak with the band before getting herself ready. My father would be returning soon to get ready and I was sure my brother and his mate were doing the same. I went over the song in my head and sang a few notes outloud. I loved to sing I just usually did it in my head where the only one to hear was me and my wolf. She was as nervous as I was about the whole mate thing, but I honestly felt that there could be no other man on this planet for me.My mother brought my cloak with her when she came back and told me that she had already sent my father, brother and sister in law ahead to the
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Chapter 39
TristanThe tempo started off slowly, drawing us all in. We keep behind closed doors, everytime I see you, I die a little more Stolen moments that we steal as the curtain falls It'll never be enough As you drive me to my house I can't stop these silent tears from rolling down You and I both have to hide on the outside where I can't be yours and you can't be mine But I know this we got a love that is hopelessI was enchanted, feeling as though the voice was reaching right inside my chest and gripping my heart. Then she let the cloak fall away and my breath was stolen in that moment. It was Stormie. I knew that the voice felt familiar but I'd never heard her sing. Hell most people here hadn't even heard her speak before. The room was silent as she continued, the song soft and drawing everyone in. I felt every word she sang.Why can't I hold you in the street Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor I wish that it could be like that Why can't it be like that Cause I
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Chapter 40
StormieMy mate. That was the only comprehensible thought in my mind. Mine. Tristan was mine. They cheered for us but all I could think of was how good he smelled and the feel of his arms around me. At some point I know that he walked me back to where his parents were waiting and mine joined us, my mom and his both crying. My father and Aerick both hugged me, both telling me how proud they were. Soon enough many others came up to where we were seated to offer congradulations. After thanking so many people who I knew I wouldn't remember, Tristan led me out onto the dance floor where he held me close as we danced for a few songs. I felt like I was in dream and I just knew I probably had a goofy grin on my face. Tristan leaned down and whispered in my ear,"I can't wait to get you alone Mate."I laughed in glee hearing those words from his mouth before whispering back "So why are we still here then?"In the next minute we were rushing through the crowd headed back to the castl
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