All Chapters of Her Second Chance Alpha: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
48 Chapters
Good morning?
His fingertips linger on the lines of my body as a growl escapes his throat."I want you!" There is no shadow of a human in his voice, everything is lost in the animalistic instincts that have taken over him. I can not resist it. In a way that I can not explain, my body's needs overcame any trace of doubt, logic, regrets. Everything. Leaving only a sense of desperation behind."Axel..." I whispered, my voice unrecognizable, even for myself.He rips the clothes off and the sound of the fabric being thorn into pieces around me makes me almost loose my mind. Axel's hands are terribly cold, but the feeling of them on my bare skin makes every inch burn.I try to unbutton his shirt, but my hands feel clumsy as my pants fall prey to his impatience. Axel turns me around, pressing his body against me from behind, grabbing my breast with one hand while the other makes its way in between my legs."You're so fucking wet!" He groans as his finger draws circles around my clitoris. I am frozen, caugh
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Leave, Rose!
"When I told you to go to your mate, I didn't expect you to be gone all night!" My mom's first words were after I entered the house. Axel's dad arrived to deal with the rogues and he had to hurry back to the pack after breakfast."I didn't either, mom. But I regret nothing!" I answer with a smile. I get that she is not happy and I should at least try to look sorry, but I can't wipe this smile off my face no matter how much I try. I am very much in love.As she could read that off my expression, she sighed."You are eighteen. You are not a child, Rose. I won't forbid you to see him or anything, because I know the relationships between werewolves are very much different than human ones. I also know very well how it feels to meet your mate. Even as a human it was..." She has a dreamy expression for a moment, before becoming serious again. "But exactly because I know all of this, I can give you some advice. Love and infatuation are two very different things that look very much alike. Mate
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Surrounded by wolves
The school was canceled for a few days as the pack healed itself. More than a few people died, so a series of funerals took place over the course of a week. Every day brought new dead bodies from the hospital, every day brought a new family's desperate cries. Even if I don't particularly care about the pack, this much sorrow is soul wrenching for anyone that has a heart."Rose, come help me with the pies!" My grandma shouted from the kitchen. We've been staying with her so we can help with the funeral preparations. It is quite different for werewolves, as they like to celebrate the life of the person rather than cry about their death. So everyone comes together, bringing their best dishes for a huge pack meal. The family and friends of the deceased tell stories about how kind, loving, funny, or whatever they were. People wear colorful clothes and there is music hiding the soft cries of the family.No matter how many I attend, it still surprises me to see the faked cheerfulness of the
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A rogue
It's the first day back to school and everyone is quiet in the hallway. As it's only pack members accepted here, no one dares to make a sound after the events of the last week. We all walk past each other, keeping our heads down.Even Caroline and her minions are in a corner, with empty expressions on their faces.I looked around for Axel, but he was nowhere to be seen. I am still a bit upset about everything so I didn't message him and he didn't reach out either. I started to grow more and more anxious over the weekend and I shoot him an 'How are you?' message, in the morning, but he didn't reply yet. A few members of neighborhood packs will come this week to discuss aid requests, so he may be busy, but still... it's been a bit long to forget about your mate.And by the end of the day, the only thing that changed was the color of the sky. Axel is still nowhere to be seen, the school is silent and I feel like the lump in my throat is only getting bigger.I look at the sky as I get out
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Inside the borders
"Sweetheart, the doctor should look at you." My mom kisses my forehead and pushes the cup of tea towards me."I just got scared, I don't need a doctor for that." I say as I push the cup away. Two is enough. How much can one drink?Axel is standing next to me, holding my hand, acting like if he takes it away, I will vanish. My grandma is just standing at his hide, staring at the future Alpha holding her half-human granddaughter. I hope she took her heart medication."If I hadn't gotten there in time..." Axel whispers, his voice breaking a little with every word."It wasn't aggressive. And it saved me..." I don't get to finish before he shakes his head."You don't know these bastards. If he saved you from one thing, it was only because he wanted to do something way worse to you." He comments, tightening his grip."It was your luck that the future Alpha was around, Rose. I don't know where your head was to go alone in that park." My grandma chimes in. I would roll my eyes, usually, but t
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Family love
For whatever reason from earlier, I am not afraid. And as I realize that, I also realize how dumb it sounds. I should be afraid! I should cry and scream and run for my life. If even a fraction of what I thought about rogues is true, any death would be kinder than one under this wolf's fangs.So why on earth do I get closer?"Hello..." I whisper, terrified more about the possibility of some pack member hearing me befriend a rogue than death. "Earlier... I didn't get to thank you... for, you know? Saving me? So... Thank you!"As I was talking, I didn't realize I approached it enough so that if I extended my hand I could touch it. The huge wolf tilts its head, half curious, half cautious. He seems like he’s checking my body."I’m not hurt. I'm Rose, by the way." I introduce myself, not really knowing what I was waiting for. It's not like he can answer like this or he would take his human form in the middle of hostile territory. Guessing my thoughts, a shimmer of amusement flashes in his
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I haven't been to the pack since the fight with my grandma and after my mom heard about the incident, she started to avoid her calls too. Not like anyone cares enough to try and call us. Even grandma gave up after the first two days. And I have to admit, it feels so liberating, I almost feel guilty about it.I wish I could enjoy the feeling, but the situation with Axel lives rent free in my head all day. I don't even know if he knows about the negotiations thing, or, if he knows; what he thinks about it. Endless possibilities with endless twists and turns make me stare at the phone for hours, wondering how should I even start this conversation.One year... A while ago, Axel asked me to give him one year and after that, we would live happily ever after. But with every day that passes, I realize I am no princess in a fairytale and no prince will come and save me. Or maybe I am the villain in the story?*Ring ring.*The phone buzzes in my hand, pulling me from the image of me as a very p
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The dream ends abruptly when my phone starts to ring next to my ear. I don't get to hear the rest of the story or even what she thinks I should do about it.BlackbloodThat is the only thing that I hear in the back of my mind as I open my eyes."Hey. You awake?" The familiar voice comes through when I answer and even though I am not too sure about our relationship, I can't deny that the sound of his voice gives me a sense of calm and peace that I came to crave like an addict."Why? Are all the other people from the pack are sleeping?" I admit that I can be a bit bitchy myself but at this point... can you really blame me?"Funny. Come downstairs if you are awake enough to make fun of your future Alpha."Now, this wakes me up pretty fast as I throw away the blanket and look down the window. Leaning on his car, with his killer smirk, he looks up at me.I throw a jacket on and go downstairs in my pajamas. Not because I got so excited about seeing him that I couldn't be bothered to change.
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"Not now..." I whined as the Moon Goddess looks at me with a smile."There are things that can not suffer delay, my child.""You gave me a mate that I can not possibly be with and in the rare moments I manage to sneak one moment of contempt with him, the fate of the world bangs at the door. It is a bit unfair, isn't it?" I continue to protest and she seems surprised. Truth be told, a normal werewolf would fall on their knees and consider themselves blessed to personally meet the goddess of night, but we are here exactly because I am not a normal one, right? I feel very little connection with that part of myself and I mostly begrudge her for putting all this pressure on me, knowing even if by some miracle I do save the packs from this danger, their pride will not let them acknowledge me anyway."I know it is... But..." She hesitates. "Because it is unfair for you to suffer this much... I want to keep you away from him. ""From Axel? My mate? The mate that you gave me?""Child..." She s
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Through his eyes
~Axel's perspective~“We would have to kiss for this to work.” I smirk, looking at my best friend’s face getting pale as a ghost. Caroline hates shows of affection just as she hates chocolate, flowers and anything else that makes life remotely better.“No, we don’t!”“Maybe even sleep together!” I continue to taunt her until she snaps and takes a swing at me.“You’re a pig!” She shouts and I make the mistake to laugh, granting me a punch in the gut. Goddess, she’s fast. I didn’t even see it coming.“Ok! Ok! No sleeping together! But we need to kiss once, Caroline. Or else no one would belive the fake relationship is real.”“Then we drop the plan entirely and you keep it in your pants by yourself!”That won’t work either. Last week I went to her as one of the girls I was sleeping with had a pregnancy scare. She was an Omega from a neighboring pack that I hooked up a few times during border patrol. If she would have been pregnant it would have been a disaster. An Omega Luna… Or a future
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