All Chapters of Unwanted daughter of cursed Alpha King : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
82 Chapters
What prophecy?
Aralyn’s POVI went to talk with Nethanaiah and Merlius and told them about my plans. They seemed to be displeased. “I knew that he would be the problem. I should have kicked him out of our home straightaway. No, I shouldn’t even allow him to get here. When you came with him and when I had the chance to kill him on the spot, I should have done it. It was so easy to shred him to pieces when he was unconscious. And I missed this perfect chance. Now that he hurt you, you are exposing yourself to danger to go to Wengarthria for revenge. It all could have been avoided if I killed him on the same day Meena brought him here.” Merlius said, while Meena winced firstly and then growled at him. Nethanaiah pushed him to the side. Nethanaiah’s POVI have ushered Merlius away from Aralyn. “Merlius, are you stupid? Don’t you see that Aralyn and Meena are not on the same page when it comes to this? Don’t you see that Aralyn struggles to accept the mate bond with Marcellus, unlike Meena? Although Ar
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In Lacrimavliah dungeons
Malleteagan‘s POV After we spent hours slaughtering the remaining demons of Sanguineabyss, we were knackered. The tide of Sanguineabyss’ blood-filled crater rose high. When the battle for Sanguineabyss started, our feet squealed with squelching sounds as we paced through the blood-soaked battleground. Blood was reaching our ankles at that point. Now, the influx of butchered troops of Wengarthrian demons and soldiers of alliance alike caused the tide of blood to rise to our knees and even higher when it comes to dwarves. No pun intended. Demons were unable to use their magic as enchanted twins made the Shield of Balance, and no one could break it. And their shield prevented and disabled the use of any form of magic. So, the remaining demons had to clash with us in face-to-face combat. And this was to our advantage, as there is no army as strong as my Lycan army. Not to mention that even without their magic, faes are terrific warriors as well. Dwarves, despite their small stature, are
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Once upon a time…
Trigger Warning: emotional abuse, offensive and derogatory language, insults, demeaning and humiliation Marcellus’ POVWhenever, Ezel, the Satan within me would fight for control and dominance, the spell they bound him with would drain more energy from me. We were also weakened by devilsbane and corpse flowers. This constant internal turmoil is taking a toll on my already weakened body. I feel knackered and incapacitated. And then, out of nowhere, I felt a sudden stab in my heart as if someone had driven a hot iron dagger through it. I knew that meant that Konneyard was under attack. Each blow and loss of each warrior weakened me even more than I already was. I felt like I was going to faint. Still, I did my best to hide the throbbing pain that was shattering me inside out from the prying eyes of Noosha, the bitch. “So, darling, I think it is time for us to share a proper momma and son moment. What do you think…son?” she said with cynicism oozing from every pore of her being. I met
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The battle for Konneyard
Malleteagan’s POVAlthough both Sanguineabyss and Konneyard were grounded on blood magic, unlike the crater-like build of Sanguineabyss, Konneyard is built like a prairie. Actually, when I think of it, it is more like a desolate, plain, barren landscape which oozes death and despair while blood trickles in torrents from the obsidian sky, soaking our tattered clothes. The ground beneath our feet is rusty-coloured, peculiar mixture of blood and dirt. We look like vultures covered with blood from head to toe. Blood occasionally drops into my mouth. Yuck. I don’t understand Kandreah. I have no clue how can he be so obsessed with something so gross. It has corroded, metallic, off taste. It irks my gagging reflex. I have to spit every now and then to get rid of its oxidised taste from my taste buds. I see all of the non-vampiric warriors doing the same thing. Gross.The sky above us is an anthracite horizon fused with thick layers of ruby clouds. Opaque, heavy fog merged with blood and blac
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Strike and destroy
Malleteagan’s POV “Kandreah, Thersar, shield!!! Now!!!” I quaked as I started to butcher through the throng of beasts before me. As on cue, they joined their hand and enchanted the battlefield. The pixelated freckles, which shone with an odd spark, were a mixture of obsidian and ivory fused together in an armour which encased the battlefield. Kandreah turned to me as soon as they completed the enchantment and spat: “Hey, backseat driver, get your ass off from your high horse. You are not our Alpha, Malleteagan, so watch your tone! We are not your puppy army, so don’t you think you can bark your orders to us! We did this for the sake of the army's salvation, but you are barking up the wrong tree if you think for a second that you can boss us around.” I mentally facepalmed myself. “Look, Kandreah. It is not the place or time for territorial pissings or your ego issues. I did it to save the soldiers and not to boss you around, so hold your fucking horses!!! Twat!!!” I turned away, sha
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Alpha, pick your battles wisely
Rowena’s POV I fell on my knees, clutching my head. I felt like my head was about to explode and split in two. I knew she was invading my mind. I saw Marlekeen follow my suit as she fell on her knees, too, writhing in visible pain. This happened each time when they used their mind-compelling abilities. And Marcellus was the worst and strongest among them. Luckily, he usually steered clear of me, as he knew that Noosha was controlling me, having my sisters as leverage to force me to fight for her cause. Luckily, Noosha and her children are the weakest telepaths in the family, so the pain I usually face when they control me is bearable. It is the basic mind-compelling ability of a deity. They would usually ask me to fortify it with my magic if they wanted it to be stronger. And even then, Noosha and her daughters are pretty limited in their ability to compel, unlike Marcellus. Well, at least, that is what I heard from those who were tortured by Marcellus. I have heard the rumours that
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Making or breaking moment
Rowena’s POV“Both of you traitors will pay for this. See you in Macabantra, you treacherous cunts!!!” Ramaalen said and disappeared in thin air and reappeared further away in Konneyard, far enough to keep herself safe yet close enough to see the battle's progress. She would still cast a bewildered gaze at Kandreah and Thersar occasionally. I was confused by that. She looked at them with the look of one who found their mate. Could it be? I cannot tell for sure, as Kandreah nor Thersar did not have a chance to catch a glimpse of Ramaleen. They were busy with the commotion of the battle and slaughter within the shield. When I think of the Sanguineabyss battle, they have not made eye contact with Ramaleen at that time either, as they were going through a lot of things with the prophecy. Had they made direct eye contact with her, I would have been able to confirm whether they were mates or not. Meanwhile, a horde of disoriented blood witches stood before me and Marlekeen. Some were sti
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Taming the Lycan King
Kandreah’s POV Quite an interesting turn of events unravelled right before our eyes and in the middle of the battle. It looks like Wengarthria suffered from a rebellion amongst their own forces. Wengarthrians are known for intrigues and backstabbing, but regardless of that, they are most known for fighting in unity whenever they are under attack. And that is one of their greatest strengths. No matter how much they hate each other’s guts in times of peace, they work together in times of war. As far as I know, this is the first time that their forces started to crumble inside due to unrest and rebellion among their own forces. And in the middle of the battle, not more or less. Wengarthria is Soovaree’s underworld subrealm, which has existed from the beginning of time, meaning that Wengarthrians had many battles under their belts. Right now, they are in the phase of imploding right in front of our eyes. This is a fantastic chance, and we must seize it for our own goals. But of course,
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My name is Erzelus
Erzelus POVI have seen a shitload of stupidities done by my human counterpart, the cold-blooded and unjustified murder of our mate was just one among many moronic blood-freezing moves he made, to say at least. Well, it is one of many, but it is probably the one that causes me the most of the pain. The bastard would always manage to take over the control of our body when he wanted to do something moronic and reckless. There were even times when motherfucker would summon my form but would smother my thoughts and take control of all the actions undertaken by our body. And I would have no say in those moments. I would be just a mute witness to his mania and idiocy.He would make me unable to overthrow his willpower, unable to control the actions of our body, although he was in Lycan form. One good example was when he mercilessly killed our mate, Larrisa, without an ounce of remorse. I had to watch it helplessly as if I was a pawn…as if I was a mute and disabled person brought to the cin
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One wrong move, little witch
Rowena’s POV“All right, little witch. You and your little gang of witches are allowed to fight side by side with us.” He said with a chortle as if he had heard the funniest joke ever. The next second, he straightened up his face and came closer to me while stomping over my still unconscious mate. Omar groaned and whimpered under the weight of Malleteagan’s body and the force of his impact. While still standing on the torso of my unconscious mate with one boot and hovering over his neck with the other, he faced me with fury etched on every feature of his face and tugged a handful of my braids. “..but, be sure, one wrong move, little witch…” he growled, inches away from my face, forcing me to look at his vile eyes.“… and I will snap the neck of your dear mate like a toothpick. And you know what? I will make you watch it. And that will be just the beginning of your torment…shall you or your witches dare to betray us, that is, of course. But none of you are that stupid, of course! Righ
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