All Chapters of How To Bag A Billionaire: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
90 Chapters
Chapter Thirty One
Alicia opened her eyes , peeking through the thick curtains she saw. It was still very dark , she grabbed her hand bag searching for her cellphone to check the time . Fishing it out she saw the time was 04: 01 .“Shit ” she muttered to herself now she couldn't sleep and would end up feeling exhausted throughout the day . Standing up from the bed she decided to go to the kitchen to get a glass of wine , it'll help her relax and hopefully fall asleep .She shrugged on the robe but decided to not wear it, dropping it in the bed before leaving the room in the short satin nightwear . She almost lost her way to the kitchen but finally found it , she headed to the wine cellar grabbing the first bottle she saw.She grabbed a wine glass from the cabinet , popping the wine open , she poured herself a glass and the bottle clicked against the glass cup. She lifted it to her lips to take a sip .“ Look what we have here ” Alexander's deep smooth voice startled her , it took all her will power to h
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Chapter Thirty Two
Alicia had to wear the same dress she had worn to the office the previous day. One of the maids had washed and ironed it before bringing it to her to wear .Alexander and Alicia also dropped Alexis in school . Alexander explained it was their routine and also a way to spend extra time together . Before getting down she gave them both a kiss which pleasantly surprised Alicia.And till now she could not get over that brief moment in the car , she was currently seated in her office swriling in her office chair imagining being Alexander's wife and Alexis her little girl and they lived happily ever after . When suddenly her door burst open . An angry Dimitri Valentino stood at the door “ what the he** Alica I've been trying to reach you . Why didn't you call me yesterday , I've been worried sick . I went to your apartment with no sign of you , I had to make my findings and I was told you were last seen getting in a car with your boss ” .The last statement sounded more like an accusation t
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Chapter Thirty Three
The next few working days passed in a blur , Alexander barely came to the office and Alicia gave most of her time to Dimitri who couldn't get enough of her attention. Currently they were on one of his private planes to Paris . Dimitri was busy typing away on his computer which Alicia noted is a habit of billionaires.She laid down on the plane bed sipping an ice cold margarita , watching legally blonde two on the TV in a soft blanket .“ Are you okay love ?” Dimitri asked, still focused on his computer . “ I'm perfectly fine ” .“ Where's the food you ordered , press the button by the window an attendant would come . Maybe she can explain the gold up with the food ” . Alicia did as he instructed and in a few seconds an attractive curvy red head appeared .“ How may I be of service ” she said with a perfect curtsy . “ My girlfriend ordered food. Can you find out what's holding it up? ” .“ Of course sir ”.Alicia wondered what Dimitri actually really saw in her because in all fairnes
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Chapter Thirty Four
They hit the city of Paris shopping at every store they ever dreamed of, especially at the most expensive streets starting from the one they were staying at which is 7th arrondissement street they shopped on every single shop . The driver had to go back to the hotel to drop shopping bags before they went back to the shop in more luxury shops like Galeries Lafayette Haussmann , Loui Viutton , Mac ,Loreal , Versace , Jimmy Cho buying clothes , shoes , bags , makeup , and skin care products.Exhausted, they called it a day, deciding to get some food . “ You know Sally , if someone had told me we'd be living this life a month ago I would have refused .But here we are ”.“ Here we are girll ” , she high-fived Alicia . “ I can eat a whole farm , I'm so hungry. Who knew we could get so tired of doing something we love so much. ”“ Exactly ”“Are we almost there yet ?” Alicia said, asking the driver .“ Yes ma'am , a minute away ” the man responded with a strong french accent . True to his
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Chapter Thirty Five
Alicia kissed him back thoroughly enjoying the kiss . “ Dimitri ” she moaned into the kiss . He broke the kiss moving to kiss her exposed neck and chest making her moan even more.Alicia had her fingers in his full thick hair , she felt his hand removing the straps of his night wear. “ Dimitri I ….” he stopped the flow of words by kissing her . By the time he pulled back she felt the cool air caress her almost naked body shuddering slightly . Dimitri didn't miss her reaction. He used his hands to warm her body “ you're so beautiful Alicia , so beautiful ” he said darkly .He turned their position making her lay under him kissing from her neck down to her belly button , earning soft moans of approval from Alicia .Alicia was already anticipating more but he stopped suddenly . Alicia's eyes flew open “ Dimitri why did you stop ” .“ Because as much as I want to, I wouldn't know if you want to wait. Your reasons are best known to you but I'll wait till you're sure you're ready ”.“ Tha
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Chapter Thirty Six
Now back in Los Angeles from Paris , despite Dimitri's incessant begging Alicia insisted that her apartment is safe because the stalker has been arrested.So she returns back to her apartment but not without four body guards courtesy of Dimitri who insisted on it for the sake of safety . Now back inside her apartment , Alicia dumped her luggage on the floor and there was still alot more on the living room couches .She took in an audible breath feeling somewhat satisfied at her life , finally she had her own personal billionaire who treats her like a queen ( for now ) a nagging voice in her head said , she reached for her cellphone scrolling through her social media accounts to see that she had about 4 million new followers .I better get a social media account manager I don't think I'll be able to handle this all myself . I could actually just quit my job now and become a social media influencer . She thought to herself but she quickly dismissed the thought because that meant she w
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Chapter Thirty Seven
“ Alicia my Dad has cancer ” Alicia gasped , her throat felt completely dry she felt hurt that Sally never mentioned this .“ But he is fast recovering ” Sally quickly said . “ Sally I feel so sorry I didn't know , I'm a horrible friend . I'm so sorry I'm glad he is recovering but how did you even settle the medical bills and all why didn't you tell me at least?”“ I'm sorry too I know I should have told you , but I really just needed to process it myself . And how I paid the bills is a totally didn't story I stole company funds apbd settled the bills then my boss Kalum found out about it and I had to pay him back ”“ What ” Alicia gasped . “ Okay but how did you get the money to pay him back , girl you could have asked me I would have paid it all in a heartbeat . I feel kind of really hurt you didn't let me know for real we're literally sisters”.“ I'm really sorry Alicia I just felt I owed it to my Dad to pay myself since he blew all his life savings on freeing me from the mafia aft
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Chapter Thirty Eight
Alicia and Sally got out of the house a good one hour thirty minutes before they needed to each report work . Alicia drove to her office and waited for her outside for moral support as she went in to clear her desk and tender her resignation letter.Sally went upstairs and finally reached his office , she started to knock but developed cold feet about it . She turned away to her office but remembered the whole ordeal again .With her new found courage she marched to his office and knocked . “ Come in ” he said , with her slightly shaking hands . “ Good morning sir , I've come to tender in my resignation letter ”.Kalum raised his head up from his computer “ Resignation letter ?” His voice showing a hint of surprise and shock which he so desperately tried to hold back. Sally dropped the typed letter on his table and without a word she went out of his office to clear her desk quickly wiping away the lone tear that escaped her eyes.She took an empty carton box , looking around her off
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Chapter Thirty Nine
The rest of the meetings passed in blur for Alicia and finally the close of work came , worried about her friend Sally Alicia hurried home to her . Dimitri had also called earlier reminding her about their date this evening maybe he'd also mention the family dinner she thought to herself.She enters the house to find Sally fast asleep and an open bottle of wine beside the bed on the lamp stand . Her heart broke for her friend, she wondered why they were hardly lucky with men .Her phone rang on cue , she feared the sound would startle Sally who was fast asleep but she didn't even move an inch ,“Hello Dimitri ” she said in a slightly hushed tone .“ I'm on my way to your place , please be ready darling and it's very casual we'll have dinner at my place . I'll be there in let's say about fifteen minutes”.“ Alright I'll be ready on time , see you soon ”.Dimitri blew her a kiss earning a giggle from her before she put the call off and with the speed of lightning she took a very quick sh
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Chapter 40
Alicia was woken up by her alarm with a slight headache. She looked at the digital alarm that flashed 7:00 am in bright red colors . Running her fingers through her hair she massaged her scalp a bit trying to ease the headache .She dragged herself from the bed to the bathroom brushing her teeth and hoping a cold shower would help how she felt , this is exactly why she hates to drink alcohol. The cold shower helped but she had a slight problem , she didn't use a shower cap so now her hair hung limp on her .Alicia blow dried her hair quickly , then picked a designer well fitted gray suit pairing it with a white camisole and white pencil heels . She grabbed her designer leather bag . Noticing she had a little dark circles she covered it up with some concealer and setting powder then did a light makeup routine .Satisfied with her look Alicia picked up her keys from the table where she had dumped them the day before , “ you're awake ” she said to Sally . “ Of course I'm awake. I need t
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